Seriously, everyone must be thinking it would be awesome to be pissed and have the self driving car drive you home.
Also on my favorites would be "driving" to Perth from Sydney. Not much of a drama really when you can watch TV, eat, sleep, read a book, as the miles pass by. I guess you would have to wake up for the fuel stops, but I think I could live with that. You could do it in record time.
Having said all this, I think the most impressive journey would be the work commute. No problems worrying about traffic when you are in the back having a nap or watching something on TV.
Gnarloo would be my local. Knock of work Friday Arvo, sleep all night whilst the car drives and wake up Saturday morning to pumping wave. Surf to the point where you can't lift you arms and punch a box of red cans on the way home. Best Saturday ever!
Just to add to that (RAN OUT OF EDIT TIME researching some articles)
FINALLY CPU clock speed is the frequency used to hold the slower BUS speed frequency true, BUS is Binary Unit Speed the data is fed to the core instruction circuits SO the clock speed for the CPU should be something like 3 x 8GHz = 24GHz clock to have an 8GHz BUS as in the other post example !
While some airports do not have radar , low flying aircraft with radar altimeter do have those !!!!!!!!!!!!
(Another Tesla crash article)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm interesting !
As the song says ....
Self driving cars are doing it hard at present. It's all passive detection of other road users. Before long they'll talk to each other. Roads will be easier to follow. On a lot of roads you'll be able to recharge the Tesla as you go.
I'm talkin SAE Level 5:Full automation, no human control of a vehicle is needed at all. Level five has full automation and vehicles don't need any pedals, steering wheels, or controls for a human to take charge. Google, through its Waymo subsidiary, is working on producing this level of automation.
What about self driving/sailing windsurfers and kites?
Imagine how much time we could all save if this gear could sail by itself and we could do other useful stuff at home or work?
At present in its technological trust state i would never do anything with a driver-less car.
The Tesla incident in Florida is actually everything it is about in some ways SIMPLY CANNOT OCCUR .PERIOD.
That not occurring is everything a driver-less car is all about of its existence.
No excuses.
Anyhows, everyone is being sold b****t about them using the sloganistic story "watching a movie while the vehicle totally drives itself"
That was what he was doing (Tesla fatality) when he got killed, the other one they use is "sleeping on long journeys".
The image shows if he had been watching he could duck down and probably saved his own life!
..."Tesla has reiterated that Autopilot is intended as a driving aid, rather than a fully autonomous system"...
LIKE I SAID everyone is being sold b****t about them
..."Tesla has reiterated that Autopilot is intended as a driving aid, rather than a fully autonomous system"...
Driving "aid"??? How can something that encourages you to let go of the wheel and reduce your concentration....and then blames YOU for not responding to a situation in time when the computer makes error ever be called an "aid". You might as well text while driving if you think this is an aid. The TESLA autopilot function should be banned. Hard to think of anything more dangerous. The computer should act when the human makes an error, as the other way around is asking for trouble.
Ah Tesla..
The bloke I know runs an up market cars panel beating business.
The teslas are on the top of his customers list...He says that's because the teslas got the large screen with a lot of things to look at