Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

The Conspiracy Cancer

Created by boardswa > 9 months ago, 14 Jun 2010
WA, 72 posts
14 Jun 2010 10:16AM
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The forums on this site used to be fun and informative. All I see now are endless postings based around conspiracy theories. Society unfortunately has a lot of sad and sick people, the lucky ones who know they are sick get treatment and can again live a healthy and normal life. The others with nothing else in their lives feed on conspiracy theories and regurgitate them onto these forums. What I find astounding is that people respond. Why would any sane person bother to reply to this garbage, all you do is encourage them and give their arguments some kind of validity. All you have to do to cure this conspiracy cancer is simply treat it with the contempt that it deserves and ignore it. Eventually without a host it will simply infect itself and die.
why not give it a try!

WA, 2371 posts
14 Jun 2010 10:37AM
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Ok boardswa....I will agree...probably too serious but the rest of the seabreeze site is for info and chat on a certain windsurfing, kitesurfing, surfing.

So what subject or subjects do you want to see in "Shooting the Breeze" ?
(I am actually interested!)

In the mean is something nice to discuss.

QLD, 12326 posts
14 Jun 2010 2:06PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

Ok boardswa....I will agree...probably too serious but the rest of the seabreeze site is for info and chat on a certain windsurfing, kitesurfing, surfing.

So what subject or subjects do you want to see in "Shooting the Breeze" ?
(I am actually interested!)

In the mean is something nice to discuss.

Nah. Those pics are just part of the Photoshopper's conspiracy trying to convince me that other women possess more beautiful buttocks than that of my wife and thereby lead me to the dark side by invoking the "seven year itch", "the grass is always greener" etc,etc.

You can't fool me with that one. It has sent me a little cross eyed though.

It's cold and there is no wind in Bundaberg today, if you hadn't already guessed.

WA, 2371 posts
14 Jun 2010 12:39PM
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It's raining wind...and my job today is computer related..LOl
can't half tell..... God it was such a nice weekend too.

Nothing wrong with "Surfing mums"....

WA, 4642 posts
14 Jun 2010 1:25PM
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boardswa said...

The forums on this site used to be fun and informative. All I see now are endless postings based around conspiracy theories. Society unfortunately has a lot of sad and sick people, the lucky ones who know they are sick get treatment and can again live a healthy and normal life. The others with nothing else in their lives feed on conspiracy theories and regurgitate them onto these forums. What I find astounding is that people respond. Why would any sane person bother to reply to this garbage, all you do is encourage them and give their arguments some kind of validity. All you have to do to cure this conspiracy cancer is simply treat it with the contempt that it deserves and ignore it. Eventually without a host it will simply infect itself and die.
why not give it a try!

Why do I respond?
I think you have answered that yourself when you refer to it as a cancer.
Very rarely does a cancer self extinguish just by ignoring it.
It does happen, but not often.
More commonly, you ignore it for a while but while you are doing that it is gaining strength and momentum until finally it takes over the host organism, which in this case is the society we live in.
It poisons society to react against the system which is set in place to benefit it, and that can't be a good thing.
There is nothing wrong with a healthy scepticism but this conspiracy rubbish breeds more than that. It fosters a deep seated distrust and disrespect for the governing powers and therefore creates an excuse to work against them.
Governments make enough genuine errors worthy of criticism without having to invent fictitious ones.

If you think our society is actually doing not too bad then it is worth defending. Specially when it is so easy to do so
It would be very sad to see it infected by such gross stupidity and negative intent as is displayed in some of these conspiracy theories.
You might think this would be an unlikely outcome but because they now have such an effective way of spreading their poison by way of the internet and U tube, it is clear that even the most stupid conspiracy scenario can gain a lot of traction over a very wide audience.

The original conspiracy rubbish used to be under the heading of "POISON".
I think this was appropriate because that's what it is.

I do agree that it now seems to be infecting too many threads , but then they are clearly marked so if you have no interest in them then they are easy to skip over.
I think the thread heading of "Stupid Theories" was appropriate but then what self respecting conspiracy theorist would want to post their pearls of wisdom under a heading like that.
Maybe forum admin might like to transplant any similar topic to that thread heading.

From another aspect, they do offer a very good insight into the human condition.
And that condition is the ability to firmly believe in something which has no basis in reality, even in the face of undeniable proof that the belief is wrong.
Once the belief has been firmly established it is unshakeable, even after every cornerstone of their argument is demolished.
There are a number of things in society which take advantage of that flaw in our make up.
If you recognise this you will see it coming and not be taken advantage of by it.

WA, 2371 posts
14 Jun 2010 2:01PM
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^^^^^ Seriously though pweedas at 21 (which boardswa says he is) and actually for me it was from about 16 to about 36.....I could not handle topics that were too serious
either....I just wanted to be free of debt, free of boardum and just free
to live and travel as I pleased... mainly because I thought stupidly if
I got into things that were to serious it would bring me down...and I would
get board and fall in a rut...(this makes sense to me..probably not to anyone else)

NSW, 2495 posts
14 Jun 2010 4:29PM
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i think gypsydrifter is doing a great job on these forums!

WA, 6415 posts
14 Jun 2010 5:50PM
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pweedas.......From another aspect, they do offer a very good insight into the human condition.

And that condition is the ability to firmly believe in something which has no basis in reality, even in the face of undeniable proof that the belief is wrong.

at last,we finally agree on something

WA, 4485 posts
14 Jun 2010 6:05PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

It's raining wind...and my job today is computer related..LOl
can't half tell..... God it was such a nice weekend too.

Nothing wrong with "Surfing mums"....

Geez the mum in the middle with the black top and shiny head would take a few bourbons to cross the attraction line!

Squid Lips
WA, 708 posts
14 Jun 2010 6:43PM
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3952 posts
14 Jun 2010 7:11PM
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saltiest1 said...

i think gypsydrifter is doing a great job on these forums!


WA, 15849 posts
15 Jun 2010 11:09AM
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oliver said...

saltiest1 said...

i think gypsydrifter is doing a great job on these forums!



QLD, 5610 posts
15 Jun 2010 1:27PM
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I find the conpiracy stuff pretty funny on here BUT, have you ever dealt with one of these people face to face. They are condescending pr1cks. They carry on like religious zealots trying to save you from hell (yourself). They are offended if you arent intersted in the crapolla they are spurting. If civilization does come to an end next year I would rather go down with it than live on an island somewhere with those d1ckwits !.....

40 posts
15 Jun 2010 2:16PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

^^^^^ Seriously though pweedas at 21 (which boardswa says he is) and actually for me it was from about 16 to about 36.....I could not handle topics that were too serious
either....I just wanted to be free of debt, free of boardum and just free
to live and travel as I pleased... mainly because I thought stupidly if
I got into things that were to serious it would bring me down...and I would
get board and fall in a rut...(this makes sense to me..probably not to anyone else)

I have noticed a lot of opinionated people not bothering with the facts on these various forums. Seems that all that matters is that their opinion should be more important than anyone elses, this post is a prime example. If you checked this guy's profile correctly you would see that Boardswa was 21 in 2003 when he registered that means he is now getting on for 29 and to assume he avoids serious matters is presumptious of you to say the least, his post clearly indicates that he considers consp' theory as not serious and should not be taken as such.
Thanks for the pics though, the girl on the board looks familier from that angle.

WA, 6415 posts
15 Jun 2010 3:57PM
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boardswa.......The forums on this site used to be fun and informative. All I see now are endless postings based around conspiracy theories. Society unfortunately has a lot of sad and sick people, the lucky ones who know they are sick get treatment and can again live a healthy and normal life.

Cisco,the Doc,flysurfer,few others....... i hope you realise that you are sad and/or sick and get Big Pharma to help you out here.

a tablet or two a day of Prozac or Paxil and you lucky three '' can again live a healthy and normal life''.

WA, 15849 posts
15 Jun 2010 4:05PM
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^^ Pete it was boardswa not buster.

NSW, 864 posts
15 Jun 2010 7:40PM
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For chrissakes man, learn how to click on the "quote" button. It won't bite you and nothing bad will happen. God's honest truth, I promise.

QLD, 12326 posts
16 Jun 2010 9:34AM
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petermac33 said...
Cisco,the Doc,flysurfer,few others....... i hope you realise that you are sad and/or sick and get Big Pharma to help you out here.

a tablet or two a day of Prozac or Paxil and you lucky three '' can again live a healthy and normal life''.

Healthy sounds good, but normal??? No thanks, pass.

WA, 15849 posts
16 Jun 2010 8:53AM
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maxm said...



For chrissakes man, learn how to click on the "quote" button. It won't bite you and nothing bad will happen. God's honest truth, I promise.

maxm, you are glowing, are you pregnant?

WA, 4642 posts
16 Jun 2010 11:20AM
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doggie said...
maxm, you are glowing, are you pregnant?

That'll be the fluoride in the water.
It's reached critical mass.
She's about to explode in a mass of effervescent effusion.
Stand well clear!

WA, 15849 posts
16 Jun 2010 11:31AM
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pweedas said...

doggie said...
maxm, you are glowing, are you pregnant?

That'll be the fluoride in the water.
It's reached critical mass.
She's about to explode in a mass of effervescent effusion.
Stand well clear!

Na its the chemtrails

Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
16 Jun 2010 1:16PM
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maxm said...



For chrissakes man, learn how to click on the "quote" button. It won't bite you and nothing bad will happen. God's honest truth, I promise.

No... clicking the quote button automatically sends your information to a US Government web monitoring computer and the UN is in on it also.
Don't use it!!!!

Edit: Oops.

WA, 2371 posts
16 Jun 2010 1:41PM
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DipsyGriftir said...

GypsyDrifter said...

^^^^^ Seriously though pweedas at 21 (which boardswa says he is) and actually for me it was from about 16 to about 36.....I could not handle topics that were too serious
either....I just wanted to be free of debt, free of boardum and just free
to live and travel as I pleased... mainly because I thought stupidly if
I got into things that were to serious it would bring me down...and I would
get board and fall in a rut...(this makes sense to me..probably not to anyone else)

I have noticed a lot of opinionated people not bothering with the facts on these various forums. Seems that all that matters is that their opinion should be more important than anyone elses, this post is a prime example. If you checked this guy's profile correctly you would see that Boardswa was 21 in 2003 when he registered that means he is now getting on for 29 and to assume he avoids serious matters is presumptious of you to say the least, his post clearly indicates that he considers consp' theory as not serious and should not be taken as such.
Thanks for the pics though, the girl on the board looks familier from that angle.

Here we go! Whats the bet this person is not new to this site?

WA, 15849 posts
16 Jun 2010 2:30PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

DipsyGriftir said...

GypsyDrifter said...

^^^^^ Seriously though pweedas at 21 (which boardswa says he is) and actually for me it was from about 16 to about 36.....I could not handle topics that were too serious
either....I just wanted to be free of debt, free of boardum and just free
to live and travel as I pleased... mainly because I thought stupidly if
I got into things that were to serious it would bring me down...and I would
get board and fall in a rut...(this makes sense to me..probably not to anyone else)

I have noticed a lot of opinionated people not bothering with the facts on these various forums. Seems that all that matters is that their opinion should be more important than anyone elses, this post is a prime example. If you checked this guy's profile correctly you would see that Boardswa was 21 in 2003 when he registered that means he is now getting on for 29 and to assume he avoids serious matters is presumptious of you to say the least, his post clearly indicates that he considers consp' theory as not serious and should not be taken as such.
Thanks for the pics though, the girl on the board looks familier from that angle.

Here we go! Whats the bet this person is not new to this site?

Funny thats what I thought, sounds familiar, might be the Doc by the style.

NSW, 9202 posts
16 Jun 2010 5:34PM
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Bananas are radioactive.

WA, 15849 posts
16 Jun 2010 3:43PM
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evlPanda said...

Bananas are radioactive.

NSW, 864 posts
16 Jun 2010 6:35PM
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doggie said...

maxm, you are glowing, are you pregnant?

No. I took off my foil hat to wash my hair. Forgot to put it back on before I went to bed. Next thing I know I woke up and some kind of creature was looking at me and I couldn't move. THEN I got whisked off in some kind of craft. There they got a real unhealthy fascination with my nether regions that's best not talked about in polite company. Next thing I knew, I was back home looking like this.

Do you think I could be pregnant?

WA, 15849 posts
16 Jun 2010 4:40PM
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maxm said...

doggie said...

maxm, you are glowing, are you pregnant?

No. I took off my foil hat to wash my hair. Forgot to put it back on before I went to bed. Next thing I know I woke up and some kind of creature was looking at me and I couldn't move. THEN I got whisked off in some kind of craft. There they got a real unhealthy fascination with my nether regions that's best not talked about in polite company. Next thing I knew, I was back home looking like this.

Do you think I could be pregnant?

Alien baby maybe maybe its petermac33 flying sum chemtrails ova your house and you were having a hallucination about the mother ship ect

NSW, 9202 posts
16 Jun 2010 7:18PM
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Keanu Reeves is immortal:

Keanu has been quoted as saying he has enough money to "last many lifetimes".

P.S. Bananas really are radioactive.

WA, 15849 posts
16 Jun 2010 5:24PM
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evlPanda said...

Keanu Reeves is immortal:

Keanu has been quoted as saying he has enough money to "last many lifetimes".

P.S. Bananas really are radioactive.

WA, 6415 posts
16 Jun 2010 5:59PM
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with the Stockmarket crash about to happen [50% to 80% drop], the government then will implement austerity measures.

cutting pensions + wages while increasing tax across the board. economic crash soon!

get out of debt now!

certainly could not be contrived by the international bankers/elite or could it?

forgot not allowed to mention the 'C' word on this forum again.

perhaps when this stockmarket crash/else starts to unfold in the coming months it might help to wake the people up over those weird chemtrails forming in a deep blue sky.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The Conspiracy Cancer" started by boardswa