Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by Craig66 > 9 months ago, 22 Jun 2019
NSW, 2460 posts
22 Jun 2019 3:23PM
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When Izzy wins a $5 mill + court payout from Rugby Australia will he pay me back the donation I have made to help him in his time of need?

WA, 1363 posts
22 Jun 2019 2:53PM
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I personally think Izzy has gone around it the wrong way. He has his go-fund page next to kids dieing of cancer etc requesting $3m to fight Rugby Australia.

He should be asking for backers like a business. If he wins (which he will, cuz you cant discriminate against religious views) then he is in for a monster payout. Superstar, at he peak, loss of lifetime earning has a huge potential. Therefore I would contribute a share knowing Ill get 1.5x back. Izzy would still be way better of as he would have to pay back $4.5m after his win but would easy take $10m.

Where as now his page has a millionaire sportsman begging for cash against cancer kids, I recon he will struggle to make his $3m needed and therefore may never win in court.

My way would be a win win for all.

NSW, 1737 posts
22 Jun 2019 5:45PM
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Israel Folau appears to have lied as he made an agreement with Rugby Australia last year after his initial comments were made, that he would refrain from doing so, but has since reiterated the same comments recently.

Since "Liars" was also included as a category that would go to hell, he shall be destined to the same fate.

NSW, 2460 posts
22 Jun 2019 6:29PM
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albers said..
Israel Folau appears to have lied as he made an agreement with Rugby Australia last year after his initial comments were made, that he would refrain from doing so, but has since reiterated the same comments recently.

Since "Liars" was also included as a category that would go to hell, he shall be destined to the same fate.

As is "thieves"
it's a fine line his walking

ps I'll be going to you know where

NSW, 5780 posts
22 Jun 2019 6:56PM
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Craig66 said..
When Izzy wins a $5 mill + court payout from Rugby Australia will he pay me back the donation I have made to help him in his time of need?

You gave him money, or you taking the piss...?

I have to ask, because most football fans I've come across are retarded....

And when i say most, i mean all

NSW, 2460 posts
22 Jun 2019 7:16PM
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theDoctor said..

Craig66 said..
When Izzy wins a $5 mill + court payout from Rugby Australia will he pay me back the donation I have made to help him in his time of need?

You gave him money, or you taking the piss...?

I have to ask, because most football fans I've come across are retarded....

And when i say most, i mean all

Don't worry Doc, it's a safe bet I'll get back exactly what I put in, to the cent

Ps. Thanks for thinking I'm a retard, many think I am

10979 posts
22 Jun 2019 5:30PM
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I thought it was Odd that he left greed and gluttony off his list originally.

Now we know why, and hypocrisy as well.

QLD, 21900 posts
23 Jun 2019 6:46AM
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In the private sector you do something that seriously harms the companies brand you will more than likely get fired ,if not a final warning ,do it again and your gone.

No doubt a gifted sportsman but dumb as.I mean look at us hard working Australians non of us will ever see this sort of money he was getting paid to play a game and he blow it.What a wanker!

Mr Milk
NSW, 3004 posts
23 Jun 2019 9:26AM
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I wonder if the ATO will be able to collect a chunk of the proceeds. One person gives you a gift and you're lucky. But if you actively solicit a large number of donations it looks like you're carrying on a business.

TAS, 979 posts
23 Jun 2019 12:18PM
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I donated to Izzy's fund. I will not make an argument about it. Simply giving to Izzy will be enough to get a few people excited.

I also voted for Pauline in the senate.

Fire away.


WA, 705 posts
23 Jun 2019 10:47AM
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I just want Raelene Castle to shut her virtuous trap.

11206 posts
23 Jun 2019 11:32AM
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Craig66 said..Ps. Thanks for thinking I'm a retard, many think I am

Only a fair dinkum retard would thank someone for calling them a retard....LOL

Please, don't thank me for that....

NSW, 2460 posts
23 Jun 2019 2:37PM
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Adriano said..

Craig66 said..Ps. Thanks for thinking I'm a retard, many think I am

Only a fair dinkum retard would thank someone for calling them a retard....LOL

Please, don't thank me for that....


WA, 2940 posts
23 Jun 2019 12:55PM
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but this whole thing isn't about his beliefs. It's about him breaching his contract with RA . Why should this overpaid athlete get any different treatment than what a normal person would if they did the same thing in their workplace and got the sack for the right reasons. Wish everyone would drop the religious avenue , got nothing to do with religion

TAS, 979 posts
23 Jun 2019 9:49PM
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dusta said..
but this whole thing isn't about his beliefs. It's about him breaching his contract with RA . Why should this overpaid athlete get any different treatment than what a normal person would if they did the same thing in their workplace and got the sack for the right reasons. Wish everyone would drop the religious avenue , got nothing to do with religion

You're right that it isn't specifically about religion- it is about free speech.

If someone's social media account is now seen as their "workplace", we should all be very worried.


NSW, 2460 posts
23 Jun 2019 10:03PM
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Your way behind the times, for many years employers have been able and do make work place decisions on employees social media accounts.

If you don't believe that is the case, just call in sick tomorrow, post photos at 9am of you out fishing, and more at 3pm of you at the pub drinking with your mates.

You are accountable 24/7 For your actions if it impacts your work place.

ps go the Qantas Blues

QLD, 3779 posts
23 Jun 2019 10:08PM
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Foghorn said..
I just want Raelene Castle to shut her virtuous trap.

I think she will have all but destroyed Rugby Australia by the time she is through. Financially and at a junior level which is basically being kept alive by the Pacific Islander community who see a clear seperation between church and the game, making them choose one or the other won't go well for rugby.

2129 posts
24 Jun 2019 2:57AM
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85 posts
24 Jun 2019 9:25AM
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Hi Go Fund Me page has been removed for breaching their terms and conditions, namely
"According to the terms and conditions on the website, users may not attempt to raise money "for the legal defence of . intolerance of any kind relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender or gender identity, or serious disabilities or diseases".
If anyone here has worked for government, you can be sacked for online activity detrimental to your employer. As others have stated, it is nothing new. Unfortunately, Israel is a stupid footballer who has been conned by religious nuts keen to have his financial input into their church. Religion is organized crime and interprets that great work of fiction, the bible, to meet it's own ends and agendas. There is no heaven and there is no hell. You live, you die. You don't go and live on a cloud in eternal bliss with other non-sinners. Who would want to anyway?

QLD, 3779 posts
24 Jun 2019 11:41AM
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tangohotel said..
Hi Go Fund Me page has been removed for breaching their terms and conditions, namely
"According to the terms and conditions on the website, users may not attempt to raise money "for the legal defence of . intolerance of any kind relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender or gender identity, or serious disabilities or diseases".
If anyone here has worked for government, you can be sacked for online activity detrimental to your employer. As others have stated, it is nothing new. Unfortunately, Israel is a stupid footballer who has been conned by religious nuts keen to have his financial input into their church. Religion is organized crime and interprets that great work of fiction, the bible, to meet it's own ends and agendas. There is no heaven and there is no hell. You live, you die. You don't go and live on a cloud in eternal bliss with other non-sinners. Who would want to anyway?

So you have just vilified religious people with terms like "religious nuts and organised crime" via and online forum, I guess you should lose your job by your own standards, I wonder will you live by your principals and fire yourself.

Mr Milk
NSW, 3004 posts
24 Jun 2019 11:46AM
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Why? Who does he work for? A church?

11206 posts
24 Jun 2019 10:15AM
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tangohotel said..
Hi Go Fund Me page has been removed for breaching their terms and conditions, namely
"According to the terms and conditions on the website, users may not attempt to raise money "for the legal defence of . intolerance of any kind relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender or gender identity, or serious disabilities or diseases".
If anyone here has worked for government, you can be sacked for online activity detrimental to your employer. As others have stated, it is nothing new. Unfortunately, Israel is a stupid footballer who has been conned by religious nuts keen to have his financial input into their church. Religion is organized crime and interprets that great work of fiction, the bible, to meet it's own ends and agendas. There is no heaven and there is no hell. You live, you die. You don't go and live on a cloud in eternal bliss with other non-sinners. Who would want to anyway?

Yep. Only one way to deal with bigoted hatred sometimes - don't sponsor it.

Good work GoFundMe. Solid.

85 posts
24 Jun 2019 10:33AM
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cammd said..

tangohotel said..
Hi Go Fund Me page has been removed for breaching their terms and conditions, namely
"According to the terms and conditions on the website, users may not attempt to raise money "for the legal defence of . intolerance of any kind relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender or gender identity, or serious disabilities or diseases".
If anyone here has worked for government, you can be sacked for online activity detrimental to your employer. As others have stated, it is nothing new. Unfortunately, Israel is a stupid footballer who has been conned by religious nuts keen to have his financial input into their church. Religion is organized crime and interprets that great work of fiction, the bible, to meet it's own ends and agendas. There is no heaven and there is no hell. You live, you die. You don't go and live on a cloud in eternal bliss with other non-sinners. Who would want to anyway?

So you have just vilified religious people with terms like "religious nuts and organised crime" via and online forum, I guess you should lose your job by your own standards, I wonder will you live by your principals and fire yourself.

How do you know what my job is and if what I post online is of importance? Not all businesses have that clause in their employment contracts. Mine certainly doesn't but when I worked for government I did so could be sacked for posting things detrimental to my employer. Religion is organized crime. Any organization that promises salvation of your soul for the small fee of 10% of your pre-tax wage is behaving in an extortionate manner, much like organized crime. It is fiction peddled to the most vulnerable in society or those indoctrinated from birth. My opinion of course, which I believe I am allowed to have and express? Aren't I?

WA, 705 posts
24 Jun 2019 10:59AM
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Do we live in China now?

QLD, 3779 posts
24 Jun 2019 12:59PM
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I don't know what your job is, the point was more directed at what you posted could offend people, essentially the same thing Folau did. I don't think you should lose your job for that, I think you should be allowed to express an opinion even if people find it offensive. If you want to knock Christians you should have that right, if you think what they believe is fake you be free to express that as a private citizen and no employer should inhibit that right. Everyone should have that right, not just he politically correct

11206 posts
24 Jun 2019 11:05AM
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You still don't get it cammd.

People are free to express themselves, but within limits. This doesn't mean free speech doesn't exist. It just sets reasonable boundaries in certain circumstances.

If you sign a work contract explicitly stating what is not acceptable and you breach that - it's your fault. If you discriminate based on race or gender or religion in hiring somebody, that's also prohibited.

Anyone not in the above categories is free to say pretty much anything.....

Falau is an idiot and I do hope his case goes right to the top to set an example to other people who don't understand the difference between free speech and hate speech.

WA, 1916 posts
24 Jun 2019 12:02PM
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I reckon he could win a court case based on free speech, but rugby Australia will then just counter sue for damages, and they will be all square in the end. That is, they will both lose a sh!te load of money to legal bills and lose any reputation they had.

WA, 1916 posts
24 Jun 2019 12:04PM
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tangohotel said..
His Go Fund Me page has been removed for breaching their terms and conditions, namely
"According to the terms and conditions on the website, users may not attempt to raise money "for the legal defence of . intolerance of any kind relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender or gender identity, or serious disabilities or diseases".
If anyone here has worked for government, you can be sacked for online activity detrimental to your employer. As others have stated, it is nothing new. Unfortunately, Israel is a stupid footballer who has been conned by religious nuts keen to have his financial input into their church. Religion is organized crime and interprets that great work of fiction, the bible, to meet it's own ends and agendas. There is no heaven and there is no hell. You live, you die. You don't go and live on a cloud in eternal bliss with other non-sinners. Who would want to anyway?


11206 posts
24 Jun 2019 1:05PM
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Poida said..I reckon he could win a court case based on free speech

Haha. Based on what law? He's in NSW. There is no such law. He'd lose big time - even worse than his current 'religion' angle.

There is also no Commonwealth legislation enshrining a general right to freedom of expression. The High Court has inferred a freedom of political communication primarily from sections 7 and 24 of the Constitution.*


NSW, 9029 posts
24 Jun 2019 3:22PM
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tangohotel said..
Religion is organized crime. Any organization that promises salvation of your soul for the small fee of 10% of your pre-tax wage is behaving in an extortionate manner, much like organized crime. It is fiction peddled to the most vulnerable in society or those indoctrinated from birth. My opinion of course, which I believe I am allowed to have and express? Aren't I?

I think you mixed up churches with the State. However in to be fair to churches, the State takes around 40% of your wealth whether you like or not in return for a promise to look after you if you need help. However half the time it breaks that promise. Meanwhile those running it are doing quite alright. They never miss out.

I have heard the State is a mafia pretending to be a humanitarian organisation.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
24 Jun 2019 3:23PM
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It's all just window dressing, he sold his rights to "free speech" by signing a RA contract .................. and then he breached it because he believes he is bigger than the game and bigger than the law

It sickens me that the man can have so much money and yet attempt to crowdsource funds for a legal battle when so many other much more worthy individuals deserve a few crowdsourced dollars, what a joke!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Izzy" started by Craig66