Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

strange spider?

Created by decrepit > 9 months ago, 11 Mar 2017
WA, 12441 posts
11 Mar 2017 12:03PM
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This little guy was on the wall just under our internal fuse box. I don't think I've seen anything quite like this before.
Anybody recognise it?????

It's only a centimeter across the legs so this pic is magnified around 10 to 12 times depending on your screen resolution. I'm not sure why the legs are twisted, we haven't touched it. And it hasn't moved in the last 4hrs

WA, 4642 posts
11 Mar 2017 12:29PM
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Yes, I recognise it.
It's a spider.
It probably fell out of it's web and broke it's poor litttle leg, thus it's twisted.
And if it's not moving, it's dead.
Press the 'like' button if that has helped.

WA, 12441 posts
11 Mar 2017 2:00PM
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The fall theory looks right, trouble is it's a meter up a wall, could have mistimed a Tarzan act on the end of a long thread I guess and just slammed into the wall.
I was about to say it still hasn't moved 6hrs later, but check this.

Legs still don't look comfortable but they have moved.
Spider Rigamortis perhaps?

WA, 1367 posts
11 Mar 2017 2:57PM
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It's a dead spider.probably got sapped.

QLD, 1371 posts
11 Mar 2017 5:43PM
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Looks like a baby wolf spider

WA, 1089 posts
11 Mar 2017 4:01PM
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Possibly just molted.
If its anything like the blue manna's I've had for a year, the legs would be very floppy.

1595 posts
11 Mar 2017 5:23PM
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WA, 12441 posts
12 Mar 2017 2:05PM
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well I didn't kill him/her/it but dead it definitely is, fell to the floor sometime during the night.

NSW, 1576 posts
12 Mar 2017 5:11PM
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It would be the husk of a male spider .
After mating its killed & eaten by the female sucks the life out only leaving a husk .

WA, 1089 posts
12 Mar 2017 5:51PM
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actiomax said..
It would be the husk of a male.
After mating, the female sucks the life out only leaving a husk .

So just like normal marriage then?

WA, 12441 posts
12 Mar 2017 5:55PM
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actiomax said..
It would be the husk of a male spider .
After mating its killed & eaten by the female sucks the life out only leaving a husk .

Certainly is very light, I guess that's what you call being "completely drained".

NSW, 69 posts
12 Mar 2017 8:59PM
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Spitting spider

NSW, 1576 posts
12 Mar 2017 9:21PM
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I sometimes think spiders get it right .
After mating they pay with there life .
Humans after mating pay for the rest of there life


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"strange spider?" started by decrepit