Forums > Kitesurfing General

Bring back NoBs

Created by sloberchops > 9 months ago, 10 Feb 2014
WA, 13 posts
10 Feb 2014 9:25PM
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NoBs is a bit of a tool, but I do love his political correctness. He makes me laugh and I've been getting a bit bored, I'm so bored I've signed up to stand up for our mad ass NoBs. Bring back NoBs please.
he's not always right but sometimes he tells it how it is and says what we are thinking sometimes.
If you can't bring him back, can we at least know when he is coming back?

WA, 179 posts
10 Feb 2014 9:37PM
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^^^ something a bit fishy!! You only joined in Feb, yet you like the NoBs posts?? But yep bring him back

WA, 13 posts
10 Feb 2014 9:48PM
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i joined up more for adding a post about the answer to our shark problem. i was originally going to start a post about shore hugging kook's that don't understand right of way for people entering the water. i went to take off after waiting for the hoards to pass and some kook was right there when i went to dip my kite to gain some speed before a wave came in, i had to pull out got smashed by the wave and got dragged up,the beach after flicking my kite away from the tool, ended up being dragged up the beach. next day nearly the same thing but a got a apology wave and he tacked straight out to give me room, and i got safely out(thanks really appreciated it), not all a kook's. but i think some of them think they are save from sharks if they bare 10 meters of the shore.
have a read of the shark idea, and you'll see I'm not NoBs.

WA, 13 posts
10 Feb 2014 9:53PM
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Has he been kicked out or just put on Ice?

3777 posts
10 Feb 2014 10:03PM
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Whats wrong with KoBs find him amusing retaliate firing bullets at bigots. Find some resilience on the forums and you want to ban him?

Weldone KoBs

Bit of subjective criticism never hurt no one !

ACT, 2174 posts
11 Feb 2014 2:01AM
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sloberchops said...

Nobs, sloberchops .......................... eye c!

WA, 4263 posts
11 Feb 2014 8:50AM
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Can't wait for NoBS to spread the Aloha once again.

Of course, there's a fine line between being an amusing troll or an insufferable bigot.

the gibbo
WA, 776 posts
11 Feb 2014 10:08AM
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waveslave said..

Of course, there's a fine line between being an amusing troll or an insufferable bigot.

That is by far the most profound thing i have ever seen you post, your slipping wave

WA, 54 posts
11 Feb 2014 10:13AM
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He does seem to liven things up around here even if others dont like it.. i have copped a serve from him once, however it made sense what he was saying .. enjoy your rest Mr Nobs.. maybe we will see you again sooner or later..

WA, 1103 posts
11 Feb 2014 10:20AM
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the gibbo said..

waveslave said..

Of course, there's a fine line between being an amusing troll or an insufferable bigot.

That is by far the most profound thing i have ever seen you post, your slipping wave

Absolutely. Slave & I have disagreed on many issues over time, but this time round, it's 100% agreement.

QLD, 699 posts
11 Feb 2014 2:26PM
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NoBS = Captain Goodvibes

NSW, 325 posts
11 Feb 2014 4:00PM
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WOW! I don't believe what I am have to be kidding.

WA, 96 posts
11 Feb 2014 1:05PM
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Don't encourage him, he doesn't need it.

WA, 4 posts
11 Feb 2014 4:29PM
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Sloberchops, are you NoBS in a clever disguise?

WA, 790 posts
11 Feb 2014 5:09PM
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PigBenis said..

Sloberchops, are you NoBS in a clever disguise?

Are you NoBS?

67 posts
11 Feb 2014 5:18PM
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Underoath said..

I heard the army kicked him out. What was that about?

The Sargent said, "Go on Patrol you N.O.B'" ALL NOBS heard was; "GO ON YOU TROLL"

Without Skype, he just keeps adding more layers to his camouflage

3777 posts
11 Feb 2014 5:21PM
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QLD, 2433 posts
11 Feb 2014 7:49PM
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Anyway we know who he is now. So I guess he can't hide behind his anonymous login.

Has anyone met the bloke in person. His name is JP??

Word on the street is he used to be an old kite surf instructor here in Perth.

Who, rumor has has a real bad Internet history!

534 posts
11 Feb 2014 5:55PM
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Plenty of nobs on the interweb but theres only one true Nobs.

Bring back the biff and bring back the Nobs

WA, 12 posts
11 Feb 2014 7:00PM
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PigBenis said..

Sloberchops, are you NoBS in a clever disguise?

I like you

67 posts
11 Feb 2014 7:49PM
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mikehunt said..

PigBenis said..

Sloberchops, are you NoBS in a clever disguise?

I like you

Watch out his schizophrenic alias may comment on his own post again to generate some humour for himself again

WA, 73 posts
11 Feb 2014 10:19PM
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Does anyone actually know Nobs? Is he a wan>er in real life or just on the internet?

WA, 908 posts
12 Feb 2014 2:38PM
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Back from my holiday....

Underoath may need to rename himself to 'Miss Marple' for the amount of time he has spend trying to work out who NoBS is..


WA, 908 posts
12 Feb 2014 2:45PM
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sloberchops said..

NoBs is a bit of a tool, but I do love his political correctness. He makes me laugh and I've been getting a bit bored, I'm so bored I've signed up to stand up for our mad ass NoBs. Bring back NoBs please.
he's not always right but sometimes he tells it how it is and says what we are thinking sometimes.
If you can't bring him back, can we at least know when he is coming back?

I am back old mate Sloberchops... Apparently we share the same computer..

QLD, 2433 posts
12 Feb 2014 5:44PM
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Great to see you back Nobs

WA, 908 posts
12 Feb 2014 3:46PM
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dont you mean JD or Sloberchops or Mikehunt ect.

WA, 9581 posts
12 Feb 2014 4:38PM
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Hi there nobs...

WA, 82 posts
12 Feb 2014 6:18PM
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NO !

WA, 13 posts
12 Feb 2014 6:53PM
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Welcome back NoBs, can you tell our wife I'll be home late. gone for a light winder. Oh tell her to feed the dog, I want my normal kite tomorrow.
How was the holiday????

WA, 175 posts
12 Feb 2014 7:40PM
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mikehunt said..

PigBenis said..

Sloberchops, are you NoBS in a clever disguise?

I like you[/quote

PigBenis and Mikehunt. Together at last. Its meant to be!

WA, 306 posts
13 Feb 2014 12:05PM
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For some reason this clip made me think of nobs haha


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Bring back NoBs" started by sloberchops