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Yay!! I won lotto. $60billion

Created by Mark _australia > 9 months ago, 16 Jul 2016
Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
16 Jul 2016 9:28PM
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For my $60bn I made a compulsory fibre broadband thing

I connected to it yesterday, and after ONE failure in 12mths, I now have 3 dropouts in 24hrs and NOT one little bit faster.


It could build 6 start of the art hospitals, but no we got fibres that are no faster. Yaayyyyy!!!

Anyway - serious
NO faster than before, it it is faster it is impercemptible, maybe 10% now and then.
And 3 dropouts in a day is 900x more than previous on ADSL. Hmmm. Money's worth?

What's the go propellorheads?

QLD, 12337 posts
17 Jul 2016 12:22AM
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Yeah well, I signed up for NBN a couple of months ago on the understanding that I would have connection to the green box around the corner and down the road via existing copper wire until NBN Co laid fibre optics down our street later this year.

Supposedly the green box is connected to the rest of the world with fibre optics.

I am getting no better speed and more drop outs than I was with ADSL2.

It was Labor that launched this NBN farce wasn't it??

WA, 12166 posts
16 Jul 2016 11:20PM
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cisco said..


It was Labor that launched this NBN farce wasn't it??

Yes but it was the libs who totally stuffed it by incorporating the old copper into the system.
The labour idea would probably have cost more, but it was fiber all the way.

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
16 Jul 2016 11:30PM
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Decrep all I know is, regardless of Lib vs Lab plan, I have fibre right up to 4ft away from me right now. And it is no different to last weeks speed. Dropouts make it worse,.
I am in a rental, brand new. I have been here 12mths, and about 6-8mths ago the NBN crew put new fibre right up to my switchboard.

So then I had 4 letters in 6mths ish, telling me I had to get NBN really soon as copper would be cut off.

So I have the govt spending my money (fkn heaps) to make a new network that I have to convert to, and it has ZERO benefit to me.


(oh to be honest - I did score some of the blue and yellow poly rope that Telstra use to pull lines thru the tunnel. About 30m of it. So I guess if 30m x 8mil houses equals 60 billion ****ing dollars of rope then we are ahead.)

SA, 2865 posts
17 Jul 2016 7:23AM
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The NBN was doomed even before it started... 'Fibre ain't fibre' so to speak.
The big question is @ what level have you signed up for there are 4 levels from basic to top level service and guess what like all things in life 'you get what you pay for'.
This a snip from the NBN Co site.

Even before the NBN started its roll out there was 4G phone system that gave almost the same / similar data figures, 5G will be even better, the in-power Pollies pushed for a 'FIXED' system for an increasingly 'mobile' population was just plain dumb..... The incoming Pollies were therefore also committed to the original dumb idea. They just modified it to be financially responsible.
If the 'top' level was there for every one the country would be broke, for example my inlaws are 13km from a very small country town they are still on a SWER (single wire earth return) power system so a data fibre will NEVER be an option to them.

It should have always been a multi level system using both RF (radio frequencies) and fibre to the location.
I'm liking what Telstra is doing with the 'HotSpot' network using peoples / business WiFi network to increase the data speeds to customers.

WA, 541 posts
17 Jul 2016 6:29AM
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Google speed test. Post results. You basicly just came in here mark saying rockets are same speed as paper aeroplanes but ypur to stupid to tell the difference

NSW, 4521 posts
17 Jul 2016 8:50AM
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^^^ Isn't the user experience what matters?

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
17 Jul 2016 7:13AM
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Isn't the speed determined by the weakest link? Which in this case is the copper wire from your house to the fibre?

VIC, 564 posts
17 Jul 2016 9:22AM
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We signed up and then were told there wasn't enough slots in the (green box) around down the street and would have to wait until a spot was available. which was unlikely considering the fact the subdivision was only 70% finished at that time and they already had no slots available? ill stick with my ADSl+2 for as long as i can thanks.

bring back Dial up! then our kids will know the frustration and that imfomus sound!

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
17 Jul 2016 10:17AM
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kookaburrahz said..
Google speed test. Post results. You basicly just came in here mark saying rockets are same speed as paper aeroplanes but ypur to stupid to tell the difference


If it is an imperceptible difference, who cares what the numbers are. I didn't know the numbers before.

Anyway line speed 22mbps, download speed 2.8mbps. Have fun with the numbers

Ian K
WA, 4049 posts
17 Jul 2016 10:32AM
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Mark _australia said..

kookaburrahz said..
Google speed test. Post results. You basicly just came in here mark saying rockets are same speed as paper aeroplanes but ypur to stupid to tell the difference


If it is an imperceptible difference, who cares what the numbers are. I didn't know the numbers before.

Anyway line speed 22mbps, download speed 2.8mbps. Have fun with the numbers

Champion Mark, we've just got the NBN connected, I just googled the speed test. Line speed 0.56 Mbps, upload 0.93 mbps, download 0.07 mbps. I can't tell any difference. (Oh our phone doesn't fully work, we can ring out but not in, maybe our number got scrambled. But no tele marketers since we've been hooked up, that's got to be good)

QLD, 6493 posts
17 Jul 2016 1:25PM
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I love Japan. We're on the gigabit fiber optic plan . . . flat rate, of course. Upgraded from the 150Mbit plan, which is the slowest and cheapest, but there are only the two options anyway.

Wont post the numbers, theyll embarrass you over there in the third world . . .

WA, 246 posts
17 Jul 2016 11:35AM
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Mark _australia said...
kookaburrahz said..
Google speed test. Post results. You basicly just came in here mark saying rockets are same speed as paper aeroplanes but ypur to stupid to tell the difference


If it is an imperceptible difference, who cares what the numbers are. I didn't know the numbers before.

Anyway line speed 22mbps, download speed 2.8mbps. Have fun with the numbers

With numbers like that I can't believe your not noticing a difference?
My line speed is 11.24, download 1.41, and it's heaps better than before.
Previously we would have to start downloading a Hd movie at least 3 to 4 hours before watching it, now it's ready in less than 20 seconds!
I'm also not losing picture quality when streaming live sport like MotoGP whereas before it was almost unwatchable.
Initially when just surfing on the phone I wasn't that impressed but it is faster than 4g.

I also had lots of dropouts but that was just in the first couple of days, all good now. I'm just on the base package with iiNet and my nearest node is about 300 metres away.

WA, 6666 posts
17 Jul 2016 12:07PM
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I'd rather we spent $50bn putting overhead powerlines underground and planting a tree where each pole stood.

Still, good to see every residential dwelling in the country will be able to download HD movies instead of plain old normal movies. Keep's people off the streets looking at those ugly power poles and beautiful trees.

WA, 6277 posts
17 Jul 2016 12:34PM
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If ever there was an argument for fiber to the home, then Mark's point is that argument.

On copper, the most you can get is pretty much what Mark's getting. Once you hit that limit, no matter what you do to each end, you can't go any faster.

With fiber, you can ring up and go to a higher speed tier. There is effectively no limit to the speed you can get, apart from the boxes on each end (which are a lot easier to replace than the cables between them).

The issue Mark has is due to speed tiers, which was a commercial decision made (I think) by NBN Co. Most other countries don't have speed tiers.

If Mark is frustrated by his internet speed, and he's already at the limit of what copper can provide... then fiber is clearly the only answer. The frustration is only going to get worse as our bandwidth needs increase.

Tequila !
WA, 934 posts
17 Jul 2016 12:54PM
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Third world internet ???

The whole of Latin America (Cuba excluded), South Africa and many many others ( I can only speak of places I been and know), ALL of them have better (faster, more accessible) internet than what we have at least in Western Australia.

I could only have Broadband wireless at my home (been at this address more than 7 years), 3 kms from the nearest exchange (Rockingham) but always the exchange was full, not slots available etc, wait for the NBN.

I am a migrant, been here over 10 yrs. I left one of the 3rd world countries I mentioned above. I had better internet back there (in those lowsy violent ridden, disease, war etc hellholes) than I what I ever experienced in AUD.

Third world internet? Australia Internet is way lower than that...Cuba very soon will have something better than us here.

NSW, 6451 posts
17 Jul 2016 3:07PM
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Mark _australia said..
For my $60bn I made a compulsory fibre broadband thing

I connected to it yesterday, and after ONE failure in 12mths, I now have 3 dropouts in 24hrs and NOT one little bit faster.


It could build 6 start of the art hospitals, but no we got fibres that are no faster. Yaayyyyy!!!

Anyway - serious
NO faster than before, it it is faster it is impercemptible, maybe 10% now and then.
And 3 dropouts in a day is 900x more than previous on ADSL. Hmmm. Money's worth?

What's the go propellorheads?

Yes, it also seems your new connection is affecting the spelling and punctuation of your posts as well. Damn government lol

NSW, 6451 posts
17 Jul 2016 5:05PM
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novetti said..
Third world internet ???

The whole of Latin America (Cuba excluded), South Africa and many many others ( I can only speak of places I been and know), ALL of them have better (faster, more accessible) internet than what we have at least in Western Australia.

I could only have Broadband wireless at my home (been at this address more than 7 years), 3 kms from the nearest exchange (Rockingham) but always the exchange was full, not slots available etc, wait for the NBN.

I am a migrant, been here over 10 yrs. I left one of the 3rd world countries I mentioned above. I had better internet back there (in those lowsy violent ridden, disease, war etc hellholes) than I what I ever experienced in AUD.

Third world internet? Australia Internet is way lower than that...Cuba very soon will have something better than us here.

They used the cheap slow fiber in WA.

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Jul 2016 8:00PM
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Carantoc said..
I'd rather we spent $50bn putting overhead powerlines underground and planting a tree where each pole stood.

For a week or two I did observe commotion on nearby street.
About 30 workers , 20 tracks and supporting vehicles, cranes, diggers,
All to replace 4 wooden posts on another wooden posts exactly the same as before.
If Energex could send 4 people possibly in same time could put those awful overhanging lines under ground once forever.
For half the cost of replacing this posts. Street/road about 1 km long and about 30 homes.

I guess price for electricity should rise very soon , since we developed the most expensive distribution network.Every year also comes team to trim branches of the trees around cables....
Maybe that is whole point of job creation . ?

ADSL test: down 13.17 Up 0.53

WA, 5921 posts
17 Jul 2016 6:56PM
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Mark _australia said..
For my $60bn I made a compulsory fibre broadband thing

I connected to it yesterday, and after ONE failure in 12mths, I now have 3 dropouts in 24hrs and NOT one little bit faster.


It could build 6 start of the art hospitals, but no we got fibres that are no faster. Yaayyyyy!!!

Anyway - serious
NO faster than before, it it is faster it is impercemptible, maybe 10% now and then.
And 3 dropouts in a day is 900x more than previous on ADSL. Hmmm. Money's worth?

What's the go propellorheads?

wait until we all get connected and then itw ill really slow down

QLD, 6124 posts
17 Jul 2016 9:11PM
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My old boy has fibre to the house. It was buggy at first. His adsl2+ was pretty good, so he didn't really notice the diff. He only pays for the niggle speed. But when u do a speed test the graph is a perfect square wave to guaranteed speed. And up is the same.t think it's 25mbps. Could pay for 100i think but 25 ok

QLD, 1499 posts
17 Jul 2016 10:03PM
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I'm on a tier 2 plan, fibre to the home, getting 18.82Mbps down, 4.39Mbps up. For me (and my teenage son) this works.
I'm quietly pleased to be part of the fibre to the home setup (before P train's mates changed it to a dog's breakfast setup). When we were on copper it was slow and unreliable, especially during wet weather. One of my sons (who works in telecommunications) showed me the copper lines in the pit in the street. Not pretty. It's a wonder the copper worked at all judging by the condition of the connections.

At work we get the speeds below, but, it is a science research facility, so I would expect a decent service is required...

WA, 344 posts
17 Jul 2016 8:45PM
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What really bugs me is that in my suburb they have recently completed putting the power underground. 6 months later and they are digging the street up to install the fibre. Although they ran the power to all the houses, the fibre is going to a box. Not that I'll be able to access it in any case as the copper in the street wasn't sufficient to service the area due to the number ofsubdivided blocks. Think I'll be sticking to the wireless for some time yet.

QLD, 6493 posts
18 Jul 2016 12:59AM
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Skid said..

At work we get the speeds below, but, it is a science research facility, so I would expect a decent service is required...

LOL mines more than double that download, 4 times upload. Residential, miles from the substation. Better ping too

Personally, I'm amazed this lot care at all, given that faxes are still very much a thing

WA, 3271 posts
17 Jul 2016 11:43PM
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Mark _australia said..
Decrep all I know is, regardless of Lib vs Lab plan, I have fibre right up to 4ft away from me right now. And it is no different to last weeks speed. Dropouts make it worse,.
I am in a rental, brand new. I have been here 12mths, and about 6-8mths ago the NBN crew put new fibre right up to my switchboard.

So then I had 4 letters in 6mths ish, telling me I had to get NBN really soon as copper would be cut off.

So I have the govt spending my money (fkn heaps) to make a new network that I have to convert to, and it has ZERO benefit to me.


(oh to be honest - I did score some of the blue and yellow poly rope that Telstra use to pull lines thru the tunnel. About 30m of it. So I guess if 30m x 8mil houses equals 60 billion ****ing dollars of rope then we are ahead.)

Maybe its not the network that's the issue, are you still running the Commodore 64?

WA, 598 posts
18 Jul 2016 4:28AM
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I guess this shows that the NBN is meant to return the investors money (us) and deliver predictable speeds, and not create a monopoly for one or two telcos.

I guess this has passed. Mark wanted the basic speed, and that's what he has got. Has he paid any more out of pocket for the service? Once the teething problems are sorted out, I would expect it to be reliable.

If he decides he wants a faster connection, he can just pay extra and get it upgraded without any changes to the cable or the modem.

If the next tenant uses the internet more, I guess they can just subscribe to whichever provider they want and select which speed suits them.

WA, 1916 posts
18 Jul 2016 7:38AM
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i think Mark_Australia enjoys the third world text based lifestyle.

those state of the art hospitals will just have to use a clipboard, no digital files for them

WA, 1395 posts
18 Jul 2016 9:11AM
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Seems you have a problem with your ISP, not the NBN (unless all of Gero suffers the same outage at the same time).
Your ISP purchases bandwidth from the NBN to supply to customers in an area. The issue usually is that although you purchased a 25Mb/s link, that is only from the green box to you, the ISP may only have provisioned 25Mb/s back haul from that box to their core network. More connections to the box, less bandwidth to share.
Drop outs are also (probably) due to the cheap Chinese router your ISP supplied you to connect to the service.

WA, 1089 posts
18 Jul 2016 10:49AM
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lotofwind said..

novetti said..
Third world internet ???

They used the cheap slow fiber in WA.


They used cheap fibre in WA in the new kids hospital and the Entertainment center and the...

WA, 14734 posts
18 Jul 2016 5:57PM
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I guess in a bigger answer to this, when does any government really spend money to build 6 new hospitals? They usually seem to sit around and discuss the possibility of something and eat up any budget in the research. In my local area they seem to kick off funding for investigating a freeway, and not surprisingly the budget is consumed every single time just looking at the options.

So, is it NBN versus hospitals? Nah.

When have we had any governments that are really good at infrastructure?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Yay!! I won lotto. $60billion" started by Mark _australia