Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Phone Rage.

Created by Dezman > 9 months ago, 16 Mar 2014
NSW, 818 posts
16 Mar 2014 12:19PM
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Gee I thought maybe I should put this under the heavy weather but I doubt there will be much argument over how crappy all the phone company's are here in Australia.
Ever tried using Telstra online page?
Forever run around like a hamster on a wheel as you try and read it all! I'm sure someone got paid by the word to set this up, hey how about thinking why someone would want to contact a carrier.
They are either wanting info leading to a purchase or more likely the product does not work, two choices I see.
But you can call up and talk to a computer about your problems, friendly and unresponsive please feel free to swear at it for IT does not have feelings like you.
Then if your lucky you get to talk to a excited Indian girl who would very much like to be of good help to you! Oh I should of screen captured the live chat I had online! 'Im very sorry you are having trouble, what would you like me to do?'
Nearly comical....

NSW, 4521 posts
16 Mar 2014 1:30PM
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My belief is that all those telecoms web-sites are designed to make it hard to compare products. I can never find the details on the products, they just want you to click on the big "unlimited everything" bundle that they are advertising on their home page, and not use your brain. Then they do include details of other stuff, buried so deep, that the average Joe Blow would never find it, but knowing that some bargain hunters will persevere until they find the deal that is optimal for them.

Anyway, I'm happy with my $3 plan. Got a family of 5 all mobile for only $15/month.

NSW, 433 posts
16 Mar 2014 11:27PM
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If you really want to complain, compare the costscomparison between Australia and Europe.
Don't have them atm but our trip last year showed remarkably cheaper prices over there. Don't know if it is competition, or if we are simply ignorant of reasonable pricing.

SA, 4773 posts
17 Mar 2014 12:31AM
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I have not had a problem with Telstra for 3 years.....never run out of credit pay monthly $100 for unlimited calls anywhere in Australia.
Have the best service offshore and in remote places.
I don't do smart phones just a basic Nokia ( battery life 5-7 days). Phone rings like a phone and beeps when I get text. !

WA, 177 posts
16 Mar 2014 10:13PM
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$3 Plan ?????

Do tell :)

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Harrow said...
My belief is that all those telecoms web-sites are designed to make it hard to compare products. I can never find the details on the products, they just want you to click on the big "unlimited everything" bundle that they are advertising on their home page, and not use your brain. Then they do include details of other stuff, buried so deep, that the average Joe Blow would never find it, but knowing that some bargain hunters will persevere until they find the deal that is optimal for them.

Anyway, I'm happy with my $3 plan. Got a family of 5 all mobile for only $15/month.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Phone Rage." started by Dezman