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A big thank you and to GC Lifeguards Currumbin

Created by Sir V > 9 months ago, 9 Jan 2011
Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
9 Jan 2011 9:56PM
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This is a big thank you to Scotty from Gold Coast Lifeguards, Currumbin:

After having a top turn gone wrong and getting caught in the massive whitewash I immediately tried to eject my kite as it also got caught in the same wave. My index and middle finger got caught in between the QR and IDS lines and I was bleeding all over the place before I finally released it.

I guess that in hindsight I shouldn't have gone out at the end of the afternoon as all the other kiters were coming home :) - it is always when you think 'I'll just go in for a last one' when Murphy strikes eheh.

All good, I've released the kite .. at this stage seen going offshore twisting and turning like a mad mother-in-law after realising she's stuck with you .. and I've retrieved my board slowly making way towards the shoreline swimming against the outgoing tide but making progress. I had one more look at my kite and say my goodbyes, cursing myself for being stupid and re-enforcing my feelings towards Murphy, I looked around and thought: ****e these waves are a lot bigger when you're not being pulled by a kite, wow.

10 minutes into the swim I heard "Mate, do you want a ride?" I thought it was the lifeguard I had seen in the far distance North going away from me. Nope, it was Scotty from Currumbin. They had been keeping an eye on me from about 700m away, as I was already half way up Palm Beach, and he came to get me. I replied "Choice Mate" and hop I went onto the slide with my board. Then he says.. "Shall we go and get your kite?" I thought I was dreaming.. and off we went.

Now, if you're bored by RAK's, aka Random Acts of Kindness, move on to another post. This is a simple demonstration of how some people are just the sheeze..

We got to the kite and the lines were all over the place so it took a while to tuen the kite over and for me to release them from the kite so we wouldn;t get them tangled on the jetski. While I was doing this - on the slide, holding onto the board with my legs, kite with left arm and lines with bleeding fingers.. Scotty is rolling the mess on the bar and my GoPro line mount, a serious birds nest.

I am almost finished releasing the kite when I look up and went "MOVE SCOTTY, massive wave !!!". We had a massive wave 5 meters away bearing on us already breaking.. He had to take off and save the Jetski in a hurry. I was fine being tumbled around in the wave but lost my kite obviously. It was taken by the wave towards shore this time.

I came up a little after and saw the kite almost ashore, Scotty coming back for me and I counted my stars lucky because he was ok and everything was going to be ok. I get a ride back to shore, my board is already there.

Using Scotty's words later, with a smile on his face.. Man that was big, we were lucky. Massive 6 foot white wash on that one. I almost didn't make it, there was white wash all over me I thought I was going for a tumble with it. Me in retrospect - definitely shouldn't have been there :) ...

It's not over.. :) .. I got to shore, dropped the board and harness and ran to my kite on the white wash. I pick it up only to realise the wave ripped my briddle and bar, lines and Gopro were nowhere to be seen.

Oh well, lesson learned and at least I am ok minus 2 fingers with massive dark grey bruises under the fingernails and middle finger still bleeding - possibly will lose that nail :(..

I walked back to my board and harness about 200m and see Scotty still hanging around in the shallows .. I go over to say thanks yet again and shake his hand, ask his name, all that jazz. He says "Do you want a ride back?" I go .. What? You're serious? Yeah man, hop on.. but you have to wrap up your kite.

Ran ashore, deflated leading edge, rolled, wrapped harness around it. Got on the slide and .. man, what a ride.. The freakin waves were massive and we were getting air on most of the ones he couldn't avoid after the impressive climb up. We're talking a ride from the Palm Beach Surf Club to Currumbin. I was in the back feeling like it was the most fun I'd had all day :) ridding this massive Wave Roller Coaster instead of what it would have been a long walk of shame and a swim across the Alley with all the gear to get to my car.

Lessons for the day:

1 - The Gold Coast Lifeguards rock :).. Scotty in particular, read the end..
2 - Know the area like the back of your hand before you go out in big surf, specially when slightly off-shore..
3 - be prepared to say goodbye to gear instead of getting into further trouble by trying to to save and complicating your situation..
4 - If its rough and you see the locals going home - don't be stupid (insert 'like me')

The finish is I went back to the beach after packing to say a proper thanks to Scotty and ask where I could deliver some beer to.. the bugger wouldn't accept it or tell me where "it's part of our job Mate, not a problem at all.."

He then asked me for my name and number and radioed to the other lifeguards in case my bar and cam washed further North. By the time I got to Palm Beach and took a walk to try and find the bar all the Lifeguards knew about it.


If this didn't deserve publishing in our forum what does ?? Now I am ready to be beaten up by all the red thumbs coming my way.

PS: If you find my bar washed up somewhere or know who happens to have it - there's whatever you drink coming your way - PM me

NSW, 692 posts
9 Jan 2011 11:10PM
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Sounds like decent conditions to be in. Great to see you got your kite back.


TAS, 824 posts
9 Jan 2011 11:51PM
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I must say, that's fantastic. Perfect Aussie beach story!!

May I suggest something?? If he won't take the beer, donate $100 to his Surf Club and make sure the club knows why you are donating the money.

Have my first lesson tomorrow, hope to get help as half as good as thtis if I need it!!

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
9 Jan 2011 11:20PM
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I tried that one.. apparently they are part of the Goldie state thing.. but I heard he works at Greenworth, Greensomething beach/area... someone help?

NSW, 17 posts
10 Jan 2011 12:57AM
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haha nice work V... glad everything is OK... hope you find the bar, if for nothing else that GoPro would have some great pics on it!!



p.s. Great work Scotty!

WA, 1501 posts
9 Jan 2011 10:35PM
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I love Sir V's posts, rescued by the lifeguards, using a gopro, drives a jeep with a beautiful cabrinha trailer, boardies over wetsuits.....such a wonderful example of the quintessential kook.

QLD, 796 posts
10 Jan 2011 12:44AM
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Greenmount maybe

Sir V said...

I tried that one.. apparently they are part of the Goldie state thing.. but I heard he works at Greenworth, Greensomething beach/area... someone help?

QLD, 701 posts
10 Jan 2011 8:49AM
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Sir V you wont get any red thumbs from us . What a story glad everything turned out ok you are alive and got most ya gear back . So life over here isnt that bad . Hope you get ya lines and gopro back it will turn up somewhere till you get again stay cool .

10 Jan 2011 3:07PM
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Sir V said...

I tried that one.. apparently they are part of the Goldie state thing.. but I heard he works at Greenworth, Greensomething beach/area... someone help?

Good that you've survived, with almost all your flesh intact mate, and most of your gear.
Curious to hear how and why you think your hand got mashed.

As for compensating Scotty, just make a donation to any of the local clubs or to SLS Australia using this link.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
10 Jan 2011 2:25PM
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Hi SM, tks for the link - I will use it.

It all happened so fast that I am not really sure. I went down as I cut it too fine on the turn and got caught by the white wash, couldn't get out in time.

As soon as I came up I saw the kite getting caught by the wave and immediately went for the QR. this is when my fingers must have got caught somewhere.. to be honest I hardly felt a thing. I know there was a knock and the pull of the kite and then boom it was gone. The leash was attached to the flagging line and that ended up braking as I didn't have time to release the second QR before the kite was pulled away by the wave.

The waves weren't exactly small and were coming like a freight train :) too fast. I activated the release underwater as I was being pulled under and the chicken loop is still on my harness as well as the end of the flagging line.

What I think it must have happened was my fingers getting caught in between the bar an the lines tangled by the dunking .. beats me.

Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to blame the equipment. At that speed and power nothing would have saved the kite and there was no way I could have, or should have, held onto it.



harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
10 Jan 2011 7:03PM
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The conditions were clearly beyond your capabilities and you should not have been out there !

You put others at risk by your actions. !!

Learn how to judge the situation and only go out in conditions you are prepared to swim in,
far too many kiters are oblivious to ocean conditions, rips, sweeps have no water experience and when the $hit hits the fan and they no longer have the kite to get them out of trouble others have to risk their safety to effect a rescue.

If you are going to kite in decent sized surf plan an exit route in case you have to swim in without your kite. This means knowing where the rips are and where they will most likely take you and where you best chance of making it ashore is.

NSW, 6451 posts
10 Jan 2011 7:26PM
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He did everything right,
ditched the kite,swimming in,didnt need a rescue but a good bloke helped him out.

No matter how experienced you are, if you miss judge a turn and your kite gets smashed, not much you can do.
He did the right thing to say good bye to his kite and swim in.

Big up's to Scotty,,,he was probly loving hooning around on the jetski in the big waves.

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
10 Jan 2011 7:56PM
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lotofwind said...

He did everything right,
ditched the kite,swimming in,didnt need a rescue but a good bloke helped him out.

No matter how experienced you are, if you miss judge a turn and your kite gets smashed, not much you can do.
He did the right thing to say good bye to his kite and swim in.

Big up's to Scotty,,,he was probly loving hooning around on the jetski in the big waves.

fair enough.....

I am just commenting based on his account

Ie : " in hindsight I shouldn't have gone out "
" these waves are a lot bigger when your not being pulled by your kite, wow."
" 10 min into the swim "
" kite was going offshore twisting and turning"

I'm not really having a go at Sir V he acknowledges his errors and seems to have a pretty good handle on what should be done, just should not have gone out.

I guess i am more taking aim at kiters in general who think they are invincible in trying conditions,
Currumbin and Caloundra in particular can be very dangerous places to kite or surf in a big swell on an outgoing tide, you can very easily find yourself in no- mans land being pushed out by the tide flowing out the mouth and buffeted back in by the large surf ...
result : you go nowhere

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
11 Jan 2011 11:19AM
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Tks for the comments guys... I will certainly take the feedback on board.

Hey Harry, I understand where you're coming from but didn't get the part about getting other people in danger.. there were no swimmers anywhere near me and I was the first to think of Scotty's safety and his Jetski. I wasn't expecting him to go and rescue my gear either - he was just a top bloke. A donation will be properly done following KP's suggestion..

I'd been kiting all day at Narrowneck, 3 sessions, and was on my way home when I decided to stop at Currumbin and join the crew there. There were 4 kites in the air when I went out, I just didn't realise they were coming in as I got out ... I wouldn't have gone out alone.

Yesterday while having a walk on Palm Beach to see if the bar had been washed back I saw a lone kite out there. The wind was stronger an the waves seemed even more furious. I thought: you fool, what if something happens? and then I remembered I had been there just the day before :)

I wouldn't have gone out by myself in such weather and I also thought I would be better protected there than Narrowneck. I also admit the wind direction was better at Narrowneck of course. But I hadn't lost it there and wasn't planning on anything being different of course.

Mistake I admit to - It was the day's end and I was perhaps not at the peak of my physical abilities, but I wasn't over tired.

I ddin't however go further than I couyld swim. At not stage was I scared beyond my wits or felt totally out of control. I also didn't plan on needing a rescue or go to a place that I could be rescued from if I needed.

I am just glad all went so well, considering, and all I got was 2 very black fingernails [}:)].

Btw, there is no way I will endanger my life or anyone else's just because I feel like being reckless. I am actually on the cautious side and normally evaluate escape routes just in case.

****e happens man.. this time to me. Law of averages says I'll be alright for a while - here's hoping :)

Peace and sweet Seabreezes (eventually)

VIC, 244 posts
11 Jan 2011 12:29PM
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Hey Sir V, great story and glad you made it out OK.
In regards to your finger injury, i had to ditch my Switchblade as a beginner once and as i pulled the quick release the pin smashed my finger up as it was under so much pressure.
Hit so hard it burst through my skin and left a nasty wound and bruise.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
11 Jan 2011 11:38AM
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Aorta said...

Hey Sir V, great story and glad you made it out OK.
In regards to your finger injury, i had to ditch my Switchblade as a beginner once and as i pulled the quick release the pin smashed my finger up as it was under so much pressure.
Hit so hard it burst through my skin and left a nasty wound and bruise.

I hear you man.. all good so far. I might even get to keep both nails. It's healing quick.


QLD, 119 posts
12 Jan 2011 7:09AM
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Nice - that was my brother in law that came to help you out. And he's now read this thread, so the word is out how appreciative you are of the GC Lifeguards so that's all good. :)

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
12 Jan 2011 12:11PM
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gkram said...

Nice - that was my brother in law that came to help you out. And he's now read this thread, so the word is out how appreciative you are of the GC Lifeguards so that's all good. :)

Not enough feedack is posted about the awesome work these guys do and how much some of them go above and beyond their job.

Btw.. anyone at Palm Beach going North has seen my GoPro & Bar.. i would love to get some of that footage back. The camera would've continued to film for about 2 hours after. I've had a few walks on Palm Beach at hight tide but Poseidon hasn't seen fit to return my gear yet. All the Lifeguard houses have my number.. or PM me if you know of anyone. There's beer on the horizon, or whatever your poison

It would be a nice ending to this thread...


NSW, 1714 posts
12 Jan 2011 1:27PM
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Hey V, The Kurnell crew will undoubtably be discussing your adventures for weeks to come. We miss your exploits back here.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
12 Jan 2011 12:57PM
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KIT33R said...

Hey V, The Kurnell crew will undoubtably be discussing your adventures for weeks to come. We miss your exploits back here.

I certainly do not lead an uneventfull life

Give my regards to the KKK, aka Kurnell Kiting Kings

Cheers and a beer on me

QLD, 86 posts
13 Jan 2011 1:55AM
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Same Same

Got crunched at Currumbin a while back 2009 and had similar experience - Palmy life saver (champion) picked me up on the jet ski helped me roll up my kite and took me for a nice ride thru some big sets to get me back to my starting point at Currumbin. Since then whenever I see the lifesavers at the shopping centres looking for donations in go as many gold coins as I have... They are a very tolerant bunch on the Gold Coast and have all beach users interests at heart!

hats off to all Lifesavers all over OZ!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"A big thank you and to GC Lifeguards Currumbin" started by Sir V