Yeah, I know it has nothing to do with wind and waves but:
- most water users I know use this sport as their cross-over during the non-wind/swell months
- I can't be bothered looking at other forums
- oddly enough even though this sport resembles none of the water based sports we do there is also a lot of similarity with regards to the intensity and focus that goes into what we do
What do you reckon Laurie?
I fell of my mtb into a creek once so I'm thinking that alone is a good enough reason to call mtb a water sport
A good mate of mine fell off his kids skateboard at walking speed and fell on thick grass . Broke his wrist in many places and still has plates and screws . Took him a year off water .
Lotto , before you say anything , he is younger and fitter than me and probably you .
Just sayin .
I stand corrected he is over 16.
I soo want to land skate. My 5 min backyard is hard sand with predomintally onshore , perfect big wheel skate thing.
Should this be the new covid boredome breaking build ?
If I get enough sponsors, all I need is PayPal name and password , if I get enough for a double wrist reconstruction and a big boobed wheelchair pushing private nurse , I'm in for the team
ps: sorry sboardcrazy , couldn't help myself
MTB is a great sport ! The prized possessions are allowed to live downstairs.
Like surfing and skiing doesn't take long before you have a quiver and a whinging wife.... Have to keep the kiting gear in the garage though!