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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Why Engagements Rings Are a SCAM

Created by theDoctor > 9 months ago, 22 Apr 2014
NSW, 5784 posts
22 Apr 2014 2:58PM
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Sibbo V3
VIC, 110 posts
22 Apr 2014 3:37PM
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Someone I work with was just given a 40k ring. I don't feel so bad blowing 3....

WA, 2775 posts
22 Apr 2014 1:57PM
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that's nothing much to brag about......

when I worked at the big pub on the beach, one of the wedding receptions held there spent over 40k on flowers.

that's 40k that went in the hotel's rubbish compactor the next day......

At least engagement rings don't get chucked out [hopefully]


NSW, 9029 posts
22 Apr 2014 4:31PM
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Not sure if I'm proud to say it but I didn't buy my wife a diamond engagement ring. I bought her a gold chain that was valued on weight. So its gone up a bit in value over the years. The year before we got married I bought her a ring with a glass crystal on it. We got it in Hong Kong for about $40 as it was a silver ring. It looks quite like a real diamond, real enough to fool an aunt who thinks stuff like diamond rings are important.

I sometimes get a bit of stick from the missus about not getting her a diamond ring but then I tell her basically the same as what this video says.

Why was that Marilyn Monroe song written, Diamonds are a girls best friend?

I'm pretty well over the whole consumer lifestyle now and tend to think that less is more when it comes to stuff.

VIC, 851 posts
22 Apr 2014 4:38PM
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It's the meaning behind the cash layout that's the point of it. Don't really matter what the actual material object is. You think real hard about the future of the relationship when you're handing over that cold hard cash!

WA, 109 posts
22 Apr 2014 2:56PM
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Its not the quality of the ring but the quality of the person who gives it to you. Money and expensive jewellery are of least importance.

NSW, 9205 posts
22 Apr 2014 6:17PM
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These last two comments are at odds, no? Or are they saying the same thing?

Cambodge points out that the person laying over the cash has really thought about what he is doing. That he is sure about the relationship. This also says to the girl that yes, she is the one, and also that yes, he is at least sincere about this and has thought it through.

kat75 says this doesn't matter, it's about the quality of the person.

But I think saving up for and committing like that does say something about the quality of the person, even if it is just a worthless shiny rock after all. It's both logical in the thought put into the commitment, and romantic in how the money's being splashed on only something she can enjoy.

I couldn't afford the ring my really, really wife wanted so we went halves. We just celebrated 10 years.

NSW, 5784 posts
22 Apr 2014 6:57PM
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so a mate of mine spent 35k on a pink argyle stone for his missus

just the stone

but they've been together for 30yrs

and she never got an engagement ring in the beginning..

i plonked down a grand for a second hand kite for mine

and she's heaps hotter...

plus i get to use the kite................

....... that's why they call me theDoctor....

WA, 109 posts
22 Apr 2014 4:57PM
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I didnt mean that if you can afford an expensive ring than you are less caring. I meant a expensive ring shouldnt stop you from asking someone you love to marry you. People are so hung up on the cost of weddings or valentines gifts these days, some people not everyone.

NSW, 9029 posts
22 Apr 2014 7:16PM
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kat75 said..

I didnt mean that if you can afford an expensive ring than you are less caring. I meant a expensive ring shouldnt stop you from asking someone you love to marry you. People are so hung up on the cost of weddings or valentines gifts these days, some people not everyone.

I don't really understand what you are trying to say. In any case the point is we are manipulated into spending a lot of money on something that essentially worthless, useless and pointless. At least bacon and eggs for breakfast is a decent meal, even if we have been manipulated into eating it.

NSW, 2465 posts
22 Apr 2014 7:19PM
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kat75 said..

I didnt mean that if you can afford an expensive ring than you are less caring. I meant a expensive ring shouldnt stop you from asking someone you love to marry you. People are so hung up on the cost of weddings or valentines gifts these days, some people not everyone.

I totally agree with you kat, the only winner are the shops with all the money spinning just to keep up with the "jones"

Or is it im just a tight a..sss

WA, 313 posts
22 Apr 2014 5:21PM
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When I got engaged about 8 years ago I spent about 20% of my annual income to buy a ring for my to be wife. It took ages to save for it - we even had a kid by then - and it was really high quality beautiful ring. But no where near as big as some of the rings her friends had.
Now times are much easier and my income has increased significantly I though it would be nice to give her an upgrade - asked her what she would like and how big a diamond....

Must have been my lucky day, because she said "you went without (beer/fishing gear/boys trips ect) to buy this ring for me - that's what means something to me. If you buy me a big diamond now that you can afford it without having to worry - whats the point? Besides I could just use my credit card to buy one if I wanted..."

Don't know if I should thank my lucky stars or keep a really close eye on the bank statements....

QLD, 1472 posts
22 Apr 2014 7:55PM
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Could the windsurfing industry do the same scam???

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
22 Apr 2014 7:56PM
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Problem with so called status symbols now is that they are a measure of both wealth and idiocy with regards to borrowing money...

Shallow people are tripping over one another to borrow to out do one another.... providing they're comfortable to starve without state intervention when they retire then i suppose it's not our problem..

QLD, 699 posts
22 Apr 2014 8:07PM
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But, but I spent $3000 on a new Chrono kite! Are you telling me that now it's worth like $300?!


Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
22 Apr 2014 8:31PM
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I did not feel bad about not buying the engagement ring - she proposed to me so I figured she should be getting me one - still waiting

NSW, 2510 posts
22 Apr 2014 10:56PM
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I've pulled a few from sewers for people.
Engagement rings that is.

QLD, 1499 posts
23 Apr 2014 1:04PM
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Mobydisc said..

Why was that Marilyn Monroe song written, Diamonds are a girls best friend?


Whoever says diamonds are a girl's best friend has never bought one a detachable shower head!

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
23 Apr 2014 1:14PM
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If your partner wont say yes unless you buy her a 40K engagement ring - run

Bought my wife a modest ring, went to a private (non chain store) jewellers, got a reasonable deal, great service. Figured she deserved something for constantly putting up with me. Could have bought her a kite but the last time I did that I destroyed it on a reef break and I still haven't heard the end of that one yet.

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
23 Apr 2014 1:36PM
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theDoctor said..

so a mate of mine spent 35k on a pink argyle stone for his missus

just the stone

but they've been together for 30yrs

and she never got an engagement ring in the beginning..

i plonked down a grand for a second hand kite for mine

and she's heaps hotter...

plus i get to use the kite................

....... that's why they call me theDoctor....

Its amazing she is still with you, considering you spend the whole day on the internet chatting to babes. Perhaps I'm just jealous

NSW, 5784 posts
23 Apr 2014 6:15PM
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that..., and training to be a cage fighter

QLD, 663 posts
24 Apr 2014 9:27AM
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Your focus is all wrong.....

It's like whining about the fact that your ticket was printed in black and white on some cheap paper instead of being card and on colour....

What you should be focusing on is that you have a ticket to the Britney Spears acoustic comeback tour.....

That diamond ring is like dipping your toe in the ocean.... You think it's cold and expensive now? Wait until you jump into marriage!

Focus people!

WA, 1019 posts
24 Apr 2014 3:24PM
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Yep, the wedding / honeymoon is at least 3-4 times the price.

2.5k on an item she'll wear once.
15k on dinner and drinks for your friends and family.
1.5k on bridal makeup and trials
20k on a honeymoon
1.2k on limos for a few hours
3.5k for a photographer and album
1k for a cake
2k in flowers and table decorations.
And then some...

Bring on summer 2015, so many new toys

Engagement ring is the cheap part. In saying that, dont buy a diamond from a jewellery store. Buy from blue nile or even better, jogia and then get it valued.

WA, 109 posts
24 Apr 2014 3:40PM
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I must be the only woman that would not care about the cost of a ring. I wouldnt ask a man how much he paid either. Maybe the cost of all the stuff is why so many choose defacto relationships.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
24 Apr 2014 6:12PM
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kat75 said..

I must be the only woman that would not care about the cost of a ring.

You probably are - I have come across woman over the years who know next to nothing about almost anything but when its get to engagement rings they seem to have knowledge coming out their ears !! Scary

WA, 2775 posts
24 Apr 2014 4:48PM
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When the Sandwichmaker and myself eloped, we arranged for the boys to wag a day off school, whacked them into suits and they got to be witnesses

worked for us, YMMV


NSW, 4521 posts
26 Apr 2014 5:41PM
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There's a fair size rock between the swimming flags at One Mile Beach, about 20 meters out. If we ever end up replacing it, it will be a cubic zirconium for sure.

NSW, 381 posts
26 Apr 2014 8:55PM
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The Doctor has a partner... I'm devastated


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Why Engagements Rings Are a SCAM" started by theDoctor