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Adrenalin- cant sleep with it cant live without it

Created by superlizard > 9 months ago, 17 Oct 2011
VIC, 702 posts
17 Oct 2011 10:01AM
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I don't know about the rest of you blokes (middle age and up), but whenever I go kitesurfing, that night I can't fall asleep for ages. In such case even if I eventually fall asleep I have very very poor quality sleep that night.

Essentially a great kiting session causes body to release epinephrine hormone and your body becomes hyper active, and it seams takes a long time for the effect to wear off, which seems to stimulate the brain, so your brain keeps going and can't slow down and drift off into sleep mode...

Anyone discovered a solution for this? Preferrably some natural solution that doesn't harm the body... (booze and sex didn't really work either)

p.s. laurie, can we increase the maxLength of the "subject" field , I had to sacrifice punctuation...

209 posts
17 Oct 2011 7:16AM
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Quite the opposite for me actually. The energy tank isn't as big as it used to be……..

WA, 1874 posts
17 Oct 2011 7:53AM
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I hate to say it

you need to kite hardcore and pull moves that beat you up if you fail...

just ask anyone how well they sleep after being beaten for 3 - 5 hours or so

the body knows when you havent gone hard enough - it leaves you hyperactive

and you need to Man Up .... and drink more beer... the perfect ending to conciousness

VIC, 702 posts
17 Oct 2011 11:03AM
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nah, the problem is the harder and better session I have, the more excited I feel afterwards and harder to fall asleep. The body is dead and exhausted but the brain is too worked up... When I have an average easy session, it's almost like i didn't kite, and can sleep without issues...

Beer is no solution... i'm gittin old and have to get up an piss five times per night if drinking...

I don't know about 5 hours though... people go on about kiting for 5 hours etc, but i think it's a bit of a crock... unless you are full time sports person, and train for several hours every day with super fitness and stamina, i can't see how you can kite hard for 5 hours... For an average person with 8 hr job and family, even if you are reasonably fit, i'd have to disagree that 5 hours straight up kiting is doable!!!

SA, 137 posts
17 Oct 2011 10:58AM
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2 codeine and a double vodka

and this is the interwebs you dont need punctuation

NSW, 551 posts
17 Oct 2011 11:56AM
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superlizard said...

I don't know about the rest of you blokes (middle age and up), but whenever I go kitesurfing, that night I can't fall asleep for ages. In such case even if I eventually fall asleep I have very very poor quality sleep that night.

Essentially a great kiting session causes body to release epinephrine hormone and your body becomes hyper active, and it seams takes a long time for the effect to wear off, which seems to stimulate the brain, so your brain keeps going and can't slow down and drift off into sleep mode...

Anyone discovered a solution for this? Preferrably some natural solution that doesn't harm the body... (booze and sex didn't really work either)

p.s. laurie, can we increase the maxLength of the "subject" field , I had to sacrifice punctuation...

Superlizard, I know where you're coming from. It is exactly as you say. Booze does not work. Sex does not work but is still worth a try. Dehydration is a big problem & I consume loads of fluid for several hours after a session. Still, sleep after a big session is poor. I have adapted the way I think about it & just feel gratitude that I can experience such pleasure.
I'm 50 & have recently recovered from a cronic problem with insomnia which I was receiving help for.
BTW for me at 50 a heavy 4 hr session is still quite possible, in the good old days of windsurfing 5hrs no trouble at all.

WA, 9496 posts
17 Oct 2011 9:08AM
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Kited in exmouth 6 days straight, 4 hour sessions...but I'm 38 with family, kids etc and although I just lasted keeping up with the 28 yr old with no ties, recovery the next day was sobering to say the least - and they hit the piss after, me, straight to bed.

I wear a camel hydration backpack, so always keep hydrated. This helps me sleepas well, I agree the adrenaline is running but your body would be dehydrated. Maybe this might help.

Also a long slow stretch afterward, slowbreathing, can slow your body and mind down.

In the old days what kept me up was thinking about the next level or next move I was going to try. Old man eppo doesn't think about these things anymore, so this might also be what is going on.

No TV after, stretch, stay hydrated and a big meal followed by sex with someone or yourself (what's the difference), can help.

VIC, 702 posts
17 Oct 2011 12:36PM
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so i was right, all i'm hearing is 4 hour sessions... not 5...

some good advice there though... already do most of it, but haven't paid much attention to hydration levels though.. so will definitelly work on that...

QLD, 701 posts
17 Oct 2011 11:36AM
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hey eppo what do you put in hydro pack just water . I with you superlizard i genaraly just go to bed later then normal .The brain says your tired so goto bed earler cause you know you will be stuffed in the morning if you dont but you end up not sleeping well so go to bed later and usally passout quicker . Yep agree with 5 hrs but i have done it and the end result is you get so stuffed and start to stuff up like stomping just the littlist boost ends in a crash (what the f**k) so you try again (what the F**k) again and more ocean is drunk untill you realise that iam stuffed and have to stop for a while . So a good ses is about 3hrs max then a good 1/2 hour rest Then hit it again . Is hard to do when the wind is blowing good and freinds are still out there , but worth doing .

QLD, 388 posts
17 Oct 2011 1:49PM
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My problem is not with sleep after a 4 to 5 hour sess, it's waking up the next morning with a freekin rock hard boner

WA, 808 posts
17 Oct 2011 12:21PM
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Very true lizard, feeling the same. 42 yo...

But than, I'm snowboarder and can do 8-9hrs easily per day, each day for 7-10 days...And sleeping well.

Not so well after 2-3hrs kitesurfing...Maybe the key is 1hr session, 15min rest? Like going up the mountain on a chair and having a rest.

Hm, might try that.

Kevin Toomey
NSW, 45 posts
17 Oct 2011 3:23PM
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Have a slow release protein shake and take ZMA (zinc magnesium tablets) . Good for recovery and you will get a great nights sleep for sure

QLD, 131 posts
17 Oct 2011 2:46PM
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Problem is you're getting too good. I remember the early days, when a two hour session (involving consuming about 6L of seawater, and being stung by jellies) would be followed by a couple of beers sorting out the inevitable tangles. After that, it was like I'd been shot with a tranq dart - once fell asleep in the middle of a conversation before dinner!

WA, 637 posts
17 Oct 2011 12:47PM
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Adrenalin keeps you awake, endrophins put you relaxed and / or sleep. The difference is the way you kite. Either fight, conquer, risk and fear (adrenalin) which likely keep you excited and awake with occasional nighmares (super crash) or make love with the waves, with the ocean and almost explode in joy with a sense of constant orgasm (endorphins) and you more likely fall asleep with sweet dreams and most likely wake up with that so familiar tension around the groin (testosterone).
As for the hours. At 57 I am too old to get tired and too forgetful to remember when to stop. So for that 6-7 days stretch in Exmouth the sess often went over 3 hours especially when the swells were up. But sometimes 1.5-2 hours are just fine.

VIC, 702 posts
17 Oct 2011 4:03PM
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Andrash said...

Adrenalin keeps you awake, endrophins put you relaxed and / or sleep. The difference is the way you kite. Either fight, conquer, risk and fear (adrenalin) which likely keep you excited and awake with occasional nighmares (super crash) or make love with the waves, with the ocean and almost explode in joy with a sense of constant orgasm (endorphins) and you more likely fall asleep with sweet dreams and most likely wake up with that so familiar tension around the groin (testosterone).
As for the hours. At 57 I am too old to get tired and too forgetful to remember when to stop. So for that 6-7 days stretch in Exmouth the sess often went over 3 hours especially when the swells were up. But sometimes 1.5-2 hours are just fine.

love your theory Andrash... when i think of it, those easy bond-with-the-nature type sessions result in being able to sleep.... but doing boosts on 9m in 35knots gusts has totally diff effect...

i still reckon, the most quality part of any kite session is in the beginning when you are least tired - that' when most progress can be made... busting best moves... most control... later on you keep kiting just because you don't wanna stop...

Will try zink and protein Kevin...

WA, 9496 posts
17 Oct 2011 1:18PM
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Yeh just water, you young guns could put gatorage in there or something electrolyte - I had to do this when up in karratha as it was really hot on top of the water - scorching, and the water was like swimming in sweat, so needed to stay hydrated, kept it up since - not in winter though.

I reckon 3 hours is my max, then I start making silly errors. Less if you are going hard core.

Anymore and I reckon the toll on your body could lead to some long term injuries...I used to maybe do 4 hour sessions 10 years ago and I'm oaying for it in my ankles and knees now!

WA, 637 posts
17 Oct 2011 1:22PM
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superlizard said...
love your theory Andrash... when i think of it, those easy bond-with-the-nature type sessions result in being able to sleep.... but doing boosts on 9m in 35knots gusts has totally diff effect...

i still reckon, the most quality part of any kite session is in the beginning when you are least tired - that' when most progress can be made... busting best moves... most control... later on you keep kiting just because you don't wanna stop...

...yes, I see... Adrenalin is quite addictive, although so are endorphins and both are excellent pain killers. That's how I could kite with a broken rib for another hour just to have a hard time to breath after coming in... let alone sleep...
... waves are just so feminine... carving a smooth bottom turn and hit the lip with a little spray... it makes my GF jelous... then the same wave can chew me up and spit me out like a rag... yes it's femine too...
I still wake up sometimes with nightmares about one session in Sumbawa, when I got a little too confident and got eaten up by a monster... and was wondering for days how did I make it alive... (my kite was ripped into pieces)...
...yes, kiting is a love affair...

WA, 790 posts
17 Oct 2011 2:09PM
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superlizard said...

Anyone discovered a solution for this? Preferrably some natural solution that doesn't harm the body... (booze and sex didn't really work either)

Yes, sex on its own without the booze, you can go for longer and then sleep better. If that still does not work then more sex.

WA, 281 posts
17 Oct 2011 2:27PM
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Anyone discovered a solution for this? Preferrably some natural solution that doesn't harm the body...

Hey Lizard,

I know what you mean about the brain not shutting down, not so much after a good session but if I'm getting some new gear or going for a big session somewhere the next day I can get over enthusiastic and stay awake half the night

If your'e after some hippy stuff that works try valerian capsules, you can get them in most supermarkets. They seem to work by helping you relax - not sure how but they work but they do

WA, 3848 posts
17 Oct 2011 7:31PM
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Nothing wrong with waking up a bit stiff in the morning.

Sleep is over-rated. Get amongst some polyphasic sleep and become the uberman!

Mini Mal
WA, 298 posts
17 Oct 2011 8:26PM
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Select to expand quote
Old man eppo doesn't think about these things anymore, so this might also be what is going on.

No TV after, stretch, stay hydrated and a big meal followed by sex with someone or yourself (what's the difference), can help.

Your a long way from being an old man Eppo. Toughen up!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Adrenalin- cant sleep with it cant live without it" started by superlizard