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Cobbler advice

Created by Juddy > 9 months ago, 1 Apr 2008
WA, 1103 posts
1 Apr 2008 10:59AM
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Lucky me...on good Friday I was kiting @ Point Walter & managed to get stung by what I think was a cobbler.

I got 'jabbed' on the top/side of my right foot - the barb bounced off a bone & fortunately, didn't go all the way in, but just enough to leave some pretty horrible poison in my foot.

On the day, I managed to get my foot into a bucket of almost boiling water for a good hour or so, but ended up at a GP getting a local anesthetic. That was great but only lasted for about 45 mins & then I was on to a few too many pain killers for the rest of the day...

Anyhoo, that was a week & a half ago...the 'spot' where I got stung is still itchy & a tad inflamed. Is this normal or can someone with previous cobbler experience suggest what to do please? It's certainly not painful, just friggin' itchy.

Any advice greatly appreciated.


WA, 1790 posts
1 Apr 2008 1:25PM
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Ive been stung heaps of times, if it gets red and blows up I think that is infection so maybe see a doc and get some anties, but if it is just red cause your growing new skin, and not painfull if you don't touch it should be good. As with all injuries if it is getting worse by itself, then see a doc!

Ben De Jonge
WA, 819 posts
1 Apr 2008 7:31PM
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Juddy, if you've got an itch, just scratch it.

WA, 773 posts
1 Apr 2008 7:33PM
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wat is a cobbler??never heard of them...pic??

VIC, 484 posts
1 Apr 2008 11:11PM
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it's a guy who makes shoes dude. they hide under the water and stab you in the feet with poisoned shoe knives

WA, 1441 posts
1 Apr 2008 10:09PM
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rofl you went to the doctors.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Cobbler advice" started by Juddy