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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Personalised internet ads

Created by Harrow > 9 months ago, 29 Jul 2019
NSW, 4521 posts
29 Jul 2019 12:59PM
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So, the internet always seems to know what you've done, or are planning to do. The last month or so I was getting internet ads for activities in Cairns, since I'd been planning a holiday there. Other times it's sailing equipment, a waterproof watch, the latest MMOG, or whatever else you've been googling.

Recently I paid myself my past year's salary in a few daily transactions. (My business bank account has a relatively low daily limit, so I couldn't do it all at once.) Now I'm suddenly getting ads for private jets!! I'm wondering if someone somehow saw those consecutive transactions and they think I'm a drug lord or something?

WA, 668 posts
29 Jul 2019 11:09AM
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No its just all of us collectively willing you to go away

I dont get adds anymore its just a floating semi opaque sign that says please stop just make it stop well give you all the memes just leave the internet alone

But seriously ever since i stood outside a bus shelter at 4am and announced to my friends that i really want orange juice for some reason then they all pissed up laughing cause theyre was a huge rosella parrot standing on a piture of oj on the bus shelter wall i realised in not as smart as i thought and advertiseing does clearly work on me.

Soooo ... About them drugs...

NSW, 399 posts
29 Jul 2019 2:03PM
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Oh for sure it happens Harrow but the weirdest coincidence(?) happened to me just the other day....

Recently I have gotten serious about loosing a bit of belly and its going pretty well. So as a consequence, I am on the last hole of my belt and have been thinking I must put an extra hole in this belt cause its too loose.... Fairly sure I have not mentioned this out loud to anyone but I have been wishing I had a hole punch to do the job....

So what pops up on my Insta feed last week?? An ad for a little contraption thingy that punched holes and sets eyelets in fabrics and leather!! Never seen the ad before and just totally random....

Maybe Petie has a youtube vid that explains it..... Maybe I need to put an extra roll of tinfoil in this weeks shopping too....

QLD, 12350 posts
29 Jul 2019 4:26PM
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I believe android (google) phones, even when you are not using them will pick up key words of your conversations or so I am told.

QLD, 6149 posts
29 Jul 2019 5:19PM
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Hmm maybe u might get a call from the tax man too!

QLD, 487 posts
29 Jul 2019 6:40PM
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I get a wide variety of adds including. Flat Earthers association, maxwell anchor gear, storms Area 51 the real story, faked Moon landing, Australia doesn't exist, Sports Bet, Dan Murphy's, Mature ladies and sea folly and sometimes subway special lunch deal.

They must pick up my seabreeze conversations.

NSW, 6451 posts
29 Jul 2019 7:58PM
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"They" are defiantly watching.
I occasionally post in the windsuffering forum, since then I get non stop ads for blue hair rinse, bowls club discount coupons and mobility scooter hire.

edit.... Hahaaha, just received another for seniors funeral cover

WA, 402 posts
29 Jul 2019 6:03PM
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It's a well fact (conspiracy ) that your phone is listening all the time.

Google it!

WA, 668 posts
29 Jul 2019 6:33PM
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So is all those smart house speakers.

To prove a point i made my dad buy a car off gumtree useing his google pebble?

Had to push him that far to get rid of it.

Although It is fun to be driving and say "okay google current windspeed" or "okay google next song" makes me feel like the hitchiker actually needed to be at that gas station and wasnt just baleing because he didnt want to listen to me anymore.

NSW, 6451 posts
29 Jul 2019 8:52PM
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causehecan has wisdom beyond all of us, he da man, he has a lot he can teach us and his forming has opened up a whole new aspect to the old boring social media thang.

QLD, 487 posts
29 Jul 2019 9:34PM
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I am no expert on the topic but, I would like to add something half important for a change.

I think the adds have to do with cookies that websites set on your device when you visit them. All websites you make an account for have cookies. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, seabreeze any other website that needs an account will plant cookies on your device. Often the Terms and conditions we all claim to have read and accept, state this.

Cookies themselves are harmless it is what the website does with the cookies that determines whether or not you are in trouble. Cookies CAN find your location, browsing history, have access to your social media accounts and private messages, photos, MICROPHONE, contacts, CAMERA and see what you are doing live, messages. This is not a secret. You know those websites you visit and you just instantly press accept? They outline what the f_ck they are doing with your personal information. Maybe reading into those little fine prints might be a better idea than you may have first thought.

by getting a VPN you can cover some information like location, but I'm not sure what else a VPN does. Vpns can be free.

On on apple devices. You can clear all cookies on your device. Go to settings / safari / then go to advanced settings on safari / at the bottom will be "clear all browsing data and cookies" press this.

Also you can use a feature which blocks all cookies. Turn this on and see how many websites you can get into.

Sities like facebook actually make a lot of money by SELLING YOUR DATA TO THIRD PARTIES. Popular children's games like "Clash of Clans" do exactly the same thing. It is also worth knowing a lot of websites also know your credit card details.

Google admits to spying on us all the time. Imagine all the things that they don't tell you. It would not surprise me in the slightest if the "google home minis" things record your conversations. I bet if something illegal was happening inside your house, FBI would be looking into recording from these devices.

This is all knowledge that is free and not hidden. Are you surprised now that you get relevant adds now?

Remember everything you do online is logged somewhere. absolutely NOTHING you do online is private. Someone, somewhere In the world is watching.

Elderly people are targeted online the most. To a scammer you are someone who has little idea of the things listed above. A person who thinks they are cluey and can see when something's not right. They usually have a bit of money Lying around and this just adds to the target.

I am not writing this to scare people. Just be careful of what you and your kids or grandkids do online.

2224 posts
29 Jul 2019 7:50PM
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I was discussing with my old work colleague how many people sitting at a desk had stuck a pen in their nose and lent forward to just end it all in the office..
This particular friend and I have had many albeit dark yet hilarious conversations that include,

1) how much would you have to get paid to have sex with a chicken if it went live on the internet to everyone you knew? (4-5 million if anyone is interested and you get to pick the chicken , a nice fluffy one not from a battery farm)

2) how much could you lift if your life depended on it and than distance you could walk, sort of like that guy who got his leg/arm caught under the rock and he cut it off with a Stanley knife and walked a few kilometres to help... could you do that,,, what if it was just a finger or two,,, two fingers yeah for sure but not more than ten kilometres ,,, you know that sort of light Hearted dark humour...

Anyway so about 15 minutes after the pen through the nose conversation which he googled off his phone, apparently someone has done it but was unsuccessful and suffered serious brain damage like a 1920,s lobotomy....

After this conversation on my news feed popped up adds for ancient lobotomy and psychology sites for future medicine and well being adds.. It was more than uncanny and it was not even googled off my phone...

Phones are better than religion for control,,, everyone believes in them it is the best tool the government could ever ask for...

NSW, 6451 posts
29 Jul 2019 9:54PM
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Yep, your right about the best tool the government has ever had. I heard the conversation at the last parliament house meeting was all about causehecans last few posts. Big Brother is watching

QLD, 487 posts
29 Jul 2019 10:03PM
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lotofwind said..
Yep, your right about the best tool the government has ever had. I heard the conversation at the last parliament house meeting was all about causehecans last few posts. Big Brother is watching

Which one of causehecans last posts? Boat-bath tubs, Sailing to Asia to meet up with shemales? Pushing garbage off the edge of the world? Area 51 raids? Hanging of buildings in Russia?

NSW, 6451 posts
29 Jul 2019 10:07PM
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^^^^ Most of the above. Pauline Hanson nearly choked on her dim sim she was laughing so hard.

WA, 668 posts
29 Jul 2019 10:28PM
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I was about to comment on old mate needing 4 to 5 mill to have sex with a fluffy show chook and im pretty sure i had my way with the frozen raffle chicken from the spin the wheel game in the tavern carpark for nothing.

QLD, 487 posts
30 Jul 2019 9:40PM
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Select to expand quote
causehecan said..
I was about to comment on old mate needing 4 to 5 mill to have sex with a fluffy show chook and im pretty sure i had my way with the frozen raffle chicken from the spin the wheel game in the tavern carpark for nothing.

Wonder if Pauline was happy with that post.
Also I just got a nice ad.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Personalised internet ads" started by Harrow