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Shark attack near Forster NSW

Created by rockmagnet > 9 months ago, 1 Dec 2016
QLD, 1458 posts
1 Dec 2016 12:46PM
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Near Forster NSW

What a mess it made of his board, he's a bit chewed upon but seems in good spirits but he'll be pissed when he sees his board.

QLD, 2433 posts
1 Dec 2016 12:53PM
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with all the free advertising, hope JS can help the fella out with a new leg, sorry board.

WA, 3519 posts
1 Dec 2016 11:18AM
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I am not very sorry for him, S490-00 shark shield fitted no worries, board intact and leg still attached to body!
The surfies attitude is a bit like look at me I have no fear! You are a puss wearing that shiiit!

QLD, 2433 posts
1 Dec 2016 1:52PM
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I thought the jury was still out on a shark shield stopping a 300kg hungry White at full speed.

WA, 6913 posts
1 Dec 2016 1:07PM
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Underoath said..
I thought the jury was still out on a shark shield stopping a 300kg hungry White at full speed.

The jury may be, but the science is saying they'll work 9 out of 10 times..

The board was a mess. Almost looks like multiple bites

I think he has been very lucky to end up with foot injuries only, but lets hope he makes a full recovery..

WA, 3028 posts
1 Dec 2016 1:10PM
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jbshack said..

Underoath said..
I thought the jury was still out on a shark shield stopping a 300kg hungry White at full speed.

The jury may be, but the science is saying they'll work 9 out of 10 times..

The board was a mess. Almost looks like multiple bites

I think he has been very lucky to end up with foot injuries only, but lets hope he makes a full recovery..

Bit slow mate

NSW, 160 posts
1 Dec 2016 4:57PM
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Underoath said..
I thought the jury was still out on a shark shield stopping a 300kg hungry White at full speed.

Think you're missing a zero on that weight in kg.

I wouldn't want to hang my hat (or legs) on one of those shark shields though.

WA, 589 posts
1 Dec 2016 2:10PM
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How good is it to see a 60 something year old dude still ripping on a shortboard? I hope he recovers soon.

QLD, 1211 posts
1 Dec 2016 4:21PM
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felixdcat said...
I am not very sorry for him, S490-00 shark shield fitted no worries, board intact and leg still attached to body!
The surfies attitude is a bit like look at me I have no fear! You are a puss wearing that shiiit!

How much are they paying you per comment

WA, 3519 posts
1 Dec 2016 2:28PM
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^^^^^^ Not saying ^^^^^^
But I have one and would not go snorkeling without.

QLD, 1211 posts
1 Dec 2016 4:44PM
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Well I hope you never see a shark with all that faith in the gadget.
If you do you may contract galoptic shock known sscientifficly as ****wegotitwrong syndrome

WA, 3519 posts
1 Dec 2016 3:12PM
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To be totally honest i don't give a flying f^ck about whatever anybody thinks about the device, i go snorkeling a hell of a lot and never saw a shark, still have 2 legs 2 arms....... Is it to do with the shark shield? can't tell you but so far so good!

QLD, 1211 posts
1 Dec 2016 6:23PM
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QLD, 2043 posts
2 Dec 2016 7:28AM
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There was also a fisherman attacked recently, lucky fellow & a bit of a laugh.

WA, 1019 posts
2 Dec 2016 11:05AM
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jbshack said...
The jury may be, but the science is saying they'll work 9 out of 10 times..

"Science" has never really tested it properly though JB. Close enough isn't good enough dealing with 5m white sharks.

1 simple filmed "switch baiting" test with 25 different sized whites around the world is all thats required for every water user in the world to stand up and believe in them if they are proven effective.

WA, 6913 posts
2 Dec 2016 11:13AM
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MDSXR6T said..

jbshack said...
The jury may be, but the science is saying they'll work 9 out of 10 times..

Science has never really tested them properly though JB. 1 simple test "switch baiting" test with 25 different sized teased whites around the world is all thats required for every water user in the world to stand up and believe in them if they are proven effective.

TBH testing on these type of products is rather extensive these days.. Also extremely expensive, we are talking 6 plus figures. But Some people will always argue against them.. Hell people still argue immunising isn't effective either..

Its simple, you either believe they work and use them, or you don't..

Bit like condoms

QLD, 1211 posts
2 Dec 2016 1:24PM
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I really hope scientists are better than you at distinguishing condoms from great whites.

WA, 1019 posts
2 Dec 2016 11:27AM
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JB, expense is irrelevant when it comes to shark sheilds. Just like you had to buy boats, put up fences, offices etc when you started, they have to test their products. They are designed to protect us from aggressive sharks so why not go straight to the top. If you can't afford the maintenance, you cant afford a boat right?

Switch baiting whites is no more expensive than switch baiting billfish which no one has any problems with and is done daily. I understand we have an emotional attachment to marine mammals but numbers are plentiful and growing and a live seal is exactly what they bloody eat. Not a fake dummy on a surfboard or a dead chunk of kingfish.

If the sharks don't eat slow, injured seals / sea lions with shark sheilds attached then they wont eat us either. Surfers etc all over the world see concrete evidence and are happy to buy knowing the are safe.

10979 posts
2 Dec 2016 1:16PM
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djt91184 said..
I really hope scientists are better than you at distinguishing condoms from great whites.

Especially if they are going to put their dick in it...

WA, 1019 posts
2 Dec 2016 1:39PM
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SP said...
Shark shield has been tested plenty. They have used decoy seals and many other bait, not live / sick ones... cause that is cruel and demented.. Also probably against a fair few animal cruelty laws...

Studies were scientific, independent and peer reviewed.
Also plenty of anecdotal evidence and video that say they are better then nothing.

Nothing is 100% but reducing the risk is better then not doing anything.

Decoy seals and humans are worth very little in the real world. They dont have the same behaviours, body temp, heart beats etc as the things that white sharks eat.

Animal cruelty hey... so it's ok to kill something else living to feed them but not their everyday food? We might think highly of a cute little sea lion but i assure you orcas and white sharks do not. I also trust you're a vegan??

10979 posts
2 Dec 2016 1:53PM
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MDSXR6T said..

SP said...
Shark shield has been tested plenty. They have used decoy seals and many other bait, not live / sick ones... cause that is cruel and demented.. Also probably against a fair few animal cruelty laws...

Studies were scientific, independent and peer reviewed.
Also plenty of anecdotal evidence and video that say they are better then nothing.

Nothing is 100% but reducing the risk is better then not doing anything.

Decoy seals and humans are worth very little in the real world. They dont have the same behaviours, body temp, heart beats etc as the things that white sharks eat.

Animal cruelty hey... so it's ok to kill something else living to feed them but not their normal food? I trust you're a vegan??

HAHA... Wow, what a logical and well thought out reply ...Calling someone a vegan and assuming that is a reason for not wanting tocatch an feed a seal to a shark...

Sorry mate... I'm just not a sick ****. I assume you will want to catch a healthy one and maim it??? Or do you have a dog? Pet? Can we use that???

Your reply is why i took it down before anyone replied. You must have taken a good 20 minutes or more to write those 2 lines it had been taken down before my dick comment....

No point trying to have a discussion with people like you. Just end up just getting dragged down to your level and beaten by experience.

Have fun and maybe even try google... Amazing what you can find..... like sharks eating dead fish kt just live one's Thanks for the Friday afternoon giggle..


How many times you going to edit it?

shi thouse
WA, 1142 posts
2 Dec 2016 2:46PM
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Apparently the guy who invented the RCD came up against nay-sayers and the like. In the end he would prove his invention worked personally by electrocuting himself in front of these doubters. Fortunately he believed in his product so much and it was so effective that when current "leaked", it worked and cut the power before it could kill him. The rest is history, these RCD's now feature in every power board, meter box, home and business in Australia.

Lets apply the same principle here to the inventors of the shark shield. If they so firmly believe in their product then why not jump into the water with a massive white hanging around and in a frenzied state and prove to the world that these shields do work.

WA, 1019 posts
2 Dec 2016 3:20PM
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Don't be silly mate! According to SP's link the products with rechargable batteries they are marketing to prevent great white attacks on humans have had extensive testing with dummies, dead fish, offal in locations full of there #1 food source but most importantly in labratories...

10979 posts
2 Dec 2016 3:48PM
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MDSXR6T said...
Don't be silly mate! According to SP's link the products with rechargable batteries they are marketing to prevent great white attacks on humans have had extensive testing with dummies, dead fish, offal and most importantly in labratories..

Fark. Whats up your arse??? I just posted the info and you are on an all out personal attack...

No affiliations just posting what i read as others may be interested in some protection. And sorry im not into maiming seals for bait. Why dont we try some dolphins and whales while we are at it

But really its too funny... trying to be the smartest bloke in the room and failing. You didnt think a cursory google search before posting?

As i said really cant be ****ed. Even less so now if thats what you think my post said. definately no chance of an actual discussion but have a look at shark shields website and you'll find lots of videos. I suggest watching a few and youll see them do what you ask.

WA, 6913 posts
2 Dec 2016 4:05PM
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MDSXR6T said..
JB, expense is irrelevant when it comes to shark sheilds. Just like you had to buy boats, put up fences, offices etc when you started, they have to test their products. They are designed to protect us from aggressive sharks so why not go straight to the top. If you can't afford the maintenance, you cant afford a boat right?

Switch baiting whites is no more expensive than switch baiting billfish which no one has any problems with and is done daily. I understand we have an emotional attachment to marine mammals but numbers are plentiful and growing and a live seal is exactly what they bloody eat. Not a fake dummy on a surfboard or a dead chunk of kingfish.

If the sharks don't eat slow, injured seals / sea lions with shark sheilds attached then they wont eat us either. Surfers etc all over the world see concrete evidence and are happy to buy knowing the are safe.

Sorry i wrote that too fast. I meant to say "Testing products on great white sharks is extremely expensive" You won't get much change out of 6 figure amounts.. In fact the State government recently paid around $600,000.00 to test the effectiveness of Shark Shield to UWA..

My comments were simply eluding to the idea that you cant just test however you like. Laws are strict on what you can and cant do.

As for price on the product its absolutely negligible. I already have my Rpela device and my new board cost me $60 extra.. Id call that good value..

WA, 6913 posts
2 Dec 2016 4:09PM
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MDSXR6T said..
Don't be silly mate! According to SP's link the products with rechargable batteries they are marketing to prevent great white attacks on humans have had extensive testing with dummies, dead fish, offal in locations full of there #1 food source but most importantly in labratories...

If they could test in labourites that would be great, but sadly the only way to test a product like this would be Great White hotspots around the world.

South Africa, New Zealand. Australia is extremely regulated and almost impossible to test on Great Whites. You need to be extremely privileged to get that opportunity..

WA, 1019 posts
2 Dec 2016 4:24PM
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SP, nothing personal at all!! Your link stated the tests.

Shark sheilds are sold to the public as a way to protect a live human from a shark attack. The only way to have concrete facts is to repeatedly simulate exactly that. Offal, bait, calm sharks, dead fish, dummies etc are all well and good but unfortunately don't simulate a 5m, 1000kg shark attacking a human, whale or sea lion.

Buy a boat from JBS, they havent been sea trialed but 9 out of 10 times they float

QLD, 2433 posts
2 Dec 2016 8:37PM
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Chuck a few shark shields off the next dead whale floating off WA.

Get the bloke who decided to ride a whale off Perth the other other year to set them shark shields up. The blokes got talent.

11206 posts
2 Dec 2016 6:55PM
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Sharks and stats. Meh. The only stat I need to know is, we are out of out element in the ocean.

It is what it is. We can try all manner of netting, culling, personal deterrents but in the end, we sometimes look interesting enough to take a nibble from.

That's life when we're smart enough to use the ocean for recreation. Get used to it.

QLD, 1211 posts
2 Dec 2016 9:01PM
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jbshack said..

MDSXR6T said..
Don't be silly mate! According to SP's link the products with rechargable batteries they are marketing to prevent great white attacks on humans have had extensive testing with dummies, dead fish, offal in locations full of there #1 food source but most importantly in labratories...

If they could test in labourites that would be great, but sadly the only way to test a product like this would be Great White hotspots around the world.

South Africa, New Zealand. Australia is extremely regulated and almost impossible to test on Great Whites. You need to be extremely privileged to get that opportunity..

The government make review assesments on policy that will squeeze money out of people everyday
Why not review the white situation to get these products actually tested, aaww poor whitey might get a zap
we nearly hunted WHALES to extinction when we were tough ****s, 40 yrs on we're scared to zap a few whites

So when Great White comes near you and your product its fine for it to (hopefully) get a zap, but we cant test the product prior oh no because that would be cruel.
Make sense? I didn't think so

WA, 6913 posts
2 Dec 2016 7:42PM
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djt91184 said..

jbshack said..

MDSXR6T said..
Don't be silly mate! According to SP's link the products with rechargable batteries they are marketing to prevent great white attacks on humans have had extensive testing with dummies, dead fish, offal in locations full of there #1 food source but most importantly in labratories...

If they could test in labourites that would be great, but sadly the only way to test a product like this would be Great White hotspots around the world.

South Africa, New Zealand. Australia is extremely regulated and almost impossible to test on Great Whites. You need to be extremely privileged to get that opportunity..

The government make review assesments on policy that will squeeze money out of people everyday
Why not review the white situation to get these products actually tested, aaww poor whitey might get a zap
we nearly hunted WHALES to extinction when we were tough ****s, 40 yrs on we're scared to zap a few whites

So when Great White comes near you and your product its fine for it to (hopefully) get a zap, but we cant test the product prior oh no because that would be cruel.
Make sense? I didn't think so

I completely agree. If a few sharks get hurt in the learning phase then why not..

Hopefully its okay to re share the story, but one test recently completed they wouldn't allow the unit to be switched of then at the last second turned on. Apparently that would be cruel to shark..Personally i think it would be less cruel then a bullet or a huge hook..

Just as silly as spending money tagging sharks at one end of the beach when they could just as easily latter die in a net at the other end..


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Shark attack near Forster NSW" started by rockmagnet