Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Who am I?..

Created by Mrknownothing > 9 months ago, 28 May 2017
QLD, 147 posts
28 May 2017 8:28PM
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Seabreeze is a hell of a lot cheaper then a psychologist. So here I am..

Who the da fark am I?

Man.. I never would have thought I would have struggled with this question.

But here I am 24, almost 25 with absolutely no idea with who I am as a person. None. Zip..

Still live at home. Zero acquired skills or qualifications. A bank account that is often on the wrong side of zero. Change hobbies more often then my own underwear.

Fark me. People I went to school with are buying houses, getting married, having kids, good careers, degrees, some have even completed masters. Hell one guy even has his face on one of those massive road side signs/advertisements.

I've got this grand vision of how I want my life to pan out. But then next week this vision will be completely different.

What does one do?

If it weren't so dam funny I would cry.

SA, 3589 posts
28 May 2017 8:20PM
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don't worry buddy, there's a whole generation of you out there.
being a winner or a loser isn't important but at least your participating.

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
28 May 2017 8:54PM
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I was like that until about 30 don't stress it will all come together ... eventually

WA, 14628 posts
28 May 2017 7:10PM
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harry potter said..
I was like that until about 30 don't stress it will all come together ... eventually

I think that's pretty normal. I remember thinking each year how much I had changed, but as I got closer to 30 the changes were less and less.

I think its important to work out what is important for yourself and not get locked into what everyone else is doing. You will only see the positives of their life and ignore the negatives that they don't tell you about.

WA, 1363 posts
28 May 2017 7:12PM
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Watch a doco called the white hats. You'll soon be thinking that your life is pretty awesome.

WA, 14628 posts
28 May 2017 7:14PM
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Of course, the saying 'life is what happens while you are busy making plans' has a lot of truth behind it.

I suspect a lot of people don't plan their lives and just end up where they are naturally. Don't assume that there is anything wrong with this, as that's the way life works. It might help if you have some idea of what you get satisfaction out of or know what you want to do. Otherwise, try and figure out what you want to do by trying different things.

2224 posts
28 May 2017 7:27PM
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If you want to find out who you are go travelling if you want to find out who someone else is take them....
just keep on keeping on you can go down the path of an entry level job and work your way up ( that's what I did and it's rough and I'm somewhere between low level worm and medium grade worm after 15 years)

or or you can follow what you enjoy, I wish I'd done photography even weddings or stuff like that...
I have a mate disappeared out to the Wheatbelt stopped surfing for 5 years bought a couple of 70 grand houses after working at the post office payed them off we all thought he was crazy now he is back and gets 250 a week rent from each of them and lives in a share house surfing 5 days out of 7.... Now we think he is a genius as we all have kids and scary mortgages...........

dont nut worry about what everyone else is doing cut your own path..
maybe get a job where your board is payed somewhere different away from the city save ya cash..
i never got my stuff together until I set one year goals or two year goals just simple stuff you know I want to go to a game at the mcg and work towards it,,, it's not the destination that is the end goal but the personal growth and journey.....

look at 24 there are so many distractions and whilst some people may be on billboards there are others that have developed raging drug habits or gone through separations and had kids and are genuinely unhappy....
it can always be worse and yes it can be better but start some sort of journey whether camping down the coast or going for a walk in the bush or surfing a different break....

thats it,,,, be the best you can..
keep your morals and ethics if you can and believe me the answers your looking for aren't in a bottle or a bag of drugs,,,,,,,,,maybe a spliff on the top of a hill looking over the sea.... But that's about it and good luck

shi thouse
WA, 1141 posts
28 May 2017 8:07PM
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I got a few mates who are 50, had kids...done the lot. Now divorced and have nothing. Back to square one. At least you have age on your side.

Enjoy your youth!!

WA, 1366 posts
28 May 2017 8:14PM
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Mate just go windsurfing when you are only this side of twenty lm in my forties & tied down but l love it.lm sure it will all work out for you.

VIC, 1040 posts
28 May 2017 10:54PM
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Mrknownothing said..
Seabreeze is a hell of a lot cheaper then a psychologist. So here I am..

Who the da fark am I?

Man.. I never would have thought I would have struggled with this question.

But here I am 24, almost 25 with absolutely no idea with who I am as a person. None. Zip..

Still live at home. Zero acquired skills or qualifications. A bank account that is often on the wrong side of zero. Change hobbies more often then my own underwear.

Fark me. People I went to school with are buying houses, getting married, having kids, good careers, degrees, some have even completed masters. Hell one guy even has his face on one of those massive road side signs/advertisements.

I've got this grand vision of how I want my life to pan out. But then next week this vision will be completely different.

What does one do?

If it weren't so dam funny I would cry.

I wish I had Google back when I was at your age..
That would save me lot of time and frustration to find out who I was..

WA, 12093 posts
28 May 2017 9:54PM
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All these replies are great and full of wisdom, but I think the one I like the best is go travel, explore the world and it's different cultures, with an open mind. It'll probably confuse you at first, but it'll give you a much better perspective of what this world is about.

WA, 1121 posts
28 May 2017 9:56PM
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I think you'll find beer is the answer to your question.

WA, 1121 posts
28 May 2017 9:57PM
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Did you say you could read? Look for the can with the four XXXX s.

461 posts
29 May 2017 5:53AM
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Mrknownothing said..
Hell one guy even has his face on one of those massive road side signs/advertisements.

At least you're not that guy....

WA, 285 posts
29 May 2017 7:24AM
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Get your own place and grow pot in the shed . Life is easy after that. Low level job ,no stress, heaps of toys and holidays to boot.

QLD, 6120 posts
29 May 2017 9:56AM
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Well its nice to get some sort of vocation out of the way early because its a lot harder starting out later in life.
if you lack the discipline or are unsure of what you want to do with uni you could get an apprenticeship which will lock you in to a job for the next four years. You'll make friends, work with people and then always have something to fall back on.
Or you could join the services (RAAF is the least military one) for 6 years, get a trade or skill on full pay, see different places and get out of the parents house. Just make sure you pick a good skill that transfers well to civilian life.

Or if i was you I would save enough for a plane ticket and go work the winter as a lifty or whatever in canada or the US and party and snowboard. (check out student flights/ student placement - might still be eligible.) Do that for a year or two. You'll be seeing the world, out on your own, enjoying a great sport, drinking lots of beer, hopefully getting your end in. Might even meet someone. Then you'll have some perspective. But whatever you do you gotta move out.

Buster fin
WA, 2575 posts
29 May 2017 7:28PM
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Yep. Gotta move out. Travel is a grand idea. Work on the mines or on a farm will teach you about yourself, too.

WA, 467 posts
29 May 2017 9:41PM
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Travel is the only thing you can spend money on that makes you richer.

At your age (a decade ago) I drove from cairns to Perth via the great ocean road with a German backpacker. Not quite a year in perth and I flew out for a season in canada with the girl I now call my wife.
Live life.
No regrets.

1972 posts
30 May 2017 12:00AM
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You sound like this guy Walter Mitty, a decent movie by the way, check it out, but don't look for real answers.

9106 posts
30 May 2017 6:42AM
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Everyone giving advice to travel and he states he has no money.

WA, 14628 posts
30 May 2017 6:59AM
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decrepit said..
All these replies are great and full of wisdom, but I think the one I like the best is go travel, explore the world and it's different cultures, with an open mind. It'll probably confuse you at first, but it'll give you a much better perspective of what this world is about.

I would have said the same thing, except I had a girlfriend that went travelling at a young age and kept travelling. In my opinion, while everyone else was learning to cope with normal life challenges, she was enjoying herself travelling and kept it up for too long. I think she thought of herself as worldly, but she also missed a lot of regular things that everyone else reluctantly does and learns.

It is a great way to enjoy new experiences, but it doesn't really teach you much. If anything you can avoid the need to develop stability.

I would recommend it for a short time, but not much past that.

WA, 20 posts
30 May 2017 7:00AM
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Travel is a metaphor become a truck driver

NSW, 4521 posts
30 May 2017 11:03AM
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You're way ahead of the game. You're not supposed to start asking these questions until mid-life.

QLD, 1211 posts
30 May 2017 12:08PM
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HOW Honesty Open mindedness Willingness
Replace negative self talk by speaking to yourself kindly positively like a friend would, failure doesnt matter not having a go at all does matter
Do not judge/compare yourself to others know your strengths and weaknesses today and try to be the best you can be
Help others wherever possible the reward is spiritual growth and good karma happens
When you feel down and out write a gratitude list - everything you are grateful for in the present
Try new things it reminds you how capable you are and may open the door to a passion or career
Exercise essential
Pray meditate
Smile because everythings going to be allright
Its been said allready but its critical you dont try and fill the uneasyness with drugs or alcohol

QLD, 1069 posts
30 May 2017 4:56PM
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Ya should not have sold all those amazing Speed 3 kites. Or was it just one?

SA, 343 posts
10 Jun 2017 9:48PM
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HENDO 77 said..

Get your own place and grow pot in the shed . Life is easy after that. Low level job ,no stress, heaps of toys and holidays to boot.

But have a listen to Paul Kelly's "How to make Gravy" before you go down that path.

VIC, 201 posts
11 Jun 2017 9:40AM
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Be grateful for everything you have.. your health, life ahead, living in a great country where you have hope and choices. No one including God owes you anything yet you have so much.

Get your financial independence, get a job. Do whatever you do, the best you can. But don't forget there is far more than work in life. This will help with your emotional independence too...but don't forget there is far more than work in life.

Take risks but be smart; ask yourself whether it is worth taking the risk, would you regret it if it didn't work out or would you regret more if you didn't try.

Look after your physical and mental health (obsession with the first means lack of the latter).

Have faith in yourself and in something bigger than you.

Cherish your relationships with your partner, family, friends and maybe kids one day.. It's love that makes life worth living.

And choose to be positive.

866 posts
13 Jun 2017 10:33AM
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QLD, 259 posts
13 Jun 2017 6:03PM
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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Who am I?.." started by Mrknownothing