Forums > Kitesurfing General

Advice on Hydra II kite to learn on a SUP

Created by Danonearth > 9 months ago, 6 Nov 2014
10 posts
6 Nov 2014 6:30AM
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I'm a newbie to kitesurfing and just want to get a good beginners kite and go out and have some fun without getting too serious... I don't want to go out in strong winds, i just want to get the feel of it and have some fun :)

So, I was thinking of getting a Hydra II water re-launchable training kite to use with my SUP

On their website, they show exactly what I want to do...

I'm 185cm, and weigh 85 kilos, and was just wondering if I should get the 300, 350, or 420?


ps. sorry, I am new here and just saw the 'newbie' forum, but I can't delete this post for some reason - it says I don't have permission to...

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
6 Nov 2014 10:37AM
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I have a 3.5m2 trainer (imp) and it can just drag my feet in sand a few cms when diving thru power at about 20kts - I'm 95kgs. It's a heavy pull / good workout above 15kts. Would be plenty to get a sup cruising downwind from 10kts.

WA, 1525 posts
6 Nov 2014 1:00PM
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Even though these kites are water relaunchable it might be more challenging than you think. if you ride an SUP downwind it will pick up speed very fast which will make you loose power and stall the kite easily especially in low winds. If you crash this trainer with forward speed, the lines will go slack and the kite will tangle and won't relaunch. Riding a SUP cross-wind with a kite is not as easy as it looks. You need to be able to edge the SUP well which is the main challenge.

Looks like fun but a good challenge for a beginner.

As for sizing it depends on where you plan to use it and in what winds?

WA, 1392 posts
6 Nov 2014 1:04PM
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It's acronym is SUK for a reason.

10 posts
6 Nov 2014 3:20PM
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westozwind said..
It's acronym is SUK for a reason.

Lol! I was wondering that myself ;)
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cbulota said..
Even though these kites are water relaunchable it might be more challenging than you think. if you ride an SUP downwind it will pick up speed very fast which will make you loose power and stall the kite easily especially in low winds. If you crash this trainer with forward speed, the lines will go slack and the kite will tangle and won't relaunch. Riding a SUP cross-wind with a kite is not as easy as it looks. You need to be able to edge the SUP well which is the main challenge.

Looks like fun but a good challenge for a beginner.

As for sizing it depends on where you plan to use it and in what winds?

I agree... I actually don't think my SUP will edge enough - it seems like a cool, fun idea, but in reality, like you say, might just be more of a hassle...

10 posts
6 Nov 2014 3:22PM
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kiteboy dave said..
I have a 3.5m2 trainer (imp) and it can just drag my feet in sand a few cms when diving thru power at about 20kts - I'm 95kgs. It's a heavy pull / good workout above 15kts. Would be plenty to get a sup cruising downwind from 10kts.

Thanks, Dave :) I was thinking that would be a good all-rounder... I had a friend say I should only get kites that I can use with a harness later on, so I might look at them - do you use a harness on your SUP?

WA, 1874 posts
6 Nov 2014 5:23PM
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Whatever you do - while your playing on it.. Noob or not, you "will" be classified as a Kitesurfer and Bound by the same Marine rules and regulations !!!

Please read what you can and can't do at the beach you intend using - so we don't get Banned from there if you go dropping the kite on people... In the name of Fun

WA, 8407 posts
6 Nov 2014 6:58PM
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Fone made the source a sup lei kite, no top end pretty sure it was based on a 2 line wipika,

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
7 Nov 2014 8:42AM
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I've never tried it but I might one day now I own a sup.

Haters gonna hate but if say I was camping at our favorite spot with a massive shallow lake, why not mess around when winds too light to Kite?

WA, 78 posts
8 Nov 2014 10:09AM
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Hey Dan
I found it quite easy to "SUP Kite" with a 10m Neo and Fanatic Prowave in about 7knots.
yes you can edge with a sup. i recommend just getting a good light wind Kite with excellent relaunch.

Here is a video i put together of my dad "SUP Kiting"

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
8 Nov 2014 2:30PM
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Nice vid Billy that's a gorgeous spot you have there.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Advice on Hydra II kite to learn on a SUP" started by Danonearth