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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Why dogs are better than cats.

Created by Marsbars > 9 months ago, 28 Jan 2019
546 posts
28 Jan 2019 8:12AM
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Unless someone shows me a cat doing this.

WA, 3271 posts
28 Jan 2019 11:03AM
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Cats used to have a real affinity with the ocean. Well up until fisheries banned then from cray pots.

WA, 2184 posts
28 Jan 2019 1:58PM
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My phone says this

QLD, 12352 posts
28 Jan 2019 10:44PM
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Nah! Cats are really good for scrubbing your toilet when you toss one in there and hold the lid down.

Trouble is you only get one scrub per cat.

QLD, 1371 posts
29 Jan 2019 4:42AM
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language warning on this one kiddies

515 posts
29 Jan 2019 4:57AM
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love cats, always have....................never been able to eat a whole one though, they do well on the weber kettle but tie them down first otherwise they make hell of a racket running around inside the lid.

VIC, 1040 posts
29 Jan 2019 8:20AM
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Cat haters, you are animals !

2614 posts
29 Jan 2019 1:09PM
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Tonz said..
love cats, always have....................never been able to eat a whole one though, they do well on the weber kettle but tie them down first otherwise they make hell of a racket running around inside the lid.

Is that how you cook chooks too?

WA, 7608 posts
29 Jan 2019 1:55PM
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1972 posts
30 Jan 2019 7:46AM
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NSW, 4460 posts
30 Jan 2019 11:15AM
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I like the way cats have the ability to elicit the savage in the uneducated inbred bogan.

Give me some motivation bogans... I reckon y'all hate on the small fury 4 legs bcos you command no peer respect, so you demand subservience from the small and defenseless, and since cats are unwilling to give that to losers, you hate on them.

NSW, 7068 posts
30 Jan 2019 12:18PM
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The whole I hate cats thing is quite, quite weird.

I can understand very clearly the concern for wildlife but to take that out on a species which was introduced by people is not very mature.

SA, 724 posts
30 Jan 2019 12:09PM
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They decimate wildlife, decimate. Should only be kept indoors. They have nothing on us for eradication of wildlife though.

NSW, 4460 posts
30 Jan 2019 1:11PM
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I should also attribute hypocrisy to cat haters.
Listen up bogans... humans do the decimating of wildlife, followed by dogs... it's a fact, look it up. Fark it, maybe that's a tall order for your

Domestic cats are usually too useless and lazy to hunt, they're concerned about their social status and territory. Wild cats need to eat, and when was the last time you saw a fat wild cat, like the usual obese bogans we get out west.

SA, 724 posts
30 Jan 2019 12:54PM
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That's fairly limited, not too many people take in the small animals that cats prey on to the vets for repair.

NSW, 4460 posts
30 Jan 2019 1:31PM
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SA, 724 posts
30 Jan 2019 1:14PM
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That looks like a hungarian visla with photoshopped teeth. A dog with soft mouth to bring back ducks. From personal experience, not a dog that'll hunt anything.

QLD, 6483 posts
30 Jan 2019 5:39PM
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its amazing what the local animal shelter tells potential new owners of the poor dogs needing a home. At the park i met friend who adopted what she was told was a hungarian visla, same colour and coat as one, but has staffy/arab head and is crazy. Another got a dalmation, with a staffy/arab head and crazy too, another meant to be a labrador but clearly with a staffy/arab looking head and is nuts ..... all fine with people but relentless with other dogs

WA, 2775 posts
30 Jan 2019 4:19PM
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mclovin said..
They decimate wildlife, decimate. They have nothing on us for eradication of wildlife though.

decimate = 1 in ten, going by the contents of the feral cats I have opened up, I reckon its safe to say "decimate" is an understatement.

pretty much agree with the bit about the damage we have done to wildlife.

1221 posts
30 Jan 2019 4:35PM
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Cats did 9/11

QLD, 1195 posts
30 Jan 2019 8:35PM
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QLD, 12352 posts
30 Jan 2019 10:16PM
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japie said..
The whole I hate cats thing is quite, quite weird.

I can understand very clearly the concern for wildlife but to take that out on a species which was introduced by people is not very mature.

So do we kill the cats or the people who introduced them to where they have no earthly reason to be????

WA, 2775 posts
30 Jan 2019 8:20PM
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cisco said..So do we kill the cats or the people who introduced them to where they have no earthly reason to be????

well... since the offenders are long gone it's a bit hard to chase them down for a good old olde schoole lynching.

WA, 8407 posts
30 Jan 2019 8:53PM
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Cats are easy to bury

WA, 8407 posts
30 Jan 2019 8:54PM
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Dogs swim better than cats

546 posts
31 Jan 2019 7:56AM
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Geez the hating on cats when all I said was that dogs were better, nothing about why we should get rid of cats and or their owners. I have 2 dogs and think they are much better than the 2 cats that have adopted our family but does not mean I hate cats cmon not like they are out riding bicycles on the road.

WA, 8407 posts
31 Jan 2019 1:44PM
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Marsbars said..
Geez the hating on cats when all I said was that dogs were better, nothing about why we should get rid of cats and or their owners. I have 2 dogs and think they are much better than the 2 cats that have adopted our family but does not mean I hate cats cmon not like they are out riding bicycles on the road.and windsurfing

Just fixed that comment up for ya

NSW, 7068 posts
31 Jan 2019 5:11PM
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cisco said..

japie said..
The whole I hate cats thing is quite, quite weird.

I can understand very clearly the concern for wildlife but to take that out on a species which was introduced by people is not very mature.

So do we kill the cats or the people who introduced them to where they have no earthly reason to be????

If we had a resolute Parks and Wildlife we would find a solution to the cats out of doors.

Ive watched at close hand some of their achievements. I know if you want to shoot goats or pigs or pick blackberries around Bathurst the best spot to go is the nature reserve.

Never really looked that deeply into cats but I know the best solution for carp would be to hire a team of geneticists to come up with a solution like producing a dominant strain of sterile males. Short of that serious electro fishing but they do neither.

Massive education of pet owners would work to a degree. Advertising has certainly worked to increase pet ownership, driven primarily by the pet food industry.

I know responsible cat owners who have gone to great lengths to contain their cats. It can be done. If there were a serious risk that a wayward kitty was going to meet his maker pretty damn soon there would be a little more focus.

But wild dogs are a major problem too.

Personally I think that the cat hater thing is largely an ego driven phenomenon. That said I have trapped and drowned cats when I had an allergic partner.

WA, 3271 posts
31 Jan 2019 4:59PM
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Parks and Wildlife are generally doomed before they start. As soon as they announce a cull of feral animals some bleeding heart animal welfare group starts ranting.

There's 5000 feral horses up around Lake Gregory in the Kimberley, no-one even knows the lake exists, let alone the horses - until someone announces a cull...

NSW, 4460 posts
2 Feb 2019 10:05AM
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Chris6791 said..
Parks and Wildlife are generally doomed before they start. As soon as they announce a cull of feral animals some bleeding heart animal welfare group starts ranting.

There's 5000 feral horses up around Lake Gregory in the Kimberley, no-one even knows the lake exists, let alone the horses - until someone announces a cull...

What gives anyone the right to cull anything?


WA, 3271 posts
2 Feb 2019 9:03AM
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^^ I suppose we could let them breed to the point that they die a miserable death from starvation and dehydration because the population exceeds the environments capacity to support them?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Why dogs are better than cats." started by Marsbars