Not smoking is really messing with me. Since I gave up, I'm drinking, eating and just living hard - really hard. Last week I got a bit rat arsed and posted some random thought like this one.
Getting to the point. Petermac33 posted this link as a response to my post.
I woke up and thought to myself "what was I doing last night?" I re-read my post and the responses and listened to the info on this link.
As economics is a bit of a pet interest of mine and the speaker actually made a bit of sense, I listened to the whole freak'n thing - it went for two hours or something. I didn't believe everything he was saying but, some of it definitely rang true to my majorly hungover and angry mind.
One of the key things this guy said was invest in silver. It's not the first time I've heard it so I did some research and thought I'm going to sink some of my money into it - I've always done pretty well on gold, let's give silver a go I thought.
On Monday I was looking to buy some shares in SILVER MINES LIMITED (SVL) but there was a run on and it went up 15% in the day. Yesterday, I found another silver miner ALCYONE RES (AYL) and decided to buy 50,000 shares in it.
Guess what happened today - it freaking went up 15% So I sold my shares and made just a tad under $500 for the day.
Not only that - I went out to lunch with this really hot girl from work and told her this story, she was really impressed by it and suggested that I thank petermac33.
Thanks petermac33
So you bought yesterday at about 9c and sold today at just over 10c ? Good work!
Lucky you didn't buy on Wednesday at 10c and sold yesterday at 9c
Or worse... lucky you didn't buy in 2006 at $8.90 and sold this time last year at 3c! Looks like it's been in a bit of a nosedive since 2006 and just starting to recover.;range=my;compare=;indicator=volume;charttype=area;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=;
The price of silver has been held artificially low by shorting its price. This was the subject of a scandal aired by Max Keiser.
Precious metals are priced on availability against gold. Silver is 14 times more abundant than gold and up until manipulation, ie the last 2000 years , worth 14 times less than gold.
That equates to roughly $100/ounce on todays prices of gold. The really great thing is that gold is likely to reach $2000.
In which case silver will be worth $140/ounce
There are heaps of tossers out there who are paid to push the value of paper money. It serves it's purpose, but at the end ot the day, when confidence is lacking the wise retreat to the age old solution. Metal.
I love it when folk expand in awe at the parity of the aussie dollar with the us $ and the price of gold.
Gold is not increasing in value, nor is silver. Gold is gold and silver is silver. It is rare and it does not devalue. It takes the same amount of human effort to mine it in relation to iron ore and copper now as it did 2000 years ago.
Metals are not going up in value. Fiat money is losing value, fast.