A few would know that Ocearch is Tagging Tigers in WA. I had a look today quickly at the website and thought i share this one shark caught and tagged.
So after being tagged, 72 hours later it has traveled over 2104 mileshttp://www.ocearch.org/profile/freo/
It's looking for MH370!
Seriously though they have been tagging Tigers out from Cairns After they where refused to get permission to tag Great Whites at Neptune Islands.
Perhaps it's a tag that was left on and was not fitted to a shark and now they are steaming to Maldives!
If it's a spot tag then they can apparently send wrong info from time. I think they are doing a story on Today Tonight
Waiting for the story to come on.
Is this science? As in science science?
Sadly, the website crashed twice for me, so I couldn't check all the links.
Seriously, is this valid science? Serious question for those in the industry. Subasurf?
Sharks will be last on the program I guess, they're the most "sensational" topic for the day.
Would the tiger, or tigress, be able to fulfil such a desire after such a marathon journey?
Or would he/she consider the loss of upwards of 70% of territory worthy of such effort?
Look out for the taggee remaining in the area for a couple of days to collect it's thoughts.
IMO the pin has been placed close to the butt of the shark and he is bolting as fast as he can to escape the bastard fish biting him!
...Yeah, that kind of footage pisses me off. I wonder if all that teasing is making them not like humans very much, maybe a reason they have started eating and biting more of us. And apparently I'm the prick because I'm not opposed to having some of them culled.
Looks like it has smashed itself up a bit whacking into cages.
What's the point in tagging sharks in the NW? The blokes who dive up that way already know they will encounter sharks at some stage sooner rather than later.
Wouldn't it be far more beneficial to tag more in Perth and make the beaches safer?
How/why are they heavy handed? What part of their process is controversial?
I've never understood the criticism they receive. Like you say, they get the job done.
JBShack, I hear that a lot - sharks aren't designed to be caught like that/held out of water, yet evidence suggests they do just fine. One, the sharks that are tagged by ocearch, and many land - based sharkers around the world, survive just fine for the most part, despite being out of the water briefly.
People who say to leave them fully alone are just as bad as the gantry hunters. Inaction is just as lethal, especially in this day and age.
As for ocearch - I think they should be allowed to tag all sharks they come into contact with. LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE!!!! All the sharks they've tagged in AU waters are doing just fine. I for one am following their tagged Tigers with great interest. Let's hope common sense prevails, and crews like them are seen as help rather than a hindrance.
Also, the university of Miami did a study recently on stress levels on line-caught sharks. All sizes, most species. They found that the survival rates in requiems was virtually one hundred percent.
Why is the Western Australian Government ..........and Fisheries NOT begging these guys to tag as many Great Whites they can get there hands on
..........Appalling display of bureaucracy and a total lack of vision to help reduce fatal shark attacks along the WA coast line
.............seriously it really is a joke Fisheries WA
Colin Barnet and Fisheries WA......... WAKE UP ...............you remind me of a RUDDERLESS BOAT