Forums > Kitesurfing General

Ambulance at Safety Bay?

Created by SammyJ > 9 months ago, 31 Dec 2010
WA, 570 posts
31 Dec 2010 7:39PM
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So I heard an ambulance tended to a kiter at the yacht club where WA surf operate from. Apparently he got pretty messed up... Any accurate info from actual witnesses would be helpful.

To all those blowins that have taken over the locals grassed area in front of new youth hostel please take note that this is a warning to you all. When locals only used this area I never saw a kiter launch on the grass in amongst the pines ever. My last session there a few weeks ago a French guy walked up and asked me to land him on the grass, I refused and asked him to go back to the beach and do what everyone else does in the designated launch and land area. Anyway he decided to self land and made my blood boil. I took that as a lack of respect towards a local and I haven't returned while the circus is in town. I drive past regularly on errands and now it appears to be the norm to launch there, I've seen local instructors assist launching which I find concerning.

Good luck to those that continue with this irresponsible behaviour

Rant over, beer time. Happy new years dudes, stay safe.

WA, 27 posts
31 Dec 2010 11:33PM
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what time was that, was down there out the back with a mate from 4 on wards, didnt see an ambulance but it may of been earlier, did see a couple out of controls guys heading towards the pines.

WA, 96 posts
1 Jan 2011 1:07PM
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I live down S/Bay way and depending on the actual date you may be thinking of:

(a) (I'm not sure if an ambulance was involved); or

(b) ... (which had nothing to do with kiteboarding).

Have you made your views known to the people at WA Surf? I actually doubt they can control what happens on public land/space. I know they are very conscious of safety and risk etc.

WA, 570 posts
1 Jan 2011 1:11PM
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This incident happened in the last 3 or 4 days. All I've heard is that a kiter lost control and got dragged into a parked car smashed his face up and got knocked out. His kite ended up half way across Safety Bay Rd.

No I haven't spoken to WA surf, don't really intend to, Won't go into that. I only referred to them so ppl can relate to where it happened, I'm not saying it's a got anything to do with that school. I haven't launched over that side since the school started operating there, but I see alot of visitors go from there.

QLD, 417 posts
1 Jan 2011 3:39PM
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let me guess people launching in front of the yacht club , to lazy to lauch on the beach and finish on the beach,

kit ends up on road . hits car , more kite carnage and more membership price hicks

= more idots need to be told to pull theirs heads in like brighton over xmas

WA, 13 posts
1 Jan 2011 10:32PM
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Its true.. it happened on thursday 30th...

I actually pulled up alongside another car in the yatch club car park, put the car in park left it running and jumped out to speak to a mate quickly. As I got to the front of my car, i saw this guy launch his kite on the grass. Straight away I knew he was in trouble and couldn't believe my eyes, as he threw the kite through the power zone and pulled hard on the bar totally out of control.

He was coming straight at me, there was nothing I could do but jump out of the way. He hit the kerb of the car park, which threw him head first into the car next to me, dragging him under until he was thrown into my car, trapping him momentarily. It was at this point I was able to flag his kite, which threw it into the middle of the road and around a street sign. Without thinking and worried the kite would start lopping out of control and launch him again, I stupidly I ran to the middle of the rd without looking and grab his kite, only to see cars up my ass...

I have to say, its one of the worst things I have seen kite surfing and I was really concerned for him, as I honestly thought he was done for as he smashed into the car less than a meter from me head first... I must say I was impressed by the guys at the shop, they had a first aid kit and was on the phone to the ambos in seconds.... you guys controlled the situation well (I am assuming you guys were from the shop).

I totally agree with the comments below, why launch there?? is the laziness to carry your kite a hundred meters really worth your life or having kitesurfing banned in the area???

I really do hope the guy is alright and I would like to know if this is the case as he didnt look good at all.


WA, 570 posts
1 Jan 2011 11:26PM
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Thanks Andrew, much appreciated.

I hope he is ok and makes a speedy recovery. This is a timely reminder for those that are getting complacent, it can happen to anyone and your ignorant if you think otherwise.

To those that I commented on above that are now launching on the locals grass area, you maybe skilled kiters but equipment failure can happen anytime. If a gust hits, a knot slips off a larkhead or line snaps for example you too could suffer a similar incident.

Play it safe in 2011

Cheers Sam

WA, 87 posts
2 Jan 2011 8:35PM
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Everyone use to launch and land there years ago when the old jetty was there.
Good to see bad the bad practice stopped.

WA, 147 posts
2 Jan 2011 9:35PM
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Local or Euro ??

WA, 27 posts
2 Jan 2011 10:19PM
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It doesn't help that there is a compressor there for people to inflate their gear quicker, i have seen many guys in the last few months inflate their kites, launch then walk down to the pond, then walk back and land when they are finished, i am only a newbie but see this as flaunting with danger. As the recent episode has shown, how many more this summer before someone changes this culture.

Leroy B
WA, 139 posts
2 Jan 2011 11:06PM
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Great to see people concerned with safety, kiters especially get complacent.

Tho the term 'Local' / 'I'm a Local' sustains tensions from Cronulla to Israel. You get more respect and maintain a better vibe when you talk to people as they like to see themselves - as individuals rather than blow ins, rubber necks and euros.

Anyway it's been as windy as sh#t this last week, time for some recovery!

QLD, 6123 posts
3 Jan 2011 9:42AM
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what about a sign on the compressor to say a condition of it's use is that you have to launch on the beach?

WA, 153 posts
3 Jan 2011 12:52PM
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How about the school stops launching and doing kite demo on the grass

WA, 995 posts
3 Jan 2011 1:42PM
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I don't see how it has anything to do with the school. They take all of their students to the beach to launch/land.

Who was the guy that got himself hurt? If he wasn't a student of the school I can't see how it has the slightest thing to do with them. They don't own the public land adjacent to their rental shop.

If you'd like to see the area next to the yacht club made off limits for rigging/launching/landing, then write a letter to the counsel as it's their land.

What ever happened to personal responsibility? It's a bummer that this guy hurt himself, I hope he pulls up ok, but it was his decision to rig there and his inability to handle the situation that happened.

Take care of yourselves and have fun.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Ambulance at Safety Bay?" started by SammyJ