Forums > Kitesurfing General

2011 PKRA Australia - December 4 - 11

Created by Minotaur > 9 months ago, 3 Aug 2011
QLD, 42 posts
3 Aug 2011 8:37PM
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We are on track to organize another great event on the Gold Coast in 2011. Hopefully, this year the weather will comply!!!

Thank you all for your support in 2010. We hope that you will again show support in 2011. Add us as a friend on facebook - pkraaustralia. f you have any photos from the 2010 event that you want to share please upload them on facebook or e-mail them to us.

We would really appreciate any assistance in the sponsor search. Please, please, please, if you know anyone who may be interested in collaborating with the event, put them in contact with us at

We also welcome any constructive criticism and / or advice as to how we can improve on the event from last year.

Help us make Australia the Number 1 destination on the PKRA World Tour.

WA, 3619 posts
3 Aug 2011 6:54PM
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It will become the No.1 destination when you shift it to WA.
WA - No. 1 on everyones to-do list

QLD, 1855 posts
3 Aug 2011 9:30PM
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cant wait bro! you will set up another killer event and i am sure the weather good will be with us this time!

We are all hoping and waiting for WA to pull a few puppest on a string and host the 2012 Nationals.

Sci, Paul Smyth, our current national racing champ and few others i know of are keen but thats future music, PKRA GC is happening in Dec. Cant wait especially to see Any back on the water for it.

QLD, 42 posts
3 Aug 2011 10:52PM
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WA is certainly on the cards for future PKRA events.

We are currently making enquiries for suitable event organisers and sponsors.

If you are interested or know someone that is then have them contact me on

Meanwhile, come to see what the GC has to offer !!

NSW, 410 posts
4 Aug 2011 7:44PM
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I will def be there... great event last year just needed more wind and more judges so if necessary can run 2 banks 1 for wave riding and 1 for freestyle if the windy days are limited..hopefully we wont need it though

WA, 551 posts
4 Aug 2011 8:03PM
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Go PKRA in Australia needs - a kite racing day or 2 on the Gold Coast ...... thats my vote. Maybe as a test event for the future ....

WA people LOVE the gold coast it is so much fun,

Lots of chatter in WA at the moment for other events ....

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
5 Aug 2011 12:10PM
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sorry to throw water on the fire but another la nina is on the cards here 's hoping for the event that even if it is the planets align and you get a few days of wind that coincide with the event

QLD, 42 posts
5 Aug 2011 2:48PM
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Thanks for the suggestions.

Yes we think a race is a great idea.
Last year we had planned a massive downwinder, "open to public", race on the opening day of the event. We had $5,000 in prize money to give out.
We had helicopter support, jet ski support, and a convoy of support vehicles on the beach organised. Sky Dive display and stunt plane for opening etc
Unfortunatly the weather caused it to be called off.

We will aim to organise the same again this year and keep the fingers crossed !!!

Thank you to AKSA for their significant contribution to organisation of last years downinder. I look forward tyo working with AKSA again on this years event.

QLD, 42 posts
5 Aug 2011 2:49PM
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Mr float said...

sorry to throw water on the fire but another la nina is on the cards here 's hoping for the event that even if it is the planets align and you get a few days of wind that coincide with the event

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!

QLD, 40 posts
5 Aug 2011 8:20PM
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Well, I don't think it was a great event at all last year. But let me explain why I think that and what could be improved.

1. As people were driving down the GC to find the event spot, they passed it three/four times because there weren't any indications for a kite event. All they could see was car advertisement.
2. Pedestrians passing were asking what was happening here. Why wasn't there any real big poster/flag with kiteemblems? An A-frame just doesn't do the job when you want to promote the sport and a world class event. Watch the footage of this years event in Sylt, Germany and get their ideas. That is what I would class as a world class event.
3. There were no facilities for riders to be able to do their job as professional riders such as internet access, or videos going or xbox-games going or anything like that as it is in other PKRA events.
4. A party tent in the nearby park would allow for the catering to be right on the spot and for some local music bands to perform. see Sylt, Germany
5. Sport equipement to try for riders and pedestrians such as Street Sup or easy to carry fitness equipment could attract more riders and people.

I know quite a few riders from overseas, and they were criticising the cost for accomodation, the lack of entertainment offers during the day, and the venues for the meals. Some of them were questioning the beauty competition. Does that really promote the sport or does it show how cheaply kitesurfers can be entertained?

I am not an event organiser but why would you try to invent the wheel new when you just need to look at the footage of other events such as in Germany or the Canary Islands or Spain and try to make the event even better. Wasn't it 150'000 the budget? Where did it go?

Sorry, that I did not point out any good points but I think there can be a lot improved for this year and I hope it has already started. Looking for sponsorship now is already a bit late. Isn't it?

Good luck!

I would love to see the PKRA in WA and I know some guys who would be more than keen on organising that event. I cross my fingers for them to get the Nationals there sorted within the next couple of years.

Random Kiter
QLD, 28 posts
6 Aug 2011 1:01AM
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if surfing the net, watching videos and playing x-box are 'job requirements' for professional kiting then where do I sign up????

NSW, 410 posts
6 Aug 2011 6:16AM
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Yeah probably less organized night entertainment and more day facilities for sure ...

QLD, 40 posts
6 Aug 2011 8:46AM
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Random Kiter said...

if surfing the net, watching videos and playing x-box are 'job requirements' for professional kiting then where do I sign up????

Have you noticed how many professional kiters are on their mobile phone all the time to update statuses? It is actually part of their job to update their website tp keep their sponsors and fans happy. I wasn't aware of how much is involved to keep sponsors happy until I saw it first hand.

This was too serious, wasn't it

NSW, 184 posts
6 Aug 2011 9:07AM
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My suggestion would be to hold it somewhere with more wind.The main problem was lack of wind. If it was windy everyday they would'nt have time for internet, videos or gaming consoles as they would be doing what they are paid to do kiting.

QLD, 2770 posts
6 Aug 2011 9:50AM
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rob1977 said...

My suggestion would be to hold it somewhere with more wind.The main problem was lack of wind. If it was windy everyday they would'nt have time for internet, videos or gaming consoles as they would be doing what they are paid to do kiting.

unfortunately its not about the best conditions, its about coverage, promotion, audience demographic, sponsor demands etc. no event without the support or audience
its the same reasons the WCT is running a stop in new york this year

QLD, 40 posts
6 Aug 2011 11:42AM
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Select to expand quote
unfortunately its not about the best conditions, its about coverage, promotion, audience demographic, sponsor demands etc. no event without the support or audience
its the same reasons the WCT is running a stop in new york this year

I completely and utterly agree with you.
But does the Gold Coast really need more advertising? The audience was not really there either (of course it was raining a lot). As an event manager I would try to cover all components - wind, waves, flat water and fun and entertainment for everyone.

NYC - well, it is not the best kiting spot but it offers a lot of entertaining

NSW, 410 posts
6 Aug 2011 12:24PM
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The goldy that time of year normally has really consistent conditions and if anywhere picks up the swell it's there at narrow neck's unfortunate nature wasn't on our side ...there is no guarantee conditions will be great in any location....
It comes down to who wants to put the huge effort into organizing the event .

QLD, 317 posts
7 Aug 2011 10:07AM
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Minotaur said...

Mr float said...

sorry to throw water on the fire but another la nina is on the cards here 's hoping for the event that even if it is the planets align and you get a few days of wind that coincide with the event

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!

ENSO conditions have been neutral for the last 2 months :

If it happens again it shouldnt be as bad as last year,

QLD, 42 posts
8 Aug 2011 11:14AM
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chittychat said...

Well, I don't think it was a great event at all last year. But let me explain why I think that and what could be improved.

1. As people were driving down the GC to find the event spot, they passed it three/four times because there weren't any indications for a kite event. All they could see was car advertisement.
2. Pedestrians passing were asking what was happening here. Why wasn't there any real big poster/flag with kiteemblems? An A-frame just doesn't do the job when you want to promote the sport and a world class event. Watch the footage of this years event in Sylt, Germany and get their ideas. That is what I would class as a world class event.
3. There were no facilities for riders to be able to do their job as professional riders such as internet access, or videos going or xbox-games going or anything like that as it is in other PKRA events.
4. A party tent in the nearby park would allow for the catering to be right on the spot and for some local music bands to perform. see Sylt, Germany
5. Sport equipement to try for riders and pedestrians such as Street Sup or easy to carry fitness equipment could attract more riders and people.

I know quite a few riders from overseas, and they were criticising the cost for accomodation, the lack of entertainment offers during the day, and the venues for the meals. Some of them were questioning the beauty competition. Does that really promote the sport or does it show how cheaply kitesurfers can be entertained?

I am not an event organiser but why would you try to invent the wheel new when you just need to look at the footage of other events such as in Germany or the Canary Islands or Spain and try to make the event even better. Wasn't it 150'000 the budget? Where did it go?

Sorry, that I did not point out any good points but I think there can be a lot improved for this year and I hope it has already started. Looking for sponsorship now is already a bit late. Isn't it?

Good luck!

I would love to see the PKRA in WA and I know some guys who would be more than keen on organising that event. I cross my fingers for them to get the Nationals there sorted within the next couple of years.

Thank you for taking the time to provide your suggestions. We will certainly take them on board for the 2011 event.

I think that the weather can be blammed for a lot of the negativity though. For example let me address some of your points.

1. As people were driving down the GC to find the event spot, they passed it three/four times because there weren't any indications for a kite event. All they could see was car advertisement.

- If it was windy and not raining then there would have been a few kites pumped up on the beach and flying in the air. The day that we did have wind there was around 50 kites on the beach and the same in the air. I think it was pretty obvious that it was a kiting event on that day !

2. Pedestrians passing were asking what was happening here. Why wasn't there any real big poster/flag with kiteemblems? An A-frame just doesn't do the job when you want to promote the sport and a world class event. Watch the footage of this years event in Sylt, Germany and get their ideas. That is what I would class as a world class event.

Same as above. We did have posters etc, but because of the rain we had to take them inside. Maybe they should be laminated in case of rain !

3. There were no facilities for riders to be able to do their job as professional riders such as internet access, or videos going or xbox-games going or anything like that as it is in other PKRA events.

We had considered this for 2010 but it was cost prohibitive. We may have it for 2011, with some flat screen tvs etc. Hopefully though we will get weather that will mean that people are kiting and not playing video games.

4. A party tent in the nearby park would allow for the catering to be right on the spot and for some local music bands to perform. see Sylt, Germany

Noted. We have been in negotiations regarding a three stage concert/music festival in the neighbouring park.
Caterng was on site. We had three different food types on offer but because of the rain they didnt open in order to minimise loss.

5. Sport equipement to try for riders and pedestrians such as Street Sup or easy to carry fitness equipment could attract more riders and people.

It was raining so hard that noone wanted to be outside. We had arranged for all of these beach activites but all were cancelled due to weather. We had organised Yoga in the am (which a lot of people did partake in), Zumba on the beach at mid morning, Segways for beach races at lunch, SUP for no wind days, $1,000 spot prizes for each day for kiting challenges. Parachute displays each day. Air Sea rescue display with Surf Lifesaving. Two Chinnuk helicopters for a display. etc Unfortunatly all cancelled due to weather !!!

I know quite a few riders from overseas, and they were criticising the cost for accomodation, the lack of entertainment offers during the day, and the venues for the meals. Some of them were questioning the beauty competition.

There are beauty competitions in pretty much every event on the PKRA tour. We didnt do one !!! We had a fashion show for three lines of beach wear. Unfortuatly because of the weather the show was restricted to a short display. I congratulate the models for putting on a brave face in the conditions.

Again, thanks for your suggestions. It is good to hear them. We are putting this event on for the benefit of the sport in Aus.
Thank for coming to check the event in 2010 and we hope to get your support again in 2011.

SA, 16 posts
8 Aug 2011 11:06AM
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Well, it seems like no one wants to take blame or advice...

What went wrong in my opinion, is the event was open to only one kite brand as a sponsor.

Which shop, brand manager or distributor is going to pimp the event if he was not given the opportunity to put one flag up or his name on the poster!
Don't under estimate the influence of shop's sale force, they are the one telling end users where to go, what to get and what event are fun to travel to. Re-Kitestock: everyone is involve and a success every time. Mambo the same.

If you want your event to have presence, let the professionals of the Kiteboarding industry help you out! Especially those who have a financial interest in the sport.

WA, 527 posts
8 Aug 2011 12:22PM
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all your organisational issues mean nothing when you have the wrong weather. Perth - Woodies for flat water Trigg for your surf stuff. Yeah sure every one loves the gold coast , but your event bombed because you had the wrong priorities!
That time of the year in Perth we're all riding 7s and 9s. We don't even know they make kites bigger than a 12!
And we don't get tropical thunder storms in summer, so get real and bring your event to where the countries best kiting is at.
Too harsh?

QLD, 2770 posts
8 Aug 2011 3:32PM
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you can't hold a serious wave comp at perth in summer- its wind slop

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
8 Aug 2011 2:07PM
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Why would you want it to come here - Perth?

Keep it an East coast affair far more population over there.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"2011 PKRA Australia - December 4 - 11" started by Minotaur