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The Pledge

Created by Crusoe > 9 months ago, 21 Aug 2016
QLD, 1195 posts
21 Aug 2016 2:21PM
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Are Immigrants required to become Australian Citizens and takes the Pledge??

QLD, 12337 posts
21 Aug 2016 2:57PM
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Leave God out of it. Having God in there gives an excuse to break the pledge.

WA, 2354 posts
21 Aug 2016 2:38PM
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Keep God in there as it references out Judeo-Christian roots.

VIC, 192 posts
21 Aug 2016 5:01PM
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I don't believe anyone has to become a citizen, but if you don't then you are simply a permanent resident and if you behave badly enough then you can be kicked out.

Personally I think if it can be shown that you made that pledge fraudulently then citizenship should be stripped and a person potentially booted out.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
21 Aug 2016 5:30PM
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cisco said..

Leave God out of it. Having God in there gives an excuse to break the pledge.

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thedrip said..
Keep God in there as it references out Judeo-Christian roots.

You're both hilarious. There's literally 2 versions of it on the page, pledge 1 and pledge 2 and it says "one that mentions god and one that doesn't".

WA, 1089 posts
21 Aug 2016 5:39PM
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WA, 675 posts
21 Aug 2016 5:42PM
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God is make believe like pink elephants except "Huey" the weather god. Although he can be a bit of a prick at times.

QLD, 12337 posts
22 Aug 2016 1:20AM
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kiteboy dave said..

cisco said..

Leave God out of it. Having God in there gives an excuse to break the pledge.

thedrip said..
Keep God in there as it references out Judeo-Christian roots.

You're both hilarious. There's literally 2 versions of it on the page, pledge 1 and pledge 2 and it says "one that mentions god and one that doesn't".

What is so hilarious??

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
22 Aug 2016 5:38AM
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cisco said..
kiteboy dave said..

cisco said..

Leave God out of it. Having God in there gives an excuse to break the pledge.

thedrip said..
Keep God in there as it references out Judeo-Christian roots.

You're both hilarious. There's literally 2 versions of it on the page, pledge 1 and pledge 2 and it says "one that mentions god and one that doesn't".

What is so hilarious??

You're both specifically catered to and yet you managed to argue about it anyway.

/I'd rather god left out of it, but only because there is no god outside of man's imagination

QLD, 12337 posts
22 Aug 2016 11:12AM
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I was hardly arguing about it. I simply put forward the idea that the two words "under God" in Pledge 1 negates it by placing "God's Law" above the "Law of the Land" regardless of which God it may be.

I agree with thedrip that it references our Judeo-Christian roots but not everyone who takes the pledge are Jewish or Christian. Those who follow different sects of Judeaism, Christianity and those who follow other gods, have carte blanche, a white card, to completely ignore the pledge.

From your post above it appears you agree kbd!!!!

We allegedly have a secular society in Australia with the separation of religion and state. Having the choice of pledge 1 or 2 completely undermines that notion. The choice in my opinion should be the pledge (without reference to "God") to gain citizenship or no pledge and no citizenship. End of and no arguments entered into.

So how long do you want to bang on about this one kbd?? Seems you like arguing for the sake of it even when there is agreement. I bet you hate sales people and take particular delight in trying to prove you know more about the relevant product than the sales person.

WA, 64 posts
22 Aug 2016 1:50PM
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It's easy nowadays to have dual citizenship, so many become Australian Citizen because they also can retain their original citizenship. You see a lot less Japanese or Austrians taking the pledge, partly due to the fact that Austria and Japan don't allow dual citizenships. (they aren't the only countries though). As opposed to Ireland, India or South Africa, which account for a lot of our migrants in Perth metro


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"The Pledge" started by Crusoe