Rider: advanced, ~
100kilo, strapless foil
Foil: Fanatic Aero Surf Foil 1500
Board: Naish Hover 155
Kite sizes: 6.2m Cloud, 13.4m Cloud
Disclaimer: I own too much crap.
I had the opportunity to test the Sky Solback designed Fanatic Aero Surf Foil today in 18 to 8 knots on a flat water location.
My first impression was I could use the front wing as boomerang to take down a white pointer. It is big and it is round (reminds me of the starship from Galaxy Quest).
Unlike the Fanatic Flow Foil S1, this thing is super solid with a very stiff mast and solid metal fuselage... they have also done some smart things with the bolts to stop seizing issues.
The wing is quite thin unlike the Naish XL I usually ride. This seemed to make is just a little bit faster than the XL.
Launching..... this thing is a breeze. Comes up nice and steady. It did not try to launch me into the heavens.
Once up and running along at 10 to 12 knots..... this thing is super steady. Definitely the steadiest foil I have tried.
Wind was a bit ordinary for carving but all my gybes were magic. Flowing or sharp, felt like I was on a rock solid platform.
This foil will be excellent for learning.
This foil will also cover off a kite/SUP/surfboard foil.
Big thanks to Dave from Kite & SUP for the chance to ride it.
Looking forward to trying this in surf.
Day 3: surf day
Umina NSW: Conditions were 15 to 20 knots, 6.2m Cloud, high tide with two footers running across the big sand bar at The Box. (75mm mast).
Heading up wind and popping over the waves and travelling through the whitewash was very straight forward. I got flicked once primarily cause I hit the peaking wave a little fast. Normal weird feeling travelling through whitewash but stable as.
This thing turns quite nicely, so I would spot the wave and flick around on the face and head back to where I started. Very smooth.
The wave rides were just awesome. I had no probs carving round on the wave unless I built up too much speed (34km/h). Even at speed I did not face plant once as I so often do.
I did 25km worth of backwards and forwards over the same 200/300m area.
With just 12 inches of swell you get really nice lift and forward drive.
I rate the foil highly.
How did you make that track, Tone?
Saw this the other day, and it inspired me to drag out my old Garmin 60csx and put it in my pocket... Imported into Google Earth, which was a first for me. Very amusing, watching the drunken wobbling around.
Not sure how accurate it is, cos I swear I went way further to the left past the windsurfer beach on the other side of the river, and there's a glitch in the track there, and going back to the beach it skips past where I actually stopped too. But interesting, nonetheless: 56 minutes, 20.5km travelled, max speed 35kph and a moving average of 21.