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Jet surf, do you want one?

Created by paddymac > 9 months ago, 12 Apr 2013
WA, 936 posts
12 Apr 2013 12:16PM
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Look like fun to me.

NSW, 4453 posts
12 Apr 2013 2:23PM
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Do they sell an electric version?
What about diesel?

WA, 6913 posts
12 Apr 2013 12:56PM
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Something to upset the 666's

Could be fun..

WA, 3519 posts
12 Apr 2013 1:07PM
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Hey Paddy, yes I want one! Have PM my delivery address to you! When can I expect to get it?

WA, 936 posts
12 Apr 2013 1:19PM
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felixdcat said...
Hey Paddy, yes I want one! Have PM my delivery address to you! When can I expect to get it?

FElexdCAT hello. I am having sent this one Jet Serf to u and should arrive verry soon but i have accidentally left $400 extra in packet. If u please could wire my Western Union account $400 thanKyou I will send you one xtra Jet Serf free.


WA, 2775 posts
12 Apr 2013 1:26PM
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Well that took a long time to take off..........

I had a ride on something kinda similar at City Beach in the late 1960s

Cant give you tech. spec's though- I was pre-kindy at the time.

Dad and his cohorts in the surf club most likely cobbled it up over a keg or two.
I have a vague idea it was a plywood longboard [hollow], and remember my Dad, Mickle and others taking a few of us tackers for rides.


NSW, 4188 posts
12 Apr 2013 4:57PM
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Because that's what surf breaks need, more kooks going faster...

Don't get me wrong in the right conditions they will be fun and useful, just not in any vaguely populated areas.

I hope these things stay expensive and/or they go the way of the jet ski

NSW, 1143 posts
12 Apr 2013 5:09PM
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There is no place for anything like this at a surf spot. Full stop.

NSW, 1143 posts
12 Apr 2013 5:25PM
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Actually not just surf spots. Any where!

The noise of jet skis is insulting enough.

Was fishing the other day and lebs just kept blasting past,

Do anything you want just don't screw up other people's activities.

NSW, 1143 posts
12 Apr 2013 5:31PM
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Kai, lost a lot of respect.

Jamie obrien, you kidding mate, hope the cheques in the mail.

Best quote " you have to know your right times on the wave to do a trick..if you wanna go faster to hit a jump. broooom this is it"

oz surf
WA, 407 posts
12 Apr 2013 4:02PM
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Where the hell is surfing going? What with Sups ,Go Pros now these ****ter things.
Its certainly loosing its soul. It used to be about riding a wave and enjoying the freedom. It was for me anyway

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
12 Apr 2013 7:23PM
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LOL feel the love

I reckon it looks good, way better than the 20 other variations of this theme - smaller, lighter, more like surfing. Powerful for a tiny motor. Only for use with no-one in earshot tho.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
12 Apr 2013 7:26PM
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DunkO said...
... lebs just kept blasting past...

Was it more annoying because they were lebs? Or are lebs known to be particularly bad jet-ski riders in your area?

QLD, 825 posts
12 Apr 2013 7:42PM
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Some of you guys have zero going on upstairs.

Do you think some surfing professional will be winning events in this - I don't think so. They use surfboards's

If my back was any good I would own one in a heartbeat. It look's wicked.
The only reason I never took up surfing was the whole dangling my legs in the water and swimming out to a good set.

NSW, 1143 posts
12 Apr 2013 7:42PM
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kiteboy dave said...
DunkO said...
... lebs just kept blasting past...

Was it more annoying because they were lebs? Or are lebs known to be particularly bad jet-ski riders in your area?

No, just factual, all water ski riders are lebaness in botany, I often like them when it's windy something to try forwards over. Wrx's on water. Broooom broom.

If its any better I hate the yobbo red necks at black smith on the central coats that ran into me while body surfing in the the shorie and to the clubbies that did nothing f you.

NSW, 1143 posts
12 Apr 2013 7:43PM
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youngbull said...
Some of you guys have zero going on upstairs.

Do you think some surfing professional will be winning events in this - I don't think so. They use surfboards's

If my back was any good I would own one in a heartbeat. It look's wicked.
The only reason I never took up surfing was the whole dangling my legs in the water and swimming out to a good set.

That's cool your a queenslander ai.

QLD, 825 posts
12 Apr 2013 7:46PM
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See my previous post, first line. Ai

NSW, 1143 posts
12 Apr 2013 7:55PM
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Nah I think you should get one, head out to snapper, you'll get heaps of wave.
Do it i the morning when it's nice and calm and the water is smooth so it doesn't hurt your knees.

QLD, 825 posts
12 Apr 2013 7:59PM
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Repeat and rinse....

Repeat and rinse.........

Repeat and rinse............... in the forum way.

WA, 2775 posts
12 Apr 2013 6:10PM
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I just spoke with my Dad,
The board at City Beach was designed and built by one of the City Beach Surf Life Saving Club members [ nicknamed "Budgie"] who was an engineer at the University of W.A.

As the bloke lives in Triggs [we think], someone here might know him- if you are interested in salvaging old history- P.M. me to confirm his name.

Dad reckons it was great fun- but it had a habit of taking in water through the air inlet and messing with the engine.
Not sure if that problem ever got solved.


QLD, 1458 posts
12 Apr 2013 9:07PM
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Somebody just rubbished Sups once again. The day will come for all of you when age kicks in and you just love surfing so much but your hips or something is buggered and you'll do anything just to stay in the water and catch a wave. Show some respect for those of us who have done it all for the last 50 years and brought
you to the point were at today. I know so some a'holes either stand ups and board riders don't do the right thing but were not all like that. If you have problems with crowds and lots of different surf craft or individuals then maybe it's time to find a new sport cause it aint going to get any better. Surf rage has no place out in the ocean. The ocean feels your vibes, will remember and one day will get you.
And yes, ban jet powered craft from the waves. That would be like cyclists on steroids.

NSW, 6451 posts
12 Apr 2013 9:33PM
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But untill we are old and broken,,,,SUP's suck.
All in good fun Rockmagnet,,,,,, Plenty of young crew SUP as well,,,,its not just for the elderly pensioners,,,,,,thats what windsurfing is for.LOL

Im trying hard to beat mark for red thumbs,,,but, damn its nearly unacheivable, he is the RTL...(Red Thumb Legend).

NSW, 4188 posts
12 Apr 2013 10:18PM
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kiteboy dave said...
DunkO said...
... lebs just kept blasting past...

Was it more annoying because they were lebs? Or are lebs known to be particularly bad jet-ski riders in your area?

How soon we forget.

It surprises me we don't see this more often, or swimmers run over, as the average IQ of the jetski drivers at Botany seems to be around about their shoe size

NSW, 1143 posts
12 Apr 2013 10:35PM
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kiteboy dave said...
DunkO said...
... lebs just kept blasting past...

Was it more annoying because they were lebs? Or are lebs known to be particularly bad jet-ski riders in your area?

I never said they were bad riders, they were riding awesome. About as awesome as the dudes in that vid.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
12 Apr 2013 10:57PM
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I had just watched this vid before I commented.
And was kind of inspired that people of all colours were saying 'this is not our australia' (as well as 'shutup you racist btch' and I guess the casual "them & us" attitude rubbed me the wrong way. I mean are they from Lebanon? Did they flash a birth certificate on the way past? Or do they just have dark features. Where they born here do you think, wouldn't that make them aussies not lebs, chows or whatever? "Fkwit jet skiers" would have painted the picture.

NSW, 1143 posts
12 Apr 2013 11:10PM
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kiteboy dave said...
I had just watched this vid before I commented.
And was kind of inspired that people of all colours were saying 'this is not our australia' (as well as 'shutup you racist btch' and I guess the casual "them & us" attitude rubbed me the wrong way. I mean are they from Lebanon? Did they flash a birth certificate on the way past? Or do they just have dark features. Where they born here do you think, wouldn't that make them aussies not lebs, chows or whatever? "Fkwit jet skiers" would have painted the picture.

I understand your sentiments but I don't make any apologies, they were lebs as much as I'm a skippy. They would not have been insulted by being called lebs so don't be insulted and over sensitive on Thier behalf. In the bay they are all of a certain ethnic back ground just the reality.

WA, 500 posts
13 Apr 2013 9:16AM
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DunkO said...
kiteboy dave said...
I had just watched this vid before I commented.
And was kind of inspired that people of all colours were saying 'this is not our australia' (as well as 'shutup you racist btch' and I guess the casual "them & us" attitude rubbed me the wrong way. I mean are they from Lebanon? Did they flash a birth certificate on the way past? Or do they just have dark features. Where they born here do you think, wouldn't that make them aussies not lebs, chows or whatever? "Fkwit jet skiers" would have painted the picture.

I understand your sentiments but I don't make any apologies, they were lebs as much as I'm a skippy. They would not have been insulted by being called lebs so don't be insulted and over sensitive on Thier behalf. In the bay they are all of a certain ethnic back ground just the reality.

Yeah but who cares? Really? Where someone is from? It's irrelevance is phenominal.

NSW, 74 posts
13 Apr 2013 1:27PM
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GalahOnTheBay said...
kiteboy dave said...
DunkO said...
... lebs just kept blasting past...

Was it more annoying because they were lebs? Or are lebs known to be particularly bad jet-ski riders in your area?

How soon we forget.

It surprises me we don't see this more often, or swimmers run over, as the average IQ of the jetski drivers at Botany seems to be around about their shoe size

Yeah, I felt like I was playing chicken with three of them a few weeks ago. They have no idea, the last one only pulled off 15-20m from me after his friend yelled at him to give way... Wind was light and I didn't want to lose ground so I was trying to hold my line...

p.s. the Jet Surf looks awesome... until the dip sh!t crew who will inevitably buy them come along and drive like, well, dip sh!ts...

SA, 171 posts
14 Apr 2013 10:50AM
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Save the World get the eco friendly version buy a kite :)

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
16 Apr 2013 10:23AM
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Speaking in his Bugle podcast, uploaded yesterday, Oliver described Australia as “a coastal paradise surrounding a rocky hell”. He said: “Australia turns out to be a sensational place, albeit one of the most comfortably racist places I've ever been in. They've really settled into their intolerance like an old resentful slipper.
“You can say what you like about Australian racism, it is undeniably specific. I had a couple of Australians – more than one – complain to me about all the 'Lebbos' in the country, referring apparently to the Lebanese. Who the **** is annoyed by Lebanese people?
“In a way you have to admire the attention to detail. Not just all those Arabs, but the Lebanese. That's like saying 'You know who I can't stand? Sri Lankans. Malaysians not a problem.Bangladeshis, lovely people, but Sri Lankans – I've got no time for them, Jose.'
“How many Lebanese people can there actually be in Australia? There's only just over four million of these people in ****ing Lebanon.
“The one thing Australia cannot argue is: there's no room here in this country because that land is ****ing gigantic. That aside, fantastic place, can't wait to go back.”

NSW, 1575 posts
16 Apr 2013 10:47PM
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I have seen a hollow aluminium board with a small petrol powered jet engine in it & it was built in the 1950& used as a rescue board in Hawaii I think it only had a limited run time using the air in the board so it never took off.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Jet surf, do you want one?" started by paddymac