Running low on the greens Love the taste of dead animals Allways frothin out mouth for a good steak. Pls convert me. looks a bit under cooked Like my baby cows..
Buster you must be stoked now that your Grinder profile matches your Seabreeze profile,.. they both state how frothing you are to get a mouthful of meat.
Vegans are now slightly less popular than Hitler atm.
They are really just grumpy insecure people who are upset KFC no longer does all you can eat.
Sure. Gorillas eat plants. Whales and dolphins eat only meat. Humans eat both plants and meat. That's natural. Vegetarian humans is not really "natural", it's a conscious choice we make because we can break from evolutionary traits.
Oh is it now.....sure let's throw a million years of evolution out the window and rewrite our understanding of human history.
Actually let's keep it more compact and focus on the last 50,000 years in Australia.
Edit: modern vegetarian and vegan diets only work because we can artificially load up on essentials like B12. In our natural tribal and primordial evolutionary stage before modern food production, trying to be vegetarian would have killed us quickly through a lack of essential nutrients. Tribal humans understood this very well, and our own Aboriginal Australian knows very well how important food was, including treating food as medicinal. Shellfish, meat and grubs for example was a major source of B12.
Explain how an Aboriginal Australia would get Vitamin B12 in a "natural" pre-European environment without any animal products.
I just explained, through a modern artificially pumped up "fortified" foods production system. How else do you get things like Vitamin B12 - especially if vegan?
Mushrooms contain bio-available B12
I don't think were steering buster on the right path for vegan righteousness
Has anyone actually given it a go ?
The closest I came to death was living with 4 passionate vegetarians who tried to convert me - lasted only 3 weeks before I jumped in the car and flew to McCrap for salvation, by far the best quarter pounder I'd ever eaten.
There is definitely the psychological humbleness of eating raw plant based food that's free from "added stuff" , It just has to be better !!
No wonder they are so smug - still no excuse for throwing it in our face
Our local raging "vegan from birth" makes some SERIOUSLY great tasting raw food -
Her buisness is the 'Peach and the Bear' and she's killing it
It must be fattening with all that coconut
for those with dairy intolerance like myself - this stuff mixes well and tastes fine with a higher protein rating than whey.
Frig'n expenso --- but no toxic room vacating farts is a big plus+
Vegan pffft
Most of their food is grown with some form of animal carcass/manure ,even organic farming....unless it is from a veganic farm which are few and far between to feed all these righteous sheep