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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Surf Sounds from the Top End Tiki Bar

Created by MangoDingo > 9 months ago, 4 Sep 2018
NT, 891 posts
4 Sep 2018 11:45AM
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I've decided to start posting tunes that keep me stoked.
First one is from Hawaiian legend George Kainapau and his Island Serenaders - Sonny Kamahele, Kaipo Miller, and Jules Ah See.
George Kainapau is remembered as one of Hawaii's greatest ever falsetto singers. His strong, clear, and controlled voice, void of any breathiness, could glide smoothly from the falsetto register to high tenor without any break, and utilize the Hawaiian ha'i ornament just as easily. This one was recorded live at the Ale Ale Kai Room in the Kaiser Hawaiian Village on Waikiki in 1957.

Beyond the Reef

VIC, 873 posts
4 Sep 2018 9:16PM
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Yes Mango, bit different to Cisco's Friday Night Spot, but I like it !

What is this "Hawaiian ha'i Ornament" you refer too?

NT, 891 posts
4 Sep 2018 10:06PM
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Hey, nice one ShoodbeGood - glad you're diggin the vibes - yeah, I've been on a bit of a journey in to old Hawaiian lap steel guitar music lately and it's a treasure trove of incredible tropic vibes and mind-blowing musicianship. and dates back as far as the late 19th and early 20th centuries(!!!) An incredibly under-listened to and under-appreciated style of music - at least here in the Top End of Oz.
It's interesting to listen to some of the local Indigenous bands up here though and there's definitely some connections to the tropic beach sounds and the 'saltwater' way of life.
I don't know what the Hawaiian ha'i ornament is - I've been digging around but the closest thing I can find is a traditional Hawaiian chant - similar to a Maori Haka. If there's any Hawaiians reading this or anyone who knows I'd be rapt to learn.

In the meantime, here's one from the always great 'Mermen' out of Santa Cruz...


NT, 891 posts
5 Sep 2018 1:11PM
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Radios Appear was the first full-length studio album by seminal Australian band Radio Birdman. The album was recorded at Birdman's Trafalgar Studios, in Sydney during 1976 and 1977. Trafalgar initially distributed the album via mail order and by sales from the backs of friend's and band members' station wagons. This laid the groundwork for future DIY punk bands in Australia. Radios Appear was hailed by many as a breakthrough album in Australian rock and a decisive change from the uneventful early mid-seventies scene.
If you haven't heard this - you need to go and get yourself a copy and put it on repeat. For a month.

Here's Descent into the Maelstrom ...

1972 posts
6 Sep 2018 2:30AM
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QLD, 12353 posts
6 Sep 2018 9:55AM
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Try this one for size.

NT, 891 posts
6 Sep 2018 9:59AM
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Mastbender said..

Mastbender - what a classic! Great selection - far out I haven't listened to the great (recently departed) Leon Russell for ages.
He's one of the greatest song writers of all time I reckon - and dude - Back to the Island - how good is it. A classic tune of lust/love gone bad but at the end of the day - the beach is still there man -

"'Well all the fun has died, It's raining in my heart
I know down in my soul I'm really gonna miss you
But it had to end this way with all the games we played
Well I hope you understand I just had to go back to the island"

Cheers to that Mr Russell!!! I'm goin' surfing!!!

NT, 891 posts
6 Sep 2018 10:09AM
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cisco said..
Try this one for size.

CISCO~!!! one word - GOLD!!!
Mate - how good's Warumpi!!! This is one of the greatest tracks ever to come out of Oz - man - you've made my morning.
I've spent a fair few years out that East Arnhem coast way with Yolngu - beautiful, generous, welcoming, happy and kind people.
and man - it' some of the most insane coast. AND there's waves!!! If you ever get the chance to head out that way - highly recommend it - life-changing.
I'm crankin' Warumpi right now and probably again later this arvo. and again tomorrow.
Cheerin' brus!

QLD, 12353 posts
6 Sep 2018 9:50PM
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Glad you liked it. I am led to believe the song is actually about Fitzroy Island just off Cairns. Cheers.

3777 posts
6 Sep 2018 8:45PM
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cisco said..
Try this one for size.

Great post never of picked that song as a cover?

WA, 3489 posts
7 Sep 2018 10:17AM
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cisco said..
Glad you liked it. I am led to believe the song is actually about Fitzroy Island just off Cairns. Cheers.

From Wiki

"My Island Home" is a pop song written by Neil Murray and originally performed by the Warumpi Band. The song references lead singer's (George Burarrwanga) home up at Elcho Island off the coast of Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory.

NSW, 590 posts
7 Sep 2018 2:08PM
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Must check with greenleader but pretty sure this is the national anthem for Maui Waui

NT, 891 posts
7 Sep 2018 2:47PM
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HotBodMon said..
Must check with greenleader but pretty sure this is the national anthem for Maui Waui

Indeed it is HotBodMon - great selection. Importantly it's not to be confused with the oft-overlooked and woefully under-listened to anthems for Coolangatta Cabbage or the Wangaratta Wahine

NT, 891 posts
7 Sep 2018 2:57PM
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tightlines said..

cisco said..
Glad you liked it. I am led to believe the song is actually about Fitzroy Island just off Cairns. Cheers.

From Wiki

"My Island Home" is a pop song written by Neil Murray and originally performed by the Warumpi Band. The song references lead singer's (George Burarrwanga) home up at Elcho Island off the coast of Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory.

Yeah - it's a funny one. Neil Murray wrote it when Warumpi were up this way on the Blackfella/Whitefella tour with Midnight Oil.
After Christine Anu covered it, it sort of became a bit of an unofficial anthem - I reckon it's testament to how good a song it is eh - doesn't matter where you're from, everyone gets it.
Definitely recommend delving in to the Warumpi back catalog. How's this for a classic - deadest ripper!!!

NT, 891 posts
7 Sep 2018 9:34PM
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And the cover to the 'Breadline' 7 inch is pure gold...

NT, 891 posts
7 Sep 2018 10:12PM
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While we're on the topic of top end grooves - check out the Pigram Brothers from Broome town up in the Kimberley...

NSW, 476 posts
8 Sep 2018 7:03AM
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MangoDingo said..

tightlines said..

cisco said..
Glad you liked it. I am led to believe the song is actually about Fitzroy Island just off Cairns. Cheers.

From Wiki

"My Island Home" is a pop song written by Neil Murray and originally performed by the Warumpi Band. The song references lead singer's (George Burarrwanga) home up at Elcho Island off the coast of Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory.

Yeah - it's a funny one. Neil Murray wrote it when Warumpi were up this way on the Blackfella/Whitefella tour with Midnight Oil.
After Christine Anu covered it, it sort of became a bit of an unofficial anthem - I reckon it's testament to how good a song it is eh - doesn't matter where you're from, everyone gets it.
Definitely recommend delving in to the Warumpi back catalog. How's this for a classic - deadest ripper!!!

Such a great time of optimism in Australia - The bicentenary I would argue was one of Australia's cultural peeks, that and around the Sydney Olympics, country was united, forward looking and up beat. Now its bloody introverted, divided, and stagnant. We are constantly bickering and tearing down things. people and achievements. Im not sure why we have become like this? The economy is very good, employment is high, property is high (not so good for the first timers but good for everyone else) Education is reasonably good, health is good (with the notable exception of Indigenous people) and generally there is comfortable lifestyles why has Australia become such a country of grouches lately. Road Rage, Racism, Domestic Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Violence, Coward Punches, Surf Rage even!!! Even on here in the forums people can be so snippy and agro, can we all just please go back to our own island home or equivalent mental health place and chill???

VIC, 873 posts
8 Sep 2018 10:14PM
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This thread is the best!

Geez Warmupi were a great band, unique rockin' country guitar, so sad we will never see them again.

And yes Peter, you raise many points which are so true.

Bloody lucky being kids of the 80's I guess, simpler times.

NT, 891 posts
9 Sep 2018 6:36AM
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peterowensbabs said..

MangoDingo said..

tightlines said..

cisco said..
Glad you liked it. I am led to believe the song is actually about Fitzroy Island just off Cairns. Cheers.

From Wiki

"My Island Home" is a pop song written by Neil Murray and originally performed by the Warumpi Band. The song references lead singer's (George Burarrwanga) home up at Elcho Island off the coast of Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory.

Yeah - it's a funny one. Neil Murray wrote it when Warumpi were up this way on the Blackfella/Whitefella tour with Midnight Oil.
After Christine Anu covered it, it sort of became a bit of an unofficial anthem - I reckon it's testament to how good a song it is eh - doesn't matter where you're from, everyone gets it.
Definitely recommend delving in to the Warumpi back catalog. How's this for a classic - deadest ripper!!!

Such a great time of optimism in Australia - The bicentenary I would argue was one of Australia's cultural peeks, that and around the Sydney Olympics, country was united, forward looking and up beat. Now its bloody introverted, divided, and stagnant. We are constantly bickering and tearing down things. people and achievements. Im not sure why we have become like this? The economy is very good, employment is high, property is high (not so good for the first timers but good for everyone else) Education is reasonably good, health is good (with the notable exception of Indigenous people) and generally there is comfortable lifestyles why has Australia become such a country of grouches lately. Road Rage, Racism, Domestic Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Violence, Coward Punches, Surf Rage even!!! Even on here in the forums people can be so snippy and agro, can we all just please go back to our own island home or equivalent mental health place and chill???

Indeed Peter!!!
You've nailed it mate - there's some pretty gnarly crew gettin' round these days - throw in too much grog or meth amphetamine in to the mix and hey presto - you've got some genuine bona fide looseness. Of course the aggro you speak of in the waves in some ways in nothin new.
I watched 'Bustin Down the Door'a couple of weeks back and man - Rabbit and the boys were copping it in Hawaii back in the day - mind you they pretty much broke every rule in the 'show respect at others' breaks' rule book.
But yeah , the world is definitely more hectic and more about 'me' and bugger every other bugger.
well not us here on the Breeze my good fellow!!!
We're a radical bunch of free thinkers who encourage listenin' to good tunes, havin' a laugh and most importantly, gettin' in the water !!!
Ya've gotta keep the gills wet!!!

Cheers brus!!!

NT, 891 posts
9 Sep 2018 6:43AM
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shoodbegood said..
This thread is the best!

Geez Warmupi were a great band, unique rockin' country guitar, so sad we will never see them again.

And yes Peter, you raise many points which are so true.

Bloody lucky being kids of the 80's I guess, simpler times.

Definitely agree with you Shoody - I think growing up in the 80s is to be condemned to a life of nostalgia!!! Good times!!!

speaking of escaping to my island - check out Benjamin Rogers 'Sand' - my missus hates it when I play Hawaiian lap steel - she reckon she it makes her feel seasick - like she's gonna have a chuck.
I love it - takes me to my happy place. Or one of them at least anyway!

Take me away Mr Rogers...

WA, 1305 posts
10 Sep 2018 8:47AM
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NT, 891 posts
10 Sep 2018 8:28PM
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Dude - that's what I'm talkin' about brother!!!
How sick are those nuggets?!?! Cripes - where's the Sugar Shack? I'm into it. perfect laid back grooves with a friggin' healthy dose of
knees up to yr ears skankin!!!
makes me wanna crack open a few frosties and roll a big fat one! Yeeew!!!
Here's Arthur Lyman to cleanse the pallet - so to speak...

NT, 891 posts
10 Sep 2018 8:38PM
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And while I'm inspired by Cassa's grooves check out this one from Nora Dean, produced by Duke Reid on the legendary Treasure Isle label. From about 1969. ish.

WA, 1305 posts
11 Sep 2018 12:43PM
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Sugershack Sessions are my new playlist, Awwwwssssom

NT, 891 posts
12 Sep 2018 4:16PM
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Lovin' the skankin' tunes Cassa!
If you dig the skank, you need to check out Midnite - epic rasta grooves

NT, 891 posts
12 Sep 2018 4:24PM
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And check this one from Terry Reid from '68.
Jimmy Page wanted Reid to fill the vocalist spot for his proposed new group, the New Yardbirds, which was to become Led Zeppelin. Reid had already committed to go on the road for two tours with The Rolling Stones and another with Cream - so couldn't do the gig.
Reid told Jimmy to consider a young Birmingham-based singer, Robert Plant, instead, having previously seen Plant's Band of Joy as a support act at one of his concerts. Reid also suggested Page to check out their drummer John Bonham. The rest, as they say, is history but Terry Reid still goes off - even if he missed out on all the fat Led Zeppelin cheques.

QLD, 12353 posts
13 Sep 2018 12:36AM
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Who woulda thunk it, Kevin Bacon live fron Daryl's house.

NT, 891 posts
16 Sep 2018 7:52PM
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Nice Cisco - who knew Kevin 'Footloose' Bacon was a half decent vocalist. Great recording.
Man - the Live at Darryl's House series has been classic. Darryl Hall's a legend and his band is freakin' all time.
We've had some nice swell up here in the Top End the past few days. Good waves, warm water, good times. I'm knackered tonight but stoked.

Been diggin old skool reverb lately...

NT, 891 posts
16 Sep 2018 7:54PM
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And this little nugget from the Allah-Lahs...

NT, 891 posts
16 Sep 2018 8:00PM
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Kurt Vile...Slow Talkers...

QLD, 12353 posts
16 Sep 2018 9:29PM
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Strewth mate, the Crossfires are about as retro as you can get.

Here is a bit of retro surfing music.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Surf Sounds from the Top End Tiki Bar" started by MangoDingo