Seriously I have never seen someone pull so much steering line in to try to relaunch a kite. That line could have wrapped around anything so much of it was being pulled past the bar. I think its a bit of a stretch to blame the kite design for this one.
Hey Christian,
Now that you mention it, last downwinder I did I saw you crashing your kite just where the waves break near brighton, I saw your kite invert but you did recover and even flew the kite up again, did you use the same technique? as far as I recall you were flying an XR4 7m if that helps refresh your memory.
Always liked your posts cbulota. Thanks for taking the time to write them.
Is there a good video / written tutorial on what exactly happens when a kite inverts and how to save it? I haven't grasped that concept.
And releasing your loop and resetting would be pretty hard wouldn't it? Something happened and my safety released last year in ~25knots. Trying to keep my board and keep my head above the water in the swell all well struggling to reset was too much for my abilities, even after ditching the board. I self-rescued to the beach instead.
From Memory there is a video kicking around with a guy showing the same technique of releasing your saftey as quick as possible to uninvert the kite, quite good
I have a 2014 North bar (running it with 4 lines).
DO I add the 5th line to manage this risk, but in doing so increase the probability of a tangle in the waves?
That's chilling. The sound of your footsteps when you come ashore remind me of Poe's Tell Tale Heart!
Seriously, this video is great in that we are all taking time to think about and tweak/improve our technique and gear. Thank you for posting this and it was good to see a smile at the end.
Thanks a lot for sharing the video Christian. It's a great reminder of what you gotta do when s hits the f.
As a noob, i would probably try to pull centerlines as hard and as fast as i can if i saw invert and see if lines are ok before letting the kite "re-invert" and relaunch. But here i didn't see wrap till kite semi powered which was almost 2 late.
While looping, i would too try to pull that already tensioned line and try to flag the kite sideways but for a really short time. Depends what's downwind. And eventually let go of the kite if all fails.
Well, now i see where can 1 line flagging be better than 2 line (my switchblades, IDS versions)
But i have never been in 20+ kts so i have no idea what would i do.
Also, deff agree on short leash, not just for accessibility but also it gets sometimes over the bar when i try to self launch. 2 long and really annoying, like i am going for 720. I will shorten it somehow.
Don't ever let your kite invert twice. Where I kite in Bali, an inversion happens a lot. I get a bit sick of it. And you can't just fly into the shore and fix it. When it inverted this time, I got it sorted but the lines were still sort of inverted. But it was all working properly, so I just kept kiting. Very very bad move. When it inverted the second time, it wouldn't flag out because the lines were twisted too much. When it started death looping, I thought I was a goner. I was using a 17m kite and the wind had picked up to whatever. I was dragged at least 500m like a popper lure. Most of the time underwater and the occasional breath when I popped out. When I finally got rid of the lot, my boatman was still back about 500m or more. Anyway, a long long way back. so remember: don't give your kite the chance to invert twice. And now you mention it, I'm off to get a short leash.