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Who is Huey?

Created by grumplestiltskin > 9 months ago, 25 Oct 2010
WA, 2331 posts
25 Oct 2010 12:12PM
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Just out of curiosity, who designated Huey as the sea god?

does the name Huey actually reference anything or anyone in particular?

am I risking his wrath just asking this??

NSW, 1412 posts
25 Oct 2010 3:22PM
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Huey is a Doctor of some sort - fixes all sort of ills

Unfortunately, not on our side of the continent

QLD, 4873 posts
25 Oct 2010 2:27PM
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Stolen straight from ABC Radio Wordwatch segment (so it has to be true )

it comes from an old bush expression.
In the outback during times of drought it was common for struggling cockies to say “Send it down, Hughie!” as an appeal for rain. “Hughie” (spellings vary, sometimes it’s “Hewie”) was an informal outback way of referring to God, in the context of God’s control of the weather (especially rain). There are many stories that try to account for the origin of the expression, but none that is clearly convincing. For instance, a 1912 citation from Narrandera suggests the name may have been inspired by an amateur meteorologist name Mr Huie (who had an unusually good record in forecasting rain). Another suggestion is that it may have come from the name of an early government Minister for Agriculture, or perhaps even from our early Prime Minister Billy Hughes. The Australian National Dictionary Centre newsletter “Ozwords” once printed a whole page of these stories – but none stands out above the others as the clear source of the expression.

and this

The phrase Send her (or it) down Hughie! (or Huey!) is a prayer to our uniquely Aussie Rain God to send down rain a-plenty, and that prayer has been prayed, it seems, for a very long time. In 1922, for instance, the Bulletinreported: ‘At the end of the dry, when the first few showers fall, "Send it down, Hughie!" is the heartfelt exclamation of every eager bush-watcher’. The ‘she’ variation first appears in Katharine Susannah Prichard’s Roaring Nineties (1946): ‘Miners and prospectors would turn out and yell to a dull, dirty sky clouded with red dust: "Send her down! Send her down, Hughie!".’ By 1981 the phrase had been taken up, with a slight variation, by surfers, and this time the appeal to the weather God is for him to send down truly awesome waves: ‘Incoming waves may be assessed, and sometimes the ancient cry will rise during a lull: "Send ’em up Huey!" Meaning: push some waves in’ (National Times,Sydney, 20 December). In surfing circles, Huey is often referred to without the Send ’em up tag-phrase: ‘Rabbit felt inclined to find out what was happening. He then broke out the old mobile and engaged in the task of communicating to Huey. "What’s going on?" he was heard saying here. "I asked for the swell to hit today, mate, not tomorrow. And I want it to be six foot and no less." Huey was quick to respond and sure enough by the arvo the six-footers were pumping through’ (Tracks,August 1995). Or, more domestically: ‘Most surfers entertain the concept of having a special relationship with Huey’s missus, Ma Nature’ (Tracks,February 1994).

Could be all thistime we've been asking for rain, not wind.

WA, 2331 posts
25 Oct 2010 12:49PM
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sausage said...

Could be all thistime we've been asking for rain, not wind.

That could be true this year, on the east coast at least!

WA, 15849 posts
25 Oct 2010 1:44PM
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He isnt holding up his end of the deal over here let me tell you!!

NSW, 6451 posts
25 Oct 2010 6:45PM
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Who is Huey???

Huey is a legend,,,when its windy, but

a prick when its not.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Who is Huey?" started by grumplestiltskin