Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 28 Mar 2014
NSW, 4453 posts
28 Mar 2014 5:31PM
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... please refrain from posting pics/videos about your kids unless you can better...

WA, 1267 posts
28 Mar 2014 5:40PM
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I want one of each!!!

VIC, 5000 posts
28 Mar 2014 10:06PM
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... and I thought that this was another thread criticising parents of feral kids.


NSW, 4453 posts
28 Mar 2014 10:22PM
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He has more...

QLD, 994 posts
28 Mar 2014 9:57PM
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Friggin great... now my 3yo is crying because he can't have a light sabre!

WA, 1832 posts
28 Mar 2014 7:59PM
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I'm not even going to ask how. I obviously won't understand.

Very clever.....

2129 posts
29 Mar 2014 5:29AM
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WA, 14633 posts
29 Mar 2014 6:30AM
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The wet floor one cracks me up!

NSW, 9202 posts
29 Mar 2014 7:35PM
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My iPod is littered with hundreds of these the kids made:

App is on the App Store:

WA, 4642 posts
29 Mar 2014 4:50PM
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Gee,.. now I feel sooo inadequate.
The most we ever had was plastecine to play with.

WA, 2775 posts
29 Mar 2014 6:58PM
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I wish it was on film........

Apparently I chucked the worlds greatest tanty as a 5 year old.

A family friend + Salvation Army church member was Range Officer at Swanbourne, and all our sunday school kids used sandy circle for play group and parties and stuff.
The big blokes in green suits always took us for rides in stuff with tracks that clanked, and we got to wear tin hats and mess about collecting buckets of brass and dig bullets out of the sand behind the targets. and go for rides in thier little boats. as you do.

Some of the big blokes in green suits let us watch them play with big noisy toys, and army issue firecrackers and smoke bombs and parachute flares and all sorts of wondrous stuff and there was much fun and rejoicing and all was good in the world...............

until mum wouldnt let me take my new blooper home

Ive never forgiven Mum for that

I mean, everyone knows a kid needs a blooper



Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Parents" started by FlySurfer