Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by remoc > 9 months ago, 12 Jan 2017
VIC, 51 posts
12 Jan 2017 9:17PM
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VIC, 51 posts
12 Jan 2017 9:35PM
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NSW, 903 posts
13 Jan 2017 10:17PM
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Good for getting beach worms

SA, 3589 posts
13 Jan 2017 11:07PM
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All those whale lovers will be feeling a little deflated right now.

VIC, 873 posts
15 Jan 2017 8:51PM
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Nippers out Thursday

And again today

Who ever knows?

1972 posts
18 Feb 2017 2:22AM
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Definitely terrifying!!!!

Evan Adamson captured this from his drone in S. Africa.

WA, 285 posts
18 Feb 2017 7:35AM
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that is a cool photo , bit scary but pretty cool

ACT, 544 posts
18 Feb 2017 11:15AM
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evan.adamsonWhat would you do?
#gopro #shark #drone #ufo #photoshop

el tubo
NSW, 113 posts
18 Feb 2017 1:25PM
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WA, 501 posts
19 Feb 2017 11:38AM
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el tubo said..


Is that a****** orca?

WA, 2775 posts
19 Feb 2017 12:42PM
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drewpweiner said..

Is that a****** orca?

Does it really matter?

Both orcas and sharks have pointy teeth, both eat meat.

Orca's even beach themselves to catch seals - so if either are in the area that's a good enough reason to keep dry for me.
I'm in no hurry to become tomorrows orca [or shark] poo

Buster fin
WA, 2573 posts
19 Feb 2017 3:29PM
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el tubo said..


It's clearly not in Perth. There's no-one dropping in.

WA, 501 posts
19 Feb 2017 5:16PM
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sn said..

drewpweiner said..

Is that a****** orca?

Does it really matter?

Both orcas and sharks have pointy teeth, both eat meat.

Orca's even beach themselves to catch seals - so if either are in the area that's a good enough reason to keep dry for me.
I'm in no hurry to become tomorrows orca [or shark] poo

pretty sure sharks don't surf under the wave like that, their too stupid to do that sort of thing.

It is common with Delphinoideas of which both dolphins and orca belong to.

WA, 6913 posts
20 Feb 2017 11:13AM
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sn said..

drewpweiner said..

Is that a****** orca?

Does it really matter?

Both orcas and sharks have pointy teeth, both eat meat.

Orca's even beach themselves to catch seals - so if either are in the area that's a good enough reason to keep dry for me.
I'm in no hurry to become tomorrows orca [or shark] poo

An interesting fact is that an Orca has never attacked a human in the wild. Also their is only one pod (Family) of Orcas that beach themselves to hunt. Orcas teach their young to hunt and each group do things differently, i guess depending on were they live, and environmental factors..

One of my fav's is how they get seals of ice flows. Super cleaver IMHO..

VIC, 115 posts
20 Feb 2017 6:31PM
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el tubo said..


I wish that wave was at point leo.

VIC, 1040 posts
20 Feb 2017 7:55PM
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jbshack said..

Orcas teach their young to hunt and each group do things differently, i guess depending on were they live, and environmental factors..
One of my fav's is how they get seals of ice flows. Super cleaver IMHO..

saw that with my own eyes back in my young days in Bering sea near Alaska.
our trawler was just drifting with the engine turned off..the noise that seal was making was so loud and desperate..farken breaks your heart

WA, 501 posts
20 Feb 2017 9:11PM
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dmitri said..

jbshack said..

Orcas teach their young to hunt and each group do things differently, i guess depending on were they live, and environmental factors..
One of my fav's is how they get seals of ice flows. Super cleaver IMHO..

the noise that seal was making was so loud and desperate..farken breaks your heart

Not if you're a meat eater or psychopath, wait... I forgot people just buy it in the shops these days and let others do the killing. What about the animals that scream on the inside? WAT AboUt THEEEM?!?!?!! no u don;t think about them... you only think of yourself... you filthy cannibal

WA, 169 posts
20 Feb 2017 10:05PM
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drewpweiner said..

dmitri said..

jbshack said..

Orcas teach their young to hunt and each group do things differently, i guess depending on were they live, and environmental factors..
One of my fav's is how they get seals of ice flows. Super cleaver IMHO..

the noise that seal was making was so loud and desperate..farken breaks your heart

Not if you're a meat eater or psychopath, wait... I forgot people just buy it in the shops these days and let others do the killing. What about the animals that scream on the inside? WAT AboUt THEEEM?!?!?!! no u don;t think about them... you only think of yourself... you filthy cannibal

A cannibal eats the flesh of its own species, hence we are not cannibals. Many animals are either carnivore or omnivore it is a natural part of life. I can only assume by your comments you are a vegetarian, which I can happily respect is your choice. You have banged on about this before. If you wish to do so in the future please create your own thread.
Eating meat and animal products gives me protein for energy and strength to boost higher, push harder, recover quicker and tell wimpy vego's to bugger off when they don't respect my lifestyle choices.

WA, 7277 posts
21 Feb 2017 12:58PM
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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Shark" started by remoc