If scientists were able to do research on stem cells, by now we could probably grow back any lost limbs, cure Parkinson's disease, heal soldiers paralysed in war or grow back skin on burns victims.. Innocent victims of Kite surfing accidents would be able to walk again and Michael J. Fox could make back BTTF-4
this is how stem cells are created.. its a simple process of cell division where chromosome numbers are halved, and joined with sex cells from another animal..
At no point is life created in this process, it is just a continuation of living cells ( actually two cells join to become one, so if anything a life is destroyed)
Solution = Adult stem cells?
Removes the need to destroy new life.
Any propellerheads out there care to explain why adult stem cells cannot be used?
adult stems cells are different to embryonic stem cells.. but my point is these cells are not new 'life'.. its just a cell.. capable of becoming a human, yes, but with modern science any human cell is capable of becoming a fully fledged human.. therefore your destroying millions of potential 'life' every time you scratch your ass.
but there are a large majority of powerfully deluded people who think microscopic cells constitute a complete human being.. and block this research..
and this is the same group of people who cry foul and get offended when they see a forum post that mocks them. The same people whose beliefs were supposed to p&ssy foot around just in cause they take offence.
The fact that a lot of injuries etc could be repaired by a single injection is amazing no more surgeries for damaged muscles, ligaments, tendons, being able to repair spinal cords. I think the good far out weighs the bad, and science should be allowed to continue there research.
adult stems cells are different to embryonic stem cells.. but my point is these cells are not new 'life'.. its just a cell.. capable of becoming a human, yes, but with modern science any human cell is capable of becoming a fully fledged human.. therefore your destroying millions of potential 'life' every time you scratch your ass.
Ok, you say Adult stem cell are different how? can they be used in research to the same degree as embryonic cells or not? If they can then this should be the end of the argument...
These embryos are life, individual life. They have their own individual DNA different to the parent cells.
adult cells are already differentiate. Ie, they are already what they are going to be. some are hair some are skin some are heart cells etc.
embryonic cells are undifferentiated. Can be anything.
This is a really complex debate. Keen to see if someone with some knowledge of the field has a view. Chance of another massive mutipager if there is some knowledge amongst us seabreezer. (There usually seems to be for some reason)
Damn shame when there is so much potential but it's very dangerous territory to go down with a very ugly side to the attrcative front end.
Creating a genetic super race becomes feasible within a few generations (so what happens to us 3rd rate 'originals' then?) and a whole host of ethical/moral puzzles that idiot pollies lobied by churchies/big pharmies/selective race interests etc etc will decide on.
Scary stuff but truly a shame we can't be trusted to use it only for 'good' purposes.. kinda like nuclear fission.
Er.. has anyone else noticed we have gone from 1 billion to +6 billion people on earth in less than 100 yrs - and we want ot create more (IVF) save more and prolong more life on a planet struggling under the numbers already existing??
We take for granted that natural selction works in the animal kingdom, but don't think it applies to us for some reason. Arrogant and typically human.
Sorry Funky, but I think you are being a bit broad. I agree boundaries and guidelines need to be set, but if you do a bit of research there is a LOT of work being done on ethical issues surrounding genetics. Banning stem cell research on that basis is a bit like saying we should have banned the wright brothers because aircraft will be used for bombing.
In the immediate future stem cell research will be used to cure disease, not create super races. If you are afraid of genitic manipulation and where it is leading, then banning stem cell research is not going to halt that progression. It is only one avenue. And don't think for a minute that China is not pouring funds to catch up with the US on this, and I can guarantee that they will have no qualms doing whatever they want.
I hear you on population growth, but also bear in mind that the growth is coming from the 3rd world masses, not the 1st world. 1st world countries are marginal on birth rates or even declining (japan). IV and medical advances actually will help stabilise the population not increase it.
True Paradox, I just wanted to keep things relatively simple but point out it's not a quick easy all good decision on SC issues.
Like most things the hyperbole and outright BS put up by some factions in the debate only serve to cloud the issue and decrease the average Joe's understanding of the situation.
BTW - I'm not saying we should ban it.
I like the wars, earthquakes, floods, storms, cars, plagues, non inoculation
etc....they are batting for the planet. When there is only me i will be happy
on this earth. Then I look for a female [friend] to start all over again. Who
would be interested? We will do our own stem research. Will have to have
windows experience so we could write the new biblykackon just to confuse
all that come after us. Life is a bitch for us non believers. A voyage of me
discovery....apply here
God, morals, what a tangled web.
I have to agree that the prohibition against the use of embryonic stem cells is absurd.
However I seem to recall that they can harvest placental stem cells. Or is my dementia tricking me?