We have also something can be proud of here on G.C.
Not only a capture but also release by police into park again
WARNIG! It is known to snack on kiters, then grow even bigger
So 4 meters long python in my garden looks like harmful pet now.?
Came to say hello one night! Caught it next day and relocated it! It is an olive python, according to some locals, just a baby???? Was about 3 meters!
things getting more interesting every day
and also bigger
another catch and release today on GC
Great white snap / or photo shop / or are the crowds up your way
all relative to scale / and the size of that wave / and the history of attacks at that location / still looks like a solid beast in the line up
SA GREAT........ snap. but just what you don't need to see at your local , after a sweet / frothing drive
So did you paddle out
That's a pretty staunch land based noah!! Clearly he was targeting one but usually you get smoked at that size
The little bronzie in the wave is pretty harmless