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Custom rope slider

Created by toppleover > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2014
QLD, 2056 posts
23 Mar 2014 4:51PM
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Hey all, has anyone using a custom rope slider bought or made a hook with roller setup similar to the dynabar, I've been experimenting for a while now & thinking if I can't get my set up to run smoother but still keeping the bar within reach - I might have to grab a dynabar V8 when they come out.

Anyone tried one of these vvv


NSW, 126 posts
23 Mar 2014 9:48PM
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Neat looking bit of gear, however the rope may not stay on the roller given the varying direction of pull, also may not be large enough at other end to release safety loop cleanly. that idea on purpose built design would be awesome I would think. I got dynabar V7, can't really fault it as yet, though quite heavy.

WA, 724 posts
24 Mar 2014 3:08PM
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Here is my setup, two caribeners brazed together with the spring closing stops removed. Its an old pick, I shortened th rope so it is fairly tight and used knots and bobbins rather than splicing it so it is alot easier to replace the rope and to tension it.

Works like a charm and not much wear at all on the rope, used it all season.

QLD, 2056 posts
24 Mar 2014 8:00PM
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Slashrockson said..

Neat looking bit of gear, however the rope may not stay on the roller given the varying direction of pull, also may not be large enough at other end to release safety loop cleanly. that idea on purpose built design would be awesome I would think. I got dynabar V7, can't really fault it as yet, though quite heavy.

I gave the revolver a miss & ended up just adding a Ronstan pulley and stainless ring to hook the CL to, hopefully get to try it out tomoz.

NSW, 126 posts
24 Mar 2014 10:00PM
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That looks the goods, simple and low friction, assume rated to take the weight, be interested in the outcome.

QLD, 2056 posts
9 Mar 2015 10:22AM
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Slashrockson said..
That looks the goods, simple and low friction, assume rated to take the weight, be interested in the outcome.

Works great, still on the same rope - so that's almost 12 months now.

Now thinking of getting a Dynabar V8 so I can try unhooking, anyone have the V8 and can comment on if its worth the $$$

QLD, 2060 posts
9 Mar 2015 11:23AM
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toppleover said..

Slashrockson said..
That looks the goods, simple and low friction, assume rated to take the weight, be interested in the outcome.

Works great, still on the same rope - so that's almost 12 months now.

Now thinking of getting a Dynabar V8 so I can try unhooking, anyone have the V8 and can comment on if its worth the $$$

I am curious. How did it handle when the tension on the ronstad went sideways along the rope? What's the advantage of that?

WA, 858 posts
9 Mar 2015 10:47AM
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You don't need a pulley at all according to the latest Dynabar 8 video and others who are in the know. In that video they demonstrate a dual fixed hook / sliding rope combo. They have both fixed hook and rope in place and the rope simply has a stainless steel ring on it that the chicken loop goes through. I was told you don't even need a ring and can even more simply put the chicken loop directly over the rope.

NSW, 2707 posts
9 Mar 2015 1:50PM
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toppleover said...
Slashrockson said..
That looks the goods, simple and low friction, assume rated to take the weight, be interested in the outcome.

Works great, still on the same rope - so that's almost 12 months now.

Now thinking of getting a Dynabar V8 so I can try unhooking, anyone have the V8 and can comment on if its worth the $$$

Worth every cent.
Grab yourself a spare elastic and rope slider while you're at it.
They don't wear out fast, but they are a wear item.

QLD, 2056 posts
9 Mar 2015 12:54PM
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snalberski said..
You don't need a pulley at all according to the latest Dynabar 8 video and others who are in the know. In that video they demonstrate a dual fixed hook / sliding rope combo. They have both fixed hook and rope in place and the rope simply has a stainless steel ring on it that the chicken loop goes through. I was told you don't even need a ring and can even more simply put the chicken loop directly over the rope.

Yes, your right - you don't need the pulley but after a couple of seasons using just a shackle/ring or CL hooked straight to the rope, I much prefer the pulley + there is virtually no wear now.

Just can't unhook with my set up.

NSW, 262 posts
11 Mar 2015 10:40AM
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snalberski said..
You don't need a pulley at all according to the latest Dynabar 8 video and others who are in the know. In that video they demonstrate a dual fixed hook / sliding rope combo. They have both fixed hook and rope in place and the rope simply has a stainless steel ring on it that the chicken loop goes through. I was told you don't even need a ring and can even more simply put the chicken loop directly over the rope.

Why connect straight to the rope with the chicken loop?
You will make more work for yourself, instead of replacing the rope you would need to replace the chicken loop also.
Can not understand that thinking?

WA, 858 posts
11 Mar 2015 12:11PM
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^^ That was my first thought but the advise I received was that wear on the chicken loop wouldn't really be an issue


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Custom rope slider" started by toppleover