Reminds me of Wooly Ninja's family home. I think i saw Geraldine the Seventh around sheep row's the one with a smile on its face
I had conversation once with a New Zealander....I asked him how many sexual partners he has had.
He start to count them off.......and soon he fell asleep.
For the size of that little place NZ does produce some excellent variety movies.
Black Sheep
Whale Rider
2nd Hand Wedding
Actually your all just bloody jealous of the freedom of NZers to have sex out in the open and not get punished.
Mate I got out of the long white cloud (when I was still there we lived on long white clouds ) many many years ago,
Its the old adage you can take the boy out of the farm but you cant take the farm out of the boy.
I still get homesick whenever Ive been there for more than a week, there is something that keeps drawing at the heart strings. Loved the sheep though they are still clean looking.