Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

My New Puppy - Just got him : )

Created by evlPanda > 9 months ago, 24 Jul 2009
NSW, 9202 posts
24 Jul 2009 6:00PM
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cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
24 Jul 2009 6:01PM
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Not sure what that it - but it's like no dog I've ever seen.

What's it's name

(that top pic is something freaky)

WA, 8723 posts
24 Jul 2009 4:03PM
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It looks just like your avatar

WA, 2223 posts
24 Jul 2009 4:05PM
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evlPanda said...


Hardies mini me

NSW, 9029 posts
24 Jul 2009 6:19PM
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You got dudded. Its a zombie and its going to eat you and your family tonight.

WA, 4485 posts
24 Jul 2009 4:29PM
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Geez that is a head only a mother could love..

Sure the camera wasn't pointing the wrong way - at you instead?

WA, 4642 posts
24 Jul 2009 4:50PM
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evlPanda said...


I'm not saying it's ugly or anything, but I think the dog might have been shagged by a large rat.

QLD, 679 posts
24 Jul 2009 7:27PM
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Did you put water on your Gremlin???

WA, 2331 posts
24 Jul 2009 5:40PM
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Sure is weird.
This is what they grow into

WA, 4485 posts
24 Jul 2009 5:51PM
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^^^ GOLD

WA, 4642 posts
24 Jul 2009 6:18PM
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Actually, I think it's a pic taken from Yoda's baby photos.

Yeah, here it is, under "Intergalactic space trash,-- Baby photos." I knew it.

"size matters not! " Quote - Yoda.

or perhaps

"When 900 years you reach, look as good, you will not."
-- Yoda

QLD, 7428 posts
24 Jul 2009 9:31PM
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evlPanda said...

I will KEEEL you. I will KEEEL YOU.

Squid Lips
WA, 708 posts
25 Jul 2009 4:32PM
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WA, 93 posts
25 Jul 2009 9:06PM
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NotWal said...

evlPanda said...

I will KEEEL you. I will KEEEL YOU.

What sort of dog is it????

NSW, 9202 posts
25 Jul 2009 11:24PM
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noels said...
What sort of dog is it????

Not sure. When I say "heel" he just bites it.

NSW, 9029 posts
25 Jul 2009 11:47PM
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evlPanda said...

noels said...
What sort of dog is it????

Not sure. When I say "heel" he just bites it.

If you have been bitten by the undead, you are gone.

WA, 4642 posts
26 Jul 2009 3:43PM
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evlPanda said...

noels said...
What sort of dog is it????

Not sure. When I say "heel" he just bites it.

Panda you are a devil!

WA, 2371 posts
26 Jul 2009 4:12PM
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Unless you got it wrong and it is actually a Bat!
That is just plain freeking creepy.
Dam would not want to wake up with that laying on my bed.

QLD, 7428 posts
26 Jul 2009 7:37PM
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Amongst other things Wikipedia says -

The Aye-aye is the only extant member of the genus Daubentonia and Daubentonia is the only genus in the family Daubentoniidae. So its oddly unique.


The Aye-aye is an endangered species not only because its habitat is being destroyed, but also due to native superstition. Besides being a general nuisance in villages, ancient Malagasy legend said that the Aye-aye was a symbol of death. It is viewed as a good omen in some areas, however, but these areas are a minority.

Researchers in Madagascar report remarkable fearlessness in the Aye-aye; some accounts tell of individual animals strolling nonchalantly in village streets or even walking right up to naturalists in the rainforest and sniffing their shoes. Therefore, it is no wonder that displaced animals often raid coconut plantations or steal food in villages. It is not unlike the Common Raccoon in this regard.

However, public contempt goes beyond this. The Aye-aye is often viewed as a harbinger of evil and killed on sight. Others believe that should one point its long middle finger at you, you were condemned to death. Some say the appearance of an Aye-aye in a village predicts the death of a villager, and the only way to prevent this is to kill the Aye-aye. The Sakalava people go so far as to claim Aye-ayes sneak into houses through the thatched roofs and murder the sleeping occupants by using their middle finger to puncture the victim's aorta.[4]

Incidents of Aye-aye killings increase every year as its forest habitats are destroyed and it is forced to raid plantations and villages. Because of the superstition surrounding it, this often ends in death. On the other hand, the superstition can prevent people from hunting them for food.

WA, 1588 posts
26 Jul 2009 8:54PM
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dont like dogs

thommo 000
1670 posts
27 Jul 2009 8:11AM
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evlPanda said...

noels said...
What sort of dog is it????

Not sure. When I say "heel" he just bites it.


Danger Mouse
WA, 592 posts
28 Jul 2009 10:54PM
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NotWal said...

Amongst other things Wikipedia says -

The Aye-aye is the only extant member of the genus Daubentonia and Daubentonia is the only genus in the family Daubentoniidae. So its oddly unique.


The Aye-aye is an endangered species not only because its habitat is being destroyed, but also due to native superstition. Besides being a general nuisance in villages, ancient Malagasy legend said that the Aye-aye was a symbol of death. It is viewed as a good omen in some areas, however, but these areas are a minority.

Researchers in Madagascar report remarkable fearlessness in the Aye-aye; some accounts tell of individual animals strolling nonchalantly in village streets or even walking right up to naturalists in the rainforest and sniffing their shoes. Therefore, it is no wonder that displaced animals often raid coconut plantations or steal food in villages. It is not unlike the Common Raccoon in this regard.

However, public contempt goes beyond this. The Aye-aye is often viewed as a harbinger of evil and killed on sight. Others believe that should one point its long middle finger at you, you were condemned to death. Some say the appearance of an Aye-aye in a village predicts the death of a villager, and the only way to prevent this is to kill the Aye-aye. The Sakalava people go so far as to claim Aye-ayes sneak into houses through the thatched roofs and murder the sleeping occupants by using their middle finger to puncture the victim's aorta.[4]

Incidents of Aye-aye killings increase every year as its forest habitats are destroyed and it is forced to raid plantations and villages. Because of the superstition surrounding it, this often ends in death. On the other hand, the superstition can prevent people from hunting them for food.

Nice one Wal, I was going to post that it was an Aye-Aye, but that was as far as I was going to go. Nice Work

3777 posts
29 Jul 2009 8:37AM
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QLD, 6481 posts
30 Jul 2009 2:02PM
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and that's how it looked before EP dried it in the microwave

Danger Mouse
WA, 592 posts
30 Jul 2009 1:18PM
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WA, 975 posts
30 Jul 2009 6:20PM
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grumplestiltskin said...

Sure is weird.
This is what they grow into

How do you find em mate?



Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"My New Puppy - Just got him : )" started by evlPanda