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CPR ( below bar depower) bar - half suicide mode

Created by gone-kiting > 9 months ago, 1 Oct 2019
3 posts
1 Oct 2019 8:58PM
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Hi everyone.

Would this set-up for riding unhooked still be as safe as attaching the leash to the safety line and the chicken loop ( standard half suicide)?
In theory this (the one in the picture) half suicide set-up would completely depower the kite in case of losing the bar ... I think.
Also I think it would be a softer landing for the kite .
What do you think, please let me know.
I could connect the usual way to the safety line ( at the back of the quick release) to the chicken loop through an 8 ring but I thought might as well take advantage of the below bar depower system and looks cleaner too.

QLD, 3668 posts
2 Oct 2019 6:54AM
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For your safety it's awesome. But for other kiters it's dodgy, as if you eject then someone else might cop your kite in their face.

Where as if you semi suicide with the ring through the loop, then your kite just flags out.

3 posts
2 Oct 2019 8:56AM
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Select to expand quote
Thanks for the reply but I don't understand what you mean.
How is it different for other kiters the way it sits in the water?

2129 posts
2 Oct 2019 10:10AM
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I would have thought that with the safety attached to the depower rope it would ensure that the kite is as depowered as possible if you miss the bar. If you had regular suicide on then the kite would only be as depowered as you had it set as, so I see where you are coming from.

I think the Naish kites around 2010 vintage used to have a similar system, dont think its still in existence now though for some reason... not sure why

Here s pic, you can see the eyelet where you are supposed to clip your safety:

3 posts
2 Oct 2019 12:29PM
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Well at this point the question is :
Is 100% de-powering as safe as flagging the kite throughout pulling the safety line ( one of the middle leading edge lines) ?
Also what could go wrong in each cases if gusty winds or waves ?

2129 posts
2 Oct 2019 3:17PM
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I thought you wanted a suicide option, but didn't want to fully commit.

The best option is to connect to your safety line always. Best for safety, and best for not slamming your kite into the water

Unless you are doing unhooked stuff and don't want your safety line engaging every time you drop the bar, then you go suicide so it's not so much of a rigmarole to get your kite back in the air after a crash.

37 posts
8 Oct 2019 1:39PM
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See you asked this a week ago, have you since tried the regular semi suicide mode?

Hooking to the loop makes it alot quicker to relaunch if you do drop it among the waves, they don't have to be that big either to roll the kite.

There's a big throw on these bars too if you push the stopper right up. I've never had a problem with the kite staying powered up after crashing. Just remember to attach your lines to the appropriate knots so you don't have to pull a heap of depower to unhook comfortably (or you'll lose some of that throw).

I found it's a skill in itself after crashing to save the kite before it slams. Pulling in the leash & holding the loop with one hand while steering the kite to 12 with the other before hooking back in. I'm an amateur at this & still figuring that bit out.

Feels safer in semi suicide mode too, you can still release & flag the kite which you can't do when leashed to your depower. Less chance of losing the detachable LF chicken loop too

Hope you figure it out mate, it's such a rad feeling having the whole power of the kite through your arms.

Wanga F One
QLD, 231 posts
8 Oct 2019 6:53PM
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Hey gone kiting. There is so much length in that model bar attaching like you have shown is no problem. You would not be able to fly the kite with "full depower" and still be able to steer. I think you will find it's what the manufacturers call 90% flag out.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"CPR ( below bar depower) bar - half suicide mode" started by gone-kiting