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Canine Kite Rescue Service

Created by pbphotoswa > 9 months ago, 3 Dec 2008
WA, 95 posts
3 Dec 2008 10:58PM
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This is a new rescue service on offer at Woodies.
If you get into trouble you can wave to the beach.
The kiting canine is then brought out to you.
He will then kite all your gear back to the beach leaving you free to swim in safely.
Fortunately he was just practicing while I was there and there were no real emergencies for him to attend to.

WA, 228 posts
4 Dec 2008 5:17AM
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Is he also trained to look out for knob head kiters who think they own the beach and when he spots one he runs over while they`re landing their kite and rips it to shreds?
Can he act as a guard dog and chase any poleys, fisherman, swimmers, jet ski users, etc from my beach?

NSW, 418 posts
4 Dec 2008 9:31AM
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great shot!

he must swim out regularly to put a handle on the little fella.

watch he doesn`t get eaten by a noa!

VIC, 1395 posts
4 Dec 2008 11:09AM
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with that in her hand she can do four different grabs at once.

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
4 Dec 2008 9:28AM
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Haha, Thats a classic shot Paul.

I love the handle. I've rescued two dogs in the past. My own Shephard x Kelpie after he panicked and thought I needed rescuing in the surf. He swam out in 4 foot surf and was almost drowned when I got to him. Managed him back to the beach and had to tie him up.

Second was in Hawaii with Jeff Tobias' Golden retriever, he too thought I was in trouble and swam out 3-400 metres through the surf. I didn't even see him, but heard the whining and yelping. Same thing, had to kite hm back in too, not easy coz he was a bigger dog. Just put him over my lap in water start position and grabbed him with one arm and rode back to the beach. I left him with a kindly and attractive lady to mind on the beach.

Gotta love dogs. Always prepared to risk their own life to save you

Good winds,

<Love the handle LOL.>

WA, 88 posts
4 Dec 2008 12:30PM
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Usually the dogs are right, you must have been in some strife mate.

QLD, 4083 posts
4 Dec 2008 1:49PM
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What he said, were you kooking out or something Darren?

WA, 250 posts
4 Dec 2008 2:29PM
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WA, 762 posts
4 Dec 2008 3:50PM
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'Woodie' is also known for policing the point from unwanted 'blow ins!' or tourists!

Check out this video for the evidence and beware his bark is nothing to his pit bull strength bite!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Canine Kite Rescue Service" started by pbphotoswa