Which country is safer?
1) One the have the more criminals in the prison already? ( in hope that they are taken off the streets)
2) one that doesn't have many criminals at all - so prisons are almost empty?
In Denmark: One in 1827 citizen spend a winter time in warm prison
In Australia: One in 597 mates is deprived of access beaches and fresh air
In USA: One in 141 may enjoy safe sex in safe places only.
BTW: Looks like cold outside doesn't mean cold blood at all.
Per capita in Greenland 1 in 457 is cold blood criminal as against 1 in 597 warm-blooded Aussie crooks.
Don't know if you have ever lived or been to RSA.
But going to prison there is virtually a death sentence.
Rape is very common in RSA prisons even for people held in remand that can't pay bail.
HIV or Aids is rampant.
It is estimated that 80% of all prisoners have HIV.
Almost all deaths not from violence are due to HIV.
That might help to explain why there was a 37000 drop in prison numbers in one year
The OP doesn't take into account the various judicial systems, and how they work, so the choices between 1) and 2), can't be relevant.