So have been sucked into a local 80 kms bike ride..
I will be pushing the SAG / SAD wagon bumper bar off my back wheel..
Average of 25Kms/hr (wind assist !! please) with the hills involved
But sitting for hours in the saddle just is not my thing..
So here is the cross-training thought..
I want to see if I can do the 80 on my foil....
I am not game to do it at sea yet
(skill set is not there - the first session in the sea a couple of weekends ago - what a hoot but was launching out the back end of waves and unintentionally jump/splatting - the ratio of arriving back on the water on the board to off the board needs improving!!)
Here is a local lake with a 20 km lap..
Word of wisdom and optimism please....
Wind permitting will be giving it a crack...( probably not enough hours in the day to even do 1 lap at current skill level-)
The only way to train for an 80km bike ride is ..... to ride a bike, lots.
25kph is super optimistic. An average of 17-18kph is more likely.
The one thing you need to train is your bum, or more specifically your perineum. You need to get in the hours on the bike to harden up your clacker. If you can't sit comfortably then you can't ride. If you can sit comfortably you can ride forever.
The big tip is to not ride fast. You'll wear yourself out and not enjoy it at all. If you cruise you'll go past all the others as they lie gasping beside the road.
As above. Foiling will do nothing for your bike riding! Zero, Zip, Nada.....
Get out there and ride your bike. 2-3 times a week for several hours at a time.
You need to get some aerobic fitness. (no kiting does not give you aerobic fitness anywhere near close to what you need on a bike)
You need to get your piss weak legs strong. (No kiting does not strengthen your legs anywhere close to cycling fitness)
You need to harden that arse up. The only way to do that is time on the bike.
If you are road cycling in a bunch you might be able to average 25kph. But otherwise 17-18 would be closer to the truth for a newbie onroad.
If you are mountain biking then drop that to 10-12knph.
Oh, I've been riding bikes for 20+ years, So I know a thing or two.
Aquaplow... I used to windsurf years ago on lake boreen (on Holidays). Is it deep enough to Kite Foil? I would love to Holiday there and now I could kite in light winds and foil... Knowing the place where is the best place to camp and kite coming from Melbourne.
When I went there was no wind, I paddled across from the camp site straight South to the other side, dipping my paddle the whole way to check. It's deep enough all the way apart from the first 150m from shore say. Depending on your skills starting might be a bit hairy with a full length mast in lighter winds.
AP I'm generally done foiling at about the 30km Mark. I reckon 80Ks would take all day at my speed and be a total killer.
Thanks Aquaplow thinking of staying at the Elanda Point... Look might just ride my Nugget and my big kite or sup kite or windsup with the kids... I used to sail there a fair bit and learnt how to windsurf there ages ago... I used to stay on the lake on my grandfathers trailer sailer great place...
I clocked over 30kph 2-4pm (9M Cloud - it gets over powered at my weight - did not want to sacrifice downwind)..
Moral of the story - do not forget to pack foil - Nugget would be limiting in lighter winds..
Due East from Boreen Pnt 100 metres out 1200mm+ deep and 3-500m out 1600-1800mm...
The sailing club runs serious kids reggattas in deeper zone..
Also-- if you have 4WD go to beach side there is a g8 almost empty 40 kms down-winder going north to Double Island point.
Get yourself one of these:
Then spend your time on your foil board instead of riding a bike. Easy