^^^ I remember in early years of my Secondary School days we were trying to come up with a topic for a debate - 'euthanasia' was mentioned followed by a "pfft" from one of the 'less-aware-of-current-affairs' students, who happened to be one of my mates. The teacher asked him "why not?", and I remember his answer - "I don't know why we should worry about the kids over there..."
Facepalm from me, amongst the roars of laughter from everyone else in the classroom.
That first one... I hope it doesn't slow this page down.
But it's a top image for wallpaper.
Latterer is two gift voucher cards. Niiiiiice.
Don't know if it's real or not? Walking on water.......
When you have a video up, right click the the url in the address bar to bring up the alternate menu. In that menu left click "copy".
Then click back to your forum post page and where you want to place the vid right click for the alt menu again and click "paste".
Hope this helps.
bahahah I so want those shoes what brand where they did any one check that omg lols
prolly one of those lakes wutha small jetty that got flooded by snow melt