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One for the anti-vaxers

Created by azymuth > 9 months ago, 25 Aug 2018
WA, 2031 posts
25 Aug 2018 2:53PM
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TAS, 2967 posts
25 Aug 2018 5:51PM
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A few more for the "Anti Vaxers" A few from the best "Anti Vax" smackdowns on facebook.

WA, 179 posts
25 Aug 2018 10:11PM
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WA, 6415 posts
25 Aug 2018 11:25PM
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2 minute trailer

WA, 6415 posts
25 Aug 2018 11:27PM
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Full 90 minute documentary.

WA, 179 posts
25 Aug 2018 11:57PM
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Thoroughly debunked already:

Claim: One of the first claims brought up and is then talked about through the whole video is that the diseases vaccines were made to prevent were already declining before the vaccine was introduced. They suggest that this means the vaccines were not actually the cause for the decline in disease.

Fact: Let's take the first one they talk about, the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine as an example. Dr. Isaac Golden presents us with a graph that shows a declining incidence rate of pertussis and an arrow to represent the introduction of the vaccine in 1948, which by this time in the graph the incidence rate is relatively low. There are a number of problems with this. Most importantly, the arrow is pointing to the wrong time of pertussis vaccine use. When vaccines became successful and widespread, many different vaccines were mixed together into a single shot for efficiency's sake. For example, the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine. The 1948 mark points to the introduction of the Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP or DTP) vaccine. Regular pertussis vaccines, however, have been around since the 1920's when Louis W. Sauer^ created a successful vaccine. Others were successful and used the vaccines to help control outbreaks. (

The efficacy of whooping cough vaccine thus could only be tested in clinical trials. Kendrick took the important step of comparing immunized children to observed controls. Her work convinced the American Academy of Pediatrics to recommend pertussis vaccine during the early 1940s (14)^. In 1948 it was licensed in the United States in combination with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids to become the familiar DTP, a final critical innovation leading to its widespread use in American infants.
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Dr. Viera Scheibner then presents another graph to claim the same thing about diphtheria. In this case, and many like it, the graph is deceptive in the fact that it shows a limited time span and, most importantly, is measuring the deaths attributed to that disease. This hides the true success of vaccines, as decreases in incidence rates are much more telling. To illustrate that with the examples I've listed, here are the data for pertussis and diphtheria incidence rates. ( (

Another deceptive graph is the one presented about measles. Here are the real data.

So the claim against vaccine effectiveness using these graphs turns out to be absolute bunk. Vaccines have been demonstrated to be hugely successful in reducing incidence of disease and even eradicating some nasty ones.

Claim: Bronwyn Hancock, the narrator of the film, claims that immunized populations fare no better than non-immunized populations.

Fact: Over the past few decades, especially with the emergence of anti-vaccination groups, there have been large groups of people who refuse to receive immunization. This unfortunate reality gives us the opportunity to address such a claim directly. In every case, immunized populations do, in fact, have lower incidence rates than non-immunized populations. One of the best examples I can think of is that of polio. Polio is close to eradication, but some countries still report relatively high incidence rates. These include countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. Radical groups have claimed that polio vaccines are a conspiracy to infect Africans with HIV and this has caused many to forego vaccination. These theories have no basis and every batch of polio vaccine is tested for contamination. As a result, polio has spread among non-vaccinated populations. (

It's not that the virus circulating in Nigeria is any more dangerous. The problem lies in the lousy rates of routine immunization across a large swath of Africa, which leave huge numbers of kids vulnerable whenever the virus jumps the border from another country. By contrast, Pakistan's neighbors India and China have erected a high "wall of immunity" through strong and continuing vaccination campaigns.
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Similar stories can be found in the United States. (

The latest outbreak of measles in the U.S.-a preventable disease that the Western Hemisphere eradicated decades ago, thanks to vaccines-has been traced to a megachurch in Texas. The church's senior pastor, Terri Pearsons, had previously criticized vaccines, USA Today reports^.
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Claim: Dr. Robyn Crosford suggests that because scarlet fever does not have a vaccine and is also no longer a threat to the population, that means vaccines are not needed to defeat these other diseases.

Fact: True, vaccines aren't always necessary to overcome disease and scarlet fever does not have any available vaccinations, but it is no longer a threat due to antibiotics. Vaccines aren't always the best and easiest solution to a disease. That is why vaccines are rigorously tested in clinical trials before being made available to the public. Sometimes vaccines won't work for a certain disease and other solutions will have to be found.

Claim: A number of people in the film will claim that vaccines can cause the disease they are meant to prevent in the people receiving them.

Fact: Modern vaccines do not cause disease. Vaccines work by priming the immune system. This happens because the vaccine introduces the body to pieces of the pathogen that causes disease. Once cells called macrophages consume the foreign material, they present it on the outside of their cell membrane sort of like a flag. This is called antigen presentation. Other cells will recognize these antigens and this will prime cells called B-cells to produce antibodies. Antibodies recognize that antigen very specifically, they almost never interact with anything else, and they help other cells in the immune system remove the threat. This process of priming the immune system can be done in different ways. There are three main kinds of vaccines to accomplish this.
Attenuated: This is a weakened pathogen vaccine. This means the pathogen has been weakened to a state where the body can easily consume it and process its antigens. Attenuated vaccines have some advantages, but many were responsible for adverse side-effects in the early years of vaccine use, especially to immune-compromised patients. This is probably where many of today's misconceptions come from. Attenuated vaccines are still used in certain cases where their safety has been demonstrated, but have been discontinued where they have been shown to be risky.
Killed: Killed vaccines, as the name suggests, contain pathogens that have been killed using either heat or chemical means. This means the pathogen can't replicate or function in the human body, but it's pieces will still be processed as foreign material by the immune system. Dr. Scheibner claims in the documentary that bacteria that cause illness by producing toxins will cause illness in killed vaccines because the toxin is not alive and can still cause disease. This is false, however, because bacteria that produce harmful toxins are not used in killed vaccines very often anymore. In the case where harmful toxins might be involved, the next vaccine type can be used.
Particle: Particle vaccines take proteins that are unique to a pathogen and deliver them to the body. Every pathogen has a unique genome that produces unique proteins. We select certain proteins and use them in vaccines so that the body can easily process them. If a selected protein is toxic but makes for a good antigen, we can use inactive pieces of that protein called toxoids to elicit the same immune reopens without the toxic effects (the DTaP vaccine, for example).
In order for pathogens to cause disease, they need to be able to adhere to a space in our body or attach to cells and then be allowed to grow. These methods of vaccine delivery do not allow for this to happen, nor do they allow for the successful activity of toxins. So vaccines will not cause the disease they are meant to prevent.

Claim: Dr. Archie Kalokerinos claims that antibodies, the end product of vaccines, do not offer protection from pathogens. He claims that HIV is an example of this because those who are infected are diagnosed by screening for antibodies against the virus.

Fact: It is true that antibodies against HIV in people infected with it are not protected against the disease. In fact, if you ever read about tropical viruses, many were ones that resulted in cases where those infected were diagnosed by testing for antibodies. Many of those diagnosed also died. So what's going on here? The thing to remember about us and pathogens is that is a war. The body has its defenses to hunt down and kill invaders and the invaders have their ways of infiltrating these defenses and taking out every cell they can get to. Both sides are constantly trying to best each other. Our immune systems are very good at dealing with some organisms and not so good at dealing with others. Some pathogens also have become extremely good at defeating our immune system. The example of HIV is actually very simple. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. The virus does what its name suggests, it severely weakens the immune system. So even though there are antibodies against the virus, the immune system is too weak to do anything against the virus. Other factors go into it as well. Some viruses, including HIV and influenza, are extremely efficient at quickly infecting and replicating in human cells. The influenza virus of 1918-1919 could clear a tissue of its cells before white blood cells could even react, all the while releasing thousands of copies of itself per cell it destroys. Another factor is a virus's mutation rate. Out of thousands of viruses released per cell destroyed, there could be hundreds of different versions of one antigen. If the antigen the body uses to recognize the pathogen changes enough, the virus could escape detection. It is a war, and our defenses are never fool-proof against the world of microbes.

Claim: Vaccines contain formaldehyde, which is extremely toxic to the body. A parent in the documentary claims that vaccines should not be administered because of this.

Fact: The dosage makes the poison. Formaldehyde in vaccines is not present in very high quantities. The reason it is there is to neutralize the pathogen in attenuated vaccines and also to deactivate toxins. With a few injections of relatively low doses of formaldehyde, which we are exposed to in other ways naturally as well, there is no risk for formaldehyde in vaccines. The same goes for other substances that are claimed to be toxic in vaccines. (

Claim: The documentary and others who oppose vaccination commonly claim that early batches of the polio virus were contaminated with SV40, a monkey virus that can cause cancer in humans.

Fact: It is true that early polio vaccine batches were contaminated with SV40. Polio can only replicate in cells, so monkey cells were used to get high enough numbers of the virus that vaccines could be made from. This accident resulted in spreading SV40 to millions of US residents between 1955 and 1963. The problem with the claim, however, is that there is no good evidence that the virus causes cancer. (

The present review of recent studies showed that the earlier results describing the recovery of SV40 DNA sequences from a large proportion of the above tumors were not reproducible and that most studies were negative. Contamination with laboratory plasmids was identified as a possible source of false positive results in some previous studies. The low-level immunoreactivity of human sera to SV40 was very likely the result of cross-reactivity with antibodies to the SV40-related human polyomaviruses BKV and JCV, rather than of authentic SV40 infection. SV40 sero-reactivity in patients with the suspect tumors was no greater than that in controls. In epidemiologic studies, the increased incidence of some of the suspect tumors in the 1970s to 1980s was not related to the risk of exposure to SV40-contaminated vaccines. In summary, the most recent evidence does not support the notion that SV40 contributed to the development of human cancers.
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Claim: This is not discussed in the documentary, but a common claim concerning flu vaccines is that they are dangerous because they cause Guillain-Barre Syndrome, which causes paralysis.

Fact: This claim can be traced back to the 1976 swine flu scare. After the death of a young army recruit at Fort Dix, the scene was starting to look eerily like the start of the devastating 1918-1919 pandemic that killed hundreds of millions of people. Everyone was scared and a state of confusion and panic caused rash decisions to be made. Millions of people were quickly immunized against this new strain of flu virus and US President Gerald Ford and his administration encouraged the public to get immunized by stating that any complications caused by the vaccine would be fully compensated by the US government. Despite the fear, the virus flopped and did not spread from Fort Dix. In the aftermath, many people attributed their various ailments to the vaccine in order to receive compensation. Many people did actually contract Guillain-Barre Syndrome and some even died. Although there is debate among epidemiologists about the numbers, the general consensus is that Guillain-Barre Syndrome did seem to be in excess at the time. There is no evidence, however, that there is a link between Guillain-Barre Syndrome and any modern influenza vaccines. ( (

There are many myths about vaccines, but the fact is that they have been one of the most important tools for preventing disease over the past century. Diseases that have had vaccines developed for them are preventable, yet some countries are still held down but them. The example I gave earlier in the post about polio in Nigeria is a very real example of what can happen when myths and lies about the science that helped build the living standards we have today are spread and believed. I hope this thread helps dispel those myths and offers a resource for those looking to understand vaccines. Prevention really is the best medicine and that has made vaccines one of our most powerful weapons in our war with microbes.

Other resources: ( ( ( (
The Coming Plague, by Laurie Garret

Mark _australia
WA, 22414 posts
26 Aug 2018 1:10AM
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Just quickly - do you believe vaccines have eradicated some diseases in certain groups-like polio in Australia and UK etc?

NOT are they dangerous....lets talk about that afterwards. Do you agree they work?

WA, 6415 posts
26 Aug 2018 2:33AM
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No. When the vaccine was first introduced the disease had already dropped to a small percentage of its high.

Do you agree vaccinations have caused serious harm for millions across the world?

If yes,why do you still support them?

Mark _australia
WA, 22414 posts
26 Aug 2018 12:09PM
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Hang on
Proof for your assertion that measles, rubella, polio, whooping cough - had all dropped by a good 90% before / at same time the vaccines were introduced?
That's a big claim so - proof?

WA, 2031 posts
26 Aug 2018 12:52PM
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Why some folk think anecdotally and not scientifically;

From The Scientific American.

The recent medical controversy over whether vaccinations cause autism reveals a habit of human cognition-thinking anecdotally comes naturally, whereas thinking scientifically does not.

On the one side are scientists who have been unable to find any causal link between the symptoms of autism and the vaccine preservative thimerosal, which in the body breaks down into ethylmercury, the culprit du jour for autism's cause.
On the other side are parents who noticed that shortly after having their children vaccinated autistic symptoms began to appear.
These anecdotal associations are so powerful that they cause people to ignore contrary evidence: ethylmercury is expelled from the body quickly (unlike its chemical cousin methylmercury) and therefore cannot accumulate in the brain long enough to cause damage.
And in any case, autism continues to be diagnosed in children born after thimerosal was removed from most vaccines in 1999; today trace amounts exist in only a few.

The reason for this cognitive disconnect is that we have evolved brains that pay attention to anecdotes because false positives (believing there is a connection between A and B when there is not) are usually harmless, whereas false negatives (believing there is no connection between A and B when there is) may take you out of the gene pool.

Our brains are belief engines that employ association learning to seek and find patterns. Superstition and belief in magic are millions of years old, whereas science, with its methods of controlling for intervening variables to circumvent false positives, is only a few hundred years old.

So it is that any medical huckster promising that A will cure B has only to advertise a handful of successful anecdotes in the form of testimonials.

WA, 6415 posts
26 Aug 2018 10:42PM
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Can anyone please explain how this anecdotal evidence can be dismissed?

Mark _australia
WA, 22414 posts
27 Aug 2018 2:08AM
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You have not answered mine yet Pete.
What I am getting at is a cost-benefit analysis.

Do you believe that vaccines prevent the diseases they are designed to? (Not side effects, not 'big Pharma' ranting. Simple question do they work?)

Then we can talk about side effects and what human cost for immunity etc.

Because for the billionth time- correlation is not causation.
I bet those numbers in the video you posted could be said about kids who had a vaccine then were killed in a car accident. Doesn't mean they were linked.

So- have we virtually eradicated some really bad diseases due to immunisation - yes or no?
If no - ie: if they went away all by themselves- proof please.

(just in case you don't get why I'm asking- we have not banned cars or windsurfing or whatever due to some deaths caused by both. So firstly, lets establish if vaccines are beneficial THEN talk about any negatives. Yes? This is rational process- as you yourself like to bring up critical thinking and cognitive dissonance don't ya)

WA, 6415 posts
27 Aug 2018 2:52AM
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I do not believe there's any correlation taking the flu vax and protection from the flu - so yes it's a scam.

I believe vaccines cause many auto immune diseases - watch the first documentary they touch on that.

Direct injection of a weed killer.....

Mark _australia
WA, 22414 posts
27 Aug 2018 3:13AM
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Not the flu - thats only one - you spoke of vaccines in general

you said all diseases were on massive decline anyway when the vaccines was brought in.

Prove that with either whooping cough or polio. I await.....

WA, 6415 posts
27 Aug 2018 4:21AM
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VacTruth By Christina England | April 25th, 2012

When vaccines do not work, the creative way to cover it up is to change the name of the disease.

Doctors around the world are being faced with children catching the diseases they have been vaccinated against. Rather than diagnosing these children correctly, professionals have discovered that the doctors are giving the diseases new names. This suggests a cover up is going on and the vaccinations we are all being told are safe and effective are in fact completely useless.

Vaccinations are now being given to children to keep them safe from every disease known to man. There appears to be a vaccination for everything from polio to a broken finger nail. However, many professionals now believe that the vaccinations are actually causing the diseases they are supposed to prevent.

It appears that they could be right because news has just been released that 47,500 children became paralyzed after polio vaccinations in India in 2011. According to Dr Jacob a member of the national technical advisory group on immunization and of the working group on the food and drug regulation in 2011 after receiving the polio vaccination, an additional 47,500 children were newly paralyzed, over and above the standard rate of 2 children per 100,000 non-polio AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) cases. (1)

Dr Viera Scheibner is a professional who would not be at all surprised in the above figures. She has firmly believed for many years that contrary to the belief that vaccinations prevent children from becoming ill, they are causing children to catch the diseases that they are being vaccinated against. She best explains this in her extremely well written letter published recently in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). (2) Her letter on the subject of polio vaccinations contains outstanding research and opens a gigantic can of worms that will be difficult for the pharmaceutical industries to ignore. In answer to an article titled 'Polio eradication: a complex end game - Polio Eradication by Vaccination,' she wrote:

"Polio eradication by vaccination?

Let me quote some original seminal medical research.

Anderson et al. (1951) in his article "Poliomyelitis occurring after antigen injections" (Pediatrics; 7(6): 741-759) wrote "During the last year several investigators have reported the occurrence of poliomyelitis after a few weeks after injection of some antigen. Martin in England noted 25 cases in which paralysis of a single limb occurred within 28 days of injection of antigen into that limb, and two cases following penicillin injections."

She continued:

"Geffen, studying the 1949 poliomyelitis cases in London, observed 30 patients who had received an antigen within four weeks, noting also that the paralysis involved especially the extremity into which the injection had been given.

Dr Scheibner provided many examples of researched evidence proving that vaccinations have been causing cases of paralysis and polio for many years.

She could be right because concerns were being raised even during the polio vaccines early days.

In 1954, during testing, Dr Bernice Eddy (3) became very concerned after vaccinating 18 monkeys with the inactivated polio vaccine. She discovered that the vaccine was causing the monkeys to become paralyzed. She wrote:

"We had eighteen monkeys. We inoculated these eighteen monkeys with each vaccine that came in. And we started getting paralyzed monkeys."

Alarmed, she immediately informed her superiors sending photos of the monkeys. Instead of the thanks she had expected, and the immediate halt of the vaccine programme, a surprising thing happened. William Sebrell, the director of the NIH, stopped by the animal house where they were working, not to thank her for blowing the whistle but to ask if she and her co-workers wanted their children immunized with the vaccine, as it was in short supply. Needless to say neither she nor her researchers thought the vaccine was worth the risk.

Shortly after Eddy's discovery, a study written by Peterson et al appeared in the JAMA magazine. (4) Peterson also spoke about vaccination induced poliomyelitis, this time in Idaho during the trial of the Salk (injectable) vaccine. This study was included as part of Dr Scheibner's research in her letter in the BMJ.

To Hide The Vaccines Inadequacies Polio Develops A New Name

Many professionals believe that in order to keep up the pretence that diseases have been eradicated they are simply being renamed to cover up the fact that the vaccines are failing. According to the site (5) Greg Beatie wrote:

Health officials convinced the Chinese to rename the bulk of their polio cases Guillaine Barre Syndrome (GBS). A study found that the new disorder (Chinese Paralytic Syndrome) and the GBS was really polio. After mass vaccination in 1971, reports of polio went down but GBS increased about 10 fold...In the WHO polio vaccine eradication in the Americas, there were 930 cases of paralytic disease-all called polio. Five years later, at the end of the campaign, roughly 2000 cases of paralytic disease occurred-but only 6 of them were called polio. The rate of paralytic disease doubled, but the disease definition changed so drastically that hardly any of it was called polio any more."

It appears that the Chinese may not have been the only country to adopt this philosophy. Anla et al reported children being diagnosed with GBS immediately after polio vaccinations in Turkey. In an article published in Neurology India. (6) Anla reported that five children became ill with GBS following a national oral polio vaccination campaign to eradicate the disease in Turkey. He wrote:

It was observed that the number of cases of GBS in children increased during the period of the oral polio vaccination (OPV) campaign in Turkey, suggesting a causal relationship.

In their discussion they wrote:

In our series all children were younger than 5 years of age. GBS was primarily related to OPV administration in all children except Case 4 in whom a history of viral gastroenteritis was present, which was well known as a triggering factor in the etiology of GBS.[13] When OPV was not given during 1999 we diagnosed only 2 children with GBS who were younger than 5 years of age in our clinic. Though the results are variable and the evidence is not robust, it is essential to consider OPV as a potential trigger for GBS in children, especially during a nationwide campaign and the children should be monitored.

It was observed that the number of cases of GBS in children increased during the period of the oral polio vaccination (OPV) campaign in Turkey, suggesting a causal relationship.

Could these children actually be suffering from vaccine induced poliomyelitis, simply renamed GBS, to cover up the fact that the vaccine had caused the children to contract the disease rather than protect them from it? It certainly is a strong possibility.

Amazingly, Guillain Barre Syndrome is not the only new name given to patients developing polio after receiving the polio vaccine. Beddow Bayly author of the book "The Case against Vaccination," (7) wrote:

After vaccination was introduced, cases of aseptic meningitis were more often reported as a separate disease from polio, but such cases were counted as polio before the vaccine was introduced. The Ministry of Health admitted that the vaccine status of the individual is a guiding factor in diagnosis. If a person who is vaccinated contracts the disease, the disease is simply recorded under a different name.

This leads us to ask the question - is polio the only disease that has had a sudden name change? Sadly the answer to this question is a resounding "NO!"; this is because other diseases have also been reported to have had a sudden name change.

Smallpox Gets A New Lease Of Life

It has long been suggested that smallpox still exists and has simply been renamed to carry on the hoax that vaccination has saved us from the mighty jaws of the smallpox epidemics. In an article titled 'Smallpox: a New Threat' Susan Claridge (8) wrote:

A popular tactic among the supporters of vaccination is renaming of a disease when it occurs in the vaccinated so that the statistics do not reflect the true numbers of vaccinated people contracting the disease, thus concealing the fact that the vaccine does not work.

George Bernard Shaw was a member of the Health Committee of London Borough Council at the turn of the century: "I learned how the credit of vaccination is kept up statistically by diagnosing all the revaccinated cases (of smallpox) as pustular eczema, varioloid or what not - anything except smallpox.

Susan Claridge does not stand alone in her beliefs; Dr R Obomsawin (9) joins her, writing:

In turning to recognized textbooks on human virology and vertebrate viruses we find that attention has been given since 1970 to a disease called "monkeypox," which is said to be "clinically indistinguishable from smallpox." Cases of this disease have been found in Zaire, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Liberia, and Sierra Leone (by May 1983, 101 cases have been reported). It is observed that " . . . the existence of a virus that can cause clinical smallpox is disturbing, and the situation is being closely monitored.

Does the deceit stop here? No of course not, the next disease to get a name change is whooping cough.

Whooping Cough Gets A Revamp

Whooping cough has also been found to have a name change. It has been reported over and over that cases of whooping cough have been diagnosed in fully vaccinated children. In fact one report stated that vaccine failure has actually been admitted. Natural News (10) reported:

New research reported by Reuters reveals that whooping cough outbreaks are HIGHER among vaccinated children compared with unvaccinated children. This is based on a study led by Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Rafael, California.

Doctors have known this for a very long time and there could be many more cases than we could ever imagine. Professionals have discovered that doctors have been diagnosing whooping cough as croup!.

Dr Viera Scheibner says:

In the Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1994, "Age Specific Incidence of Bacteriologically Confirmed Pertussis, between 1981 and 1991 - ten year follow-up".(11) The majority of cases occurred in the most vulnerable age group below the age of one year in the most vaccinated children. Actually the majority of cases happened within the first four months. The vaccine is causing whooping cough. A lot of children develop whooping cough from the vaccine, but if they are vaccinated, it will be diagnosed as 'croup'.

Bronwyn Hancock Vaccine Information Service agrees (12) stating:

"(2) The diagnostic guidelines given to doctors were supplemented with "No history of vaccination" when the vaccines were introduced. Even without these written guidelines, doctors are taught that vaccines are effective. The result is that upon seeing an illness in a child who has been vaccinated "against" it, doctors have been observed to conclude that the disease must be a different disease, so the case of the disease is not reported.

For example whooping cough gets called "croup" when it occurs in vaccinated children, and diphtheria gets called such names as "epiglotitis", or, as in this case, described in "Raising a Vaccine Free Child", by Wendy Lydall (2005, pg 68),

'Her aunt had nursed diphtheria cases in Britain in the 1950s, and she said that her niece had the typical symptoms of diphtheria. The girl was flown by helicopter to a bigger hospital in Auckland, where they took a swab from her throat and confirmed diphtheria. When they learned that the girl was fully immunised, one of the doctors said to the mother, "Then it can't be diphtheria." They changed the diagnosis to bacterial tracheitis.'

So the teaching of doctors that vaccination will reduce number of cases *reported* of a disease is a self-fulfilling prophecy, regardless of how many cases there are in reality."

The bottom line is parents are being duped into believing that vaccinations will protect children from deadly diseases when in fact they protect children from absolutely nothing. The truth is that more and more vaccinated children are becoming sick with the diseases that they have been vaccinated against and research is revealing that doctors are devising clever ways to cover this up. Not only this but the adverse reactions that children can have from the vaccines, are potentially worse than the diseases themselves. It seems to me that vaccinations are little more than a get rich quick scheme run by the pharmaceutical industries and endorsed by the governments. This is not only criminal it is fraud by any other name.

NSW, 399 posts
27 Aug 2018 2:55PM
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petermac33 said..

Whooping Cough Gets A Revamp

Whooping cough has also been found to have a name change. It has been reported over and over that cases of whooping cough have been diagnosed in fully vaccinated children. In fact one report stated that vaccine failure has actually been admitted. Natural News (10) reported:

New research reported by Reuters reveals that whooping cough outbreaks are HIGHER among vaccinated children compared with unvaccinated children. This is based on a study led by Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Rafael, California.

Pretty comprehensive reply from you Pete... Or at least it seems that way. I note a lot of your material dates from the turn of last century to around the 50's which, its probably fair to say, was in the early days of our understanding of vaccines.

I didn't have time to back check all that you included but I did a quick search on our friend, Dr David Witt and your note above about whooping cough.... turns out he is a real doctor and he did participate in some study regarding the resurgence of whooping cough in his local area about 8 years ago.... but the key to the observations was that the vaccine did not appear to work for as long as first thought it would... not that it didn't work at all or that somehow previously vaccinated children were more at risk.

From the article I found:

To figure out just how well the vaccine was working, Witt and his colleagues collected information on every patient who had tested positive for pertussis between March and October, 2010.

Of the 132 patients under age 18, 81 percent were up to date on recommended whooping cough shots and eight percent had never been vaccinated. The other 11 percent had received at least one shot, but not the complete series.

The rate of cases for each age, two through 18 years old, peaked among kids in their pre-teens.

Among fully immunized kids, there were about 36 cases for every 10,000 children two to seven years old, compared to 245 out of every 10,000 kids aged eight to 12.

"The longer you went from your last vaccine, the greater your risk of disease," Witt told Reuters Health.
At age 13, the number of cases dropped, presumably because that's the age when children are eligible for their booster shot.


Witt and his colleagues suggest that the booster seems to come too late, leaving pre-teens at an increased risk of catching pertussis.

Full article at:

So it turns out that these kids were well protected all the way until about the age 11-12 where they then became vulnerable because the vaccine had ceased to be as effective. It was the timing of the booster that was out... not the vaccine.

But I see so many examples where anti-vaxxers pull one sentence, one phrase or one small statement from a full story and beat it up to be the end of the world.... so I shouldn't be surprised. People like that are truly dangerous and the worst thing is, they infect others.

QLD, 4716 posts
27 Aug 2018 7:00PM
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petermac33 said..
VacTruth By Christina England | April 25th, 2012

When vaccines do not work, the creative way to cover it up is to change the name of the disease.

Doctors around the world are being faced with children catching the diseases they have been vaccinated against. Rather than diagnosing these children correctly, professionals have discovered that the doctors are giving the diseases new names. This suggests a cover up is going on and the vaccinations we are all being told are safe and effective are in fact completely useless.

Vaccinations are now being given to children to keep them safe from every disease known to man. There appears to be a vaccination for everything from polio to a broken finger nail. However, many professionals now believe that the vaccinations are actually causing the diseases they are supposed to prevent.

It appears that they could be right because news has just been released that 47,500 children became paralyzed after polio vaccinations in India in 2011. According to Dr Jacob a member of the national technical advisory group on immunization and of the working group on the food and drug regulation in 2011 after receiving the polio vaccination, an additional 47,500 children were newly paralyzed, over and above the standard rate of 2 children per 100,000 non-polio AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) cases. (1)

Dr Viera Scheibner is a professional who would not be at all surprised in the above figures. She has firmly believed for many years that contrary to the belief that vaccinations prevent children from becoming ill, they are causing children to catch the diseases that they are being vaccinated against. She best explains this in her extremely well written letter published recently in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). (2) Her letter on the subject of polio vaccinations contains outstanding research and opens a gigantic can of worms that will be difficult for the pharmaceutical industries to ignore. In answer to an article titled 'Polio eradication: a complex end game - Polio Eradication by Vaccination,' she wrote:

"Polio eradication by vaccination?

Let me quote some original seminal medical research.

Anderson et al. (1951) in his article "Poliomyelitis occurring after antigen injections" (Pediatrics; 7(6): 741-759) wrote "During the last year several investigators have reported the occurrence of poliomyelitis after a few weeks after injection of some antigen. Martin in England noted 25 cases in which paralysis of a single limb occurred within 28 days of injection of antigen into that limb, and two cases following penicillin injections."

She continued:

"Geffen, studying the 1949 poliomyelitis cases in London, observed 30 patients who had received an antigen within four weeks, noting also that the paralysis involved especially the extremity into which the injection had been given.

Dr Scheibner provided many examples of researched evidence proving that vaccinations have been causing cases of paralysis and polio for many years.

She could be right because concerns were being raised even during the polio vaccines early days.

In 1954, during testing, Dr Bernice Eddy (3) became very concerned after vaccinating 18 monkeys with the inactivated polio vaccine. She discovered that the vaccine was causing the monkeys to become paralyzed. She wrote:

"We had eighteen monkeys. We inoculated these eighteen monkeys with each vaccine that came in. And we started getting paralyzed monkeys."

Alarmed, she immediately informed her superiors sending photos of the monkeys. Instead of the thanks she had expected, and the immediate halt of the vaccine programme, a surprising thing happened. William Sebrell, the director of the NIH, stopped by the animal house where they were working, not to thank her for blowing the whistle but to ask if she and her co-workers wanted their children immunized with the vaccine, as it was in short supply. Needless to say neither she nor her researchers thought the vaccine was worth the risk.

Shortly after Eddy's discovery, a study written by Peterson et al appeared in the JAMA magazine. (4) Peterson also spoke about vaccination induced poliomyelitis, this time in Idaho during the trial of the Salk (injectable) vaccine. This study was included as part of Dr Scheibner's research in her letter in the BMJ.

To Hide The Vaccines Inadequacies Polio Develops A New Name

Many professionals believe that in order to keep up the pretence that diseases have been eradicated they are simply being renamed to cover up the fact that the vaccines are failing. According to the site (5) Greg Beatie wrote:

Health officials convinced the Chinese to rename the bulk of their polio cases Guillaine Barre Syndrome (GBS). A study found that the new disorder (Chinese Paralytic Syndrome) and the GBS was really polio. After mass vaccination in 1971, reports of polio went down but GBS increased about 10 fold...In the WHO polio vaccine eradication in the Americas, there were 930 cases of paralytic disease-all called polio. Five years later, at the end of the campaign, roughly 2000 cases of paralytic disease occurred-but only 6 of them were called polio. The rate of paralytic disease doubled, but the disease definition changed so drastically that hardly any of it was called polio any more."

It appears that the Chinese may not have been the only country to adopt this philosophy. Anla et al reported children being diagnosed with GBS immediately after polio vaccinations in Turkey. In an article published in Neurology India. (6) Anla reported that five children became ill with GBS following a national oral polio vaccination campaign to eradicate the disease in Turkey. He wrote:

It was observed that the number of cases of GBS in children increased during the period of the oral polio vaccination (OPV) campaign in Turkey, suggesting a causal relationship.

In their discussion they wrote:

In our series all children were younger than 5 years of age. GBS was primarily related to OPV administration in all children except Case 4 in whom a history of viral gastroenteritis was present, which was well known as a triggering factor in the etiology of GBS.[13] When OPV was not given during 1999 we diagnosed only 2 children with GBS who were younger than 5 years of age in our clinic. Though the results are variable and the evidence is not robust, it is essential to consider OPV as a potential trigger for GBS in children, especially during a nationwide campaign and the children should be monitored.

It was observed that the number of cases of GBS in children increased during the period of the oral polio vaccination (OPV) campaign in Turkey, suggesting a causal relationship.

Could these children actually be suffering from vaccine induced poliomyelitis, simply renamed GBS, to cover up the fact that the vaccine had caused the children to contract the disease rather than protect them from it? It certainly is a strong possibility.

Amazingly, Guillain Barre Syndrome is not the only new name given to patients developing polio after receiving the polio vaccine. Beddow Bayly author of the book "The Case against Vaccination," (7) wrote:

After vaccination was introduced, cases of aseptic meningitis were more often reported as a separate disease from polio, but such cases were counted as polio before the vaccine was introduced. The Ministry of Health admitted that the vaccine status of the individual is a guiding factor in diagnosis. If a person who is vaccinated contracts the disease, the disease is simply recorded under a different name.

This leads us to ask the question - is polio the only disease that has had a sudden name change? Sadly the answer to this question is a resounding "NO!"; this is because other diseases have also been reported to have had a sudden name change.

Smallpox Gets A New Lease Of Life

It has long been suggested that smallpox still exists and has simply been renamed to carry on the hoax that vaccination has saved us from the mighty jaws of the smallpox epidemics. In an article titled 'Smallpox: a New Threat' Susan Claridge (8) wrote:

A popular tactic among the supporters of vaccination is renaming of a disease when it occurs in the vaccinated so that the statistics do not reflect the true numbers of vaccinated people contracting the disease, thus concealing the fact that the vaccine does not work.

George Bernard Shaw was a member of the Health Committee of London Borough Council at the turn of the century: "I learned how the credit of vaccination is kept up statistically by diagnosing all the revaccinated cases (of smallpox) as pustular eczema, varioloid or what not - anything except smallpox.

Susan Claridge does not stand alone in her beliefs; Dr R Obomsawin (9) joins her, writing:

In turning to recognized textbooks on human virology and vertebrate viruses we find that attention has been given since 1970 to a disease called "monkeypox," which is said to be "clinically indistinguishable from smallpox." Cases of this disease have been found in Zaire, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Liberia, and Sierra Leone (by May 1983, 101 cases have been reported). It is observed that " . . . the existence of a virus that can cause clinical smallpox is disturbing, and the situation is being closely monitored.

Does the deceit stop here? No of course not, the next disease to get a name change is whooping cough.

Whooping Cough Gets A Revamp

Whooping cough has also been found to have a name change. It has been reported over and over that cases of whooping cough have been diagnosed in fully vaccinated children. In fact one report stated that vaccine failure has actually been admitted. Natural News (10) reported:

New research reported by Reuters reveals that whooping cough outbreaks are HIGHER among vaccinated children compared with unvaccinated children. This is based on a study led by Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Rafael, California.

Doctors have known this for a very long time and there could be many more cases than we could ever imagine. Professionals have discovered that doctors have been diagnosing whooping cough as croup!.

Dr Viera Scheibner says:

In the Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1994, "Age Specific Incidence of Bacteriologically Confirmed Pertussis, between 1981 and 1991 - ten year follow-up".(11) The majority of cases occurred in the most vulnerable age group below the age of one year in the most vaccinated children. Actually the majority of cases happened within the first four months. The vaccine is causing whooping cough. A lot of children develop whooping cough from the vaccine, but if they are vaccinated, it will be diagnosed as 'croup'.

Bronwyn Hancock Vaccine Information Service agrees (12) stating:

"(2) The diagnostic guidelines given to doctors were supplemented with "No history of vaccination" when the vaccines were introduced. Even without these written guidelines, doctors are taught that vaccines are effective. The result is that upon seeing an illness in a child who has been vaccinated "against" it, doctors have been observed to conclude that the disease must be a different disease, so the case of the disease is not reported.

For example whooping cough gets called "croup" when it occurs in vaccinated children, and diphtheria gets called such names as "epiglotitis", or, as in this case, described in "Raising a Vaccine Free Child", by Wendy Lydall (2005, pg 68),

'Her aunt had nursed diphtheria cases in Britain in the 1950s, and she said that her niece had the typical symptoms of diphtheria. The girl was flown by helicopter to a bigger hospital in Auckland, where they took a swab from her throat and confirmed diphtheria. When they learned that the girl was fully immunised, one of the doctors said to the mother, "Then it can't be diphtheria." They changed the diagnosis to bacterial tracheitis.'

So the teaching of doctors that vaccination will reduce number of cases *reported* of a disease is a self-fulfilling prophecy, regardless of how many cases there are in reality."

The bottom line is parents are being duped into believing that vaccinations will protect children from deadly diseases when in fact they protect children from absolutely nothing. The truth is that more and more vaccinated children are becoming sick with the diseases that they have been vaccinated against and research is revealing that doctors are devising clever ways to cover this up. Not only this but the adverse reactions that children can have from the vaccines, are potentially worse than the diseases themselves. It seems to me that vaccinations are little more than a get rich quick scheme run by the pharmaceutical industries and endorsed by the governments. This is not only criminal it is fraud by any other name.

There is no way my attention span could read all that.

TAS, 2967 posts
27 Aug 2018 7:43PM
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petermac33 said..
VacTruth By Christina England | April 25th, 2012

Once again pm33 has dragged out an SME from whichever rock she was hiding under without bothering to research her credentials (or in the eyes of some lack of).

"Christina England HND"

Great vaccine critic. Christina was born and educated in London, U.K. She left school to work in a children's library, specializing in story telling.
Ms. England never had any formal training in epidemiology, yet she continuously criticizes epidemiological studies.
She adds "HND" to her name, meaning that she obtained a "Higher National Diploma", something that is equivalent to about two years of a bachelor's degree often used as RPL for tertiary or university entry at the third year level.
In the UK (where Christina hails from) The protocol of the use of the 'post nominal' is HND followed by the course name in brackets, So in Christina's case it should read HND ( journalism and media ). No medical or psychological qualifications.
She actually has an Arts degree so could easily use the post nominal "BA", but that does not infer expertise in vaccination studies.
She also claims to have taken "A Level in Psychology" (a vocational certificate) and have a BTEC certificate (also a vocational certificate) in learning, these are available to all at your local TAFE.

To say Christina" is a rather colourful and somewhat myopic in outlook could be construed as an understatement.

SA, 3025 posts
28 Aug 2018 12:16PM
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Nothing like a family of unvaccinated tourists spreading their vaccine manageable disease all over the country

Apparently you don't need to be vaccinated if the earth is flat

WA, 6415 posts
8 Sep 2018 4:52AM
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TAS, 2967 posts
8 Sep 2018 9:40AM
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petermac33 said..

Another "SME" with absolutely ZERO credentials in the field, if you would like to read more of this stupid woman's ill informed ramblings refer to . . . .

Where she is exposed time and again for her fraudulent misrepresentations on a subject that she is seriously lacking in knowledge.

WA, 9505 posts
8 Sep 2018 8:28AM
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Man you'd be a fun guy to have over for a beer nothing worse having a beer with someone who believes they are the beholder of a certain truth.

WA, 14731 posts
8 Sep 2018 8:41AM
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Rupert said..
petermac33 said..

Another "SME" with absolutely ZERO credentials in the field, if you would like to read more of this stupid woman's ill informed ramblings refer to . . . .

Where she is exposed time and again for her fraudulent misrepresentations on a subject that she is seriously lacking in knowledge.

Oh dear. You are pulling apart the meticulous research Peter has done on Youtube. How dare you!

He has spent almost as much as 1/10 of the effort that you have in debunking it. Well, maybe 1/10 if you round up from almost nothing.

TAS, 2967 posts
21 Sep 2018 8:07PM
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petermac33 said..

What an anonymous alleged former undertaker, allegedly talks to an anonymous couple (who happen to be rabid anti vaxers) in an anonymous location and tells a tale that cant be verified, confirmed or cross examined - Yeah you've convinced me, you've convinced me that you are a total, gullible idiot in the first degree I award you five clowns for this latest bit of drivel

Why am I not surprised you would gravitate towards this "Gutter Trash" news site.

Australian National Review

Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources.

Factual Reporting: LOW

Notes: Australian National Review, according to its about page is a news site published by ANR Media. Australian National Review indicates its purpose is to be a "force for good and a platform for much needed change and to generate critical debate".

In review, the Australian National Review promotes pseudo-science such as anti-vaccination and anti-gmo propaganda. In addition to these, they also publish conspiracy theories such as those involving Chem Trails. In many cases, they source to other conspiracy and pseudoscience websites, such as the Food Babe and Natural News. Overall, this is a strongly rated conspiracy and pseudoscience website that is low for factual information.

WA, 6415 posts
22 Sep 2018 2:18AM
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Hard for even religious like pro vax believers to debunk this article.

WA, 14731 posts
22 Sep 2018 5:45AM
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Select to expand quote
petermac33 said..
Hard for even religious like pro vax believers to debunk this article.

We know someone must have told him that.

"Hard for even religious like pro vax believers to debunk this article" cannot be an original thought, so he has just copied it from an email someone, possibly even Malcolm, has forwarded him.

PM33 you are missing your calling. You could become an expert sales person or politician. If you can believe things without any actual evidence, that skill can be used to make you money!


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"One for the anti-vaxers" started by azymuth