found this article on a newpaper site about a recent Aussie study about leading underlying causes of death between 2011 and 2013.
Suicide leading cause between males and females aged 15-44. The only people I have personally known in the age bracket who have died all were lost to suicide. SCARY in so many ways.
Not shocked about Heart disease being the number one cause of death for aussie males from aged 44yrs onwards. What does shock me is in my opinion majority actually make life choices that actually increase the risk by. nutrition choices, smoking, poor excerise habits.
interested to know what others think.
Phew, thought whacking the top off would be in there for sure.....
Oh well looks like im safe to continue
Follow the links to get all interactive on it:
They left out a cause of death !!!! Being bored to death by fitness fanatics, who post things like that!
There's no getting out of this life alive
Devastating to see suicides as the no 1 in the best years of our lives
I struggle to understand how you can get depressed living in such a stunning country as australia
It would be nice to see the 1-14 age group narrowed down as a toddler is not like a 8 year old is not like a teen. They are doing wildly different activities. Thus I feel that age group is very much a generalisation.
The main thing that stands out to me is that for late teens to early 20;s - ASSAULT.
Out of all the hundred ways to die way too early, 4th and 5th for chicks and blokes in that age group is being murdered basically. Bloody hell
That is a travesty - why the hell are we advertising about breast cancer for old chooks and depression "talk about it" for blokes, when I'd suggest the violence inflicted upon 15-24 year olds is far more compelling a case for fixing..????? Well that, and their suicide.
We need to save the young from themselves, not lecture middle aged types about their health that they should be well aware of now......
I know most won't bother to watch this or sit through it. But here you go anyways.
He retired at 95 as a heart surgeon. This was when he was 98, filmed 3 years ago
Why'd i read this post before bed it's got me all depressed and sh@t which sadly fits my demographic - should've got an early night's rest in readiness for nudie magazine day instead