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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Politicley Correct . good or bad ?

Created by oldgina > 9 months ago, 4 Jul 2016
NSW, 55 posts
4 Jul 2016 8:56PM
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I can honestly say I miss the "good old days" pre. P.C....We called a "spade" a "spade",we laughed at each other & generally got on with things..?

Now it seems that offence is often taken ,usually by someone not even involved in the direct communication ?

WTF ? or as Julious Sumner Miller would say ,"Why is it so"?

NSW, 5784 posts
4 Jul 2016 9:23PM
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Correct spelling is good

WA, 1849 posts
4 Jul 2016 7:36PM
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John Cleese agrees

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
4 Jul 2016 10:08PM
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The thing is, although they pretended to laugh along and be cool with it, the spade probably didn't enjoy being called a spade. Or the coon, spic, wop, fag, or whatever.

Too much of anything is bad, too much PC is definitely bad, but none is also not much fun when you're on the receiving end of it.

The key to all things is life is finding the right balance, holding the sensible middle ground.

VIC, 873 posts
4 Jul 2016 10:18PM
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kiteboy dave said..
The thing is, although they pretended to laugh along and be cool with it, the spade probably didn't enjoy being called a spade. Or the coon, spic, wop, fag, or whatever.

Too much of anything is bad, too much PC is definitely bad, but none is also not much fun when you're on the receiving end of it.

The key to all things is life is finding the right balance, holding the sensible middle ground.

Nice Dave
You're smarter than you look!
I hope that's PC

NSW, 7072 posts
4 Jul 2016 10:20PM
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I think the point is with "political correctness" is that because it is imposed on society it is resented as a result.

Of course it's ignorant to use abusive terminology, for example, when referring to people's ethnicity but the idea that it shouldn't be done because it's not politically correct is a nonsense.

It simply shouldn't be done because one should have compassion and understanding and a natural acceptance that people from different origins look different and often have completely different cultures.

The imposition of attitudes results in division and makes it easier for people to differentiate and insult.

1972 posts
5 Jul 2016 1:44AM
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Political correctness on our part, is one of the best things that ISIS has going for them.
No profiling
No use of the term "radical Islam"
ISIS loves it!

I hope it's not as bad for you Aussies as it is for us yanks, it is literally killing us.

VIC, 564 posts
5 Jul 2016 7:02AM
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We all seem so worried about offending someone over something that we don't need to get offended over? I live in the City and work in the bush? I know at work I can still tell someone to F%^k off as a joke and get a laugh out of them. There just not a concerned about what others think of them. its refreshing

NSW, 55 posts
5 Jul 2016 7:06AM
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Thanks Doctor, feel free to be my spell/grammar check & please edit as you see fit ...............Kiteboy a well thought out & written reply...+1 for me on that one , but come on, the latest I've heard is we cant say "guys" what is that faecal matter ?

NSW, 265 posts
5 Jul 2016 7:22AM
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Mastbender said..
Political correctness on our part, is one of the best things that ISIS has going for them.
No profiling
No use of the term "radical Islam"
ISIS loves it!

I hope it's not as bad for you Aussies as it is for us yanks, it is literally killing us.

I find the word "yank" offensive .

VIC, 564 posts
5 Jul 2016 7:25AM
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Isn't it Happy love your gun day over there? or is that tomorrow? oops iv probably offended someone now!

NSW, 55 posts
5 Jul 2016 10:20AM
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I take offence to that raggy & I don't even have a gun.......

WA, 3519 posts
5 Jul 2016 8:29AM
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PC is the new censorship.

Suppressing the red thumb is PC

1972 posts
5 Jul 2016 9:32AM
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rburtyy said..

Mastbender said..
Political correctness on our part, is one of the best things that ISIS has going for them.
No profiling
No use of the term "radical Islam"
ISIS loves it!

I hope it's not as bad for you Aussies as it is for us yanks, it is literally killing us.

I find the word "yank" offensive .

I never said that, but most people here probably know that, so it's on you,,,,,,,,, but wait, you've never choked the chicken?
The radical Islamists would have your head if you ever admitted to that, just saying.

NSW, 5784 posts
5 Jul 2016 3:17PM
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So would those crazy Crack pot televangelist Christians you have over there in bonker yank land. ..

So i think that makes you guys even huh

QLD, 7428 posts
5 Jul 2016 3:40PM
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Mastbender said..
Political correctness on our part, is one of the best things that ISIS has going for them.
No profiling
No use of the term "radical Islam"
ISIS loves it!

I hope it's not as bad for you Aussies as it is for us yanks, it is literally killing us.

Who actually says you can't say "radical Islam"? That's nuts.

NSW, 55 posts
5 Jul 2016 6:17PM
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You can't say that..

QLD, 6149 posts
5 Jul 2016 6:24PM
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Its subversive expensive and dangerous. Expensive - can't say anything against black fellas or communities and the way they are run, or about sit down money or ridiculous title claims or i are racist. Dangerous because we can't discriminate or generalise Muslims or refugees because only 10 per cent of them are extremists. And how many extensions can we put on lgbtsivetc

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
5 Jul 2016 4:54PM
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kiteboy dave said..
The thing is, although they pretended to laugh along and be cool with it, the spade probably didn't enjoy being called a spade. Or the coon, spic, wop, fag, or whatever.

Too much of anything is bad, too much PC is definitely bad, but none is also not much fun when you're on the receiving end of it.

The key to all things is life is finding the right balance, holding the sensible middle ground.

Trouble is, equality and being respectful then gets taken further and further by the social engineers who know better than the rest of us apparently

Women's equality became positive discrimination where we are allowed to advertise for women for a job, to achieve a gender balance - but not men.
Gay people calling themselves gay to set themselves apart and be recognised has now become "LGBT" which essentially means "not hetero / normal majority" - making a mockery of the so-called equality. WTF?
Religious tolerance is fine and dandy......... but now we can bag Christians, but if you bag Muslims you are racist.
Rubbish like "disabled" becoming "differently abled" is rubbish speak along with stakeholders and benchmarking for operational efficiencies.

That's what the majority gets the sh!ts about. So yeah call a spade a spade.

My wife is asian, not NESB. I am fat, not weight challenged. I am white. The bloke next door is black and neither of us care.

QLD, 6149 posts
5 Jul 2016 6:57PM
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Good post mark

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
5 Jul 2016 5:19PM
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WA, 1777 posts
5 Jul 2016 6:30PM
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japie said..
I think the point is with "political correctness" is that because it is imposed on society it is resented as a result.

Of course it's ignorant to use abusive terminology, for example, when referring to people's ethnicity but the idea that it shouldn't be done because it's not politically correct is a nonsense.

It simply shouldn't be done because one should have compassion and understanding and a natural acceptance that people from different origins look different and often have completely different cultures.

The imposition of attitudes results in division and makes it easier for people to differentiate and insult.


Reading your entire post, I was thinking of a scorpion raising it's tail to make a point, then lowering it to prove there is a better way.



Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Politicley Correct . good or bad ?" started by oldgina