Hi, looking for advice on potential destinations to learn to kite in Asia. I have never kited before so need somewhere that offers lessons and gear hire. Also will be going with my gf who isn't interested in learning so destination needs to have other things to do besides from kiting. Keen to go somewhere in Asia besides from Bali (already been there so want to go somewhere new) in July.
thanks in advance,
Kiting is completely banned in Asia as of last week, so I wouldn't bother
What is this for nonsense.
Kiteboarding is going strong and definitely NOT banned here in Asia. Nice fairytale.
Try Sumatra! Beautiful and unspoiled. PM me for more information.
we’ve just opened a kite school and a kite camp in a new spot in north of Sri Lanka, on the Mannar Island at Adams bridge. Our spot has a great blue sea and soft sandy bottom.
It's a perfect spot for beginners, in most areas the water is flat and just waist deep up to a kilometer offshore !
The main season is from june to the end of september, we have wind every day and all day from 20 to 30 knots ;-) so July is the perfect time !
In Sri Lanka you can also find cultural and ancient sites, tea plantation, or do a safari tour !
For more info you can visit www.abkitesurf.com or send me a PM.
Theres just one spot you need to go to.. Its Sanur in Bali. June-August is their windy season, accommodation is available right next to the water, lessons are brilliant, my brother and daughter both learnt there ( fast learning curve with these guys ) and flights are the cheapest!! Just google bali_kitesurfing and speak to Jankie, he can organise the lot.
ps Im going for the whole of June. Wherever you go, go carefully and enjoy.
How about this? Just a short 20 minute flight from Denpasar - Bali to Banyuwangi in East Java and then an one hour drive to the spot. Bring your small kites because Tabuhan Island sees around 20 knots of wind from May until the end of October.
Wow a place at Adams bridge. I've always wanted to check out that island chain. Looks amazing on googlemaps.
I keep note of your place.
Hi there,
If you want to learn kite and also have other stuff to keep busy the Miss then for sure Bali is the place to go..
There are many kite camps now in Indo coming up but they are all in remote areas so no much to do either then kiting!
In Sanur there are now 6 Kite schools mostly owned by locals. They offer good service and quite affordable.
You can check my web site for more infos:
Well remote area's in Indonesia is just a positive factor. You want to kite? Right?
We definitely have other things to do besides kiting but that is not your desire. You can SUP every morning and see monkeys or Monitor Lizards. Maybe swim in our nature caves or hike in the jungle to pristine beaches. If that is not enough you can always take surf lessons on world class waves and enjoy the scenery what is breathtaking over a sunset and love the Indonesian Kitchen. Still not enough? We will help and give you all the options available here.
Maybe your week of stay will be too short.
Sumatra with the strongest winds in Indonesia due to the Venturi effect will blow you away.
Pm for details.
Winds in Sumatra are great and the Season is kicking in.Winds 15 knots to 30 knots and chilling on beach with a top accommodation 50 m from the beach.
Pm me for more details.