I'm looking at getting a second hand Disco 4 for my new business (finance broking so travelling around to meet clients). Also, it's got heaps of room to put sailing kit in and occasionally, we plan to use it off road (doing a 2 week trip to Karijini and Warrora Station / Coral Bay in April).
All the reviews give it big wraps as far as its comfort and off road ability goes, but if you read a lot of forums, there seem to remain question marks over its reliability on mechanics and electrics. This seems to have been more of a problem in the UK and I can't find so much evidence here, however, as with all these things, there are those in the "don't ever buy one camp" and those in the "never had a problem camp".
The other issue of course is getting stuck with a broken down Disco out the back of Tom Price. Long way back to Perth from there ! A Prado is an option, but you get more in the Disco and the Prado is now ageing with older engines and technology.
Appreciate anyone's views on either owning or using a Discovery.
I love them...
I don't like working on them but if it wasn't for them I couldn't afford half of the "toys" I have.
Nope the later models are too reliant on dealer only scan tool resets for various faults. Very few dealerships outside of metro area.
Nice to drive but expensive to fix. Very expensive. If something sh!ts itself out whoop whoop good luck getting parts or someone who wants to fix it.
Eg electric handbrake jams on.
Personally wouldn't buy one.
You looked at 200 series cruisers?
My experience was with a Disco series II diesel. It was 2005 with only 75,000 km on the clock. By 150,000 it had cost me about $20,000 in repairs. And that was mostly bitumen with a few trips to wedge and the bluff. .
So I switched to a Pajero and I have never looked back. Not a squeak and reliable as.
My advice - stick to a Japanese 4WD.
I'm on my second D4 did 40k on the first and now 80k on this one so far only problem has been a dead battery, my fault , but it was replaced under warranty.
I'm getting it serviced next week, last service before warranty expires, my fuel gauge is playing up, I expect that it will be sorted.
In the end all brands will have their problems, you just have to buy what you are comfortable with. I know a guy who keeps swapping back and forth from Land Rover to Toyotas with one Mitsubishi in between, he's never had a good run with any of them in his opinion, glass nearly f...n empty kinda bloke?
Just buy what you feel you can trust.
Thanks for the feedback
Woodo - wife has a Kluger, great car, Landcruisers obviously quite a bit bigger but obviously very reliable off road and easy to fix anywhere. Personally I think it's a little big for my need WHCH I know sounds odd thinking about the Disco. Had a Pajero once. Great car. Ironically the father in law had a new one fully kitted out for off-road then he passed from cancer and we sold it. Doh
Kik - it's funny how with the Disco seems to polarise people. A number of disco owners on forums have said the same thing, they've had Discos that have done 250ks with no problems yet others like adios seem to having nothing but problems
Go Toyota mate I have owned Jeep, Landrover and now have a Landcruiser 200 series...so much better than any of my previous vehicles and super reliable and best of all cheap to maintain. Jeep was the worst (absolute disgrace for a new car) and landrover was not much better.
Did you look at the fj cruiser? Toyota, cheap and a proven 4x4
Not sure about the barbie look tho
Best of all, no carpet and water proof seats for easy hosing down after a trip to wedge!!!
I live up north and can say that most 4wds I see are toyotas and pootrols, whenever on the highways up here they are the most common , Disco- no thanks .
Also when your out of town , check out what make most of the older 4wds are, pretty sure they will be toyota's & pootrols.
I have a 95 model 80 series, I replaced the motor after it had done almost 400,000km's.
Now it has a 6.5 chev in it and have just clocked another 100,00 km,s trouble free. Saying that It had been worked hard ,on and off road , and apart from new suspension , and an aircon re-gas it drives like new .
If I had to start again , this is my choice----
You cant kill these , and cheaper to run than the std diesel
for the same dollars you can get a sahara, tougher and more reliable, maybe not as refined but runs standard landcruiser parts bar the some of the interior and some electrics. best open road tourers around, but can be a handful in urban parking lots.