Forums > Kitesurfing General

Does anybody have an old Naish octopus bladder?

Created by goog64 > 9 months ago, 22 Nov 2019
NSW, 22 posts
22 Nov 2019 11:57AM
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I would love to have (buy?) a couple of valves off it if you aren't using it anymore please? I bought a Naish kite for my son to learn on, but three of the male valves have torn so they cannot be reglued. If you have some spare I would really appreciate it so I could glue them on and get him back on the water. Thanks, John.
They look like this....

WA, 490 posts
22 Nov 2019 10:53AM
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You can get them here

NSW, 22 posts
22 Nov 2019 4:15PM
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Yes, thanks. Sorry I should have mentioned I know about stick on valves, but three of those cost the same as the kite. Hoping to find some used valves much cheaper (and yes, I know they probably won't last very long).

NSW, 24 posts
22 Nov 2019 5:52PM
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From my experience once an octopus system has reached a certain age it will just keep breaking (valves peel off, crack, disintegrate, ...). If you have enough spare time I'd convert it to a standard system with rubber hose connections, which will also add redundancy as the kite keeps flying when a single strut deflates.

NSW, 22 posts
22 Nov 2019 7:12PM
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grouchytiger said..
From my experience once an octopus system has reached a certain age it will just keep breaking (valves peel off, crack, disintegrate, ...). If you have enough spare time I'd convert it to a standard system with rubber hose connections, which will also add redundancy as the kite keeps flying when a single strut deflates.

Thank you. If I can't find some old valves, I will go the cheapest easiest option of converting it to completely separate struts and leading edge (old school multiple pump up points).

WA, 816 posts
22 Nov 2019 11:30PM
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grouchytiger said..
From my experience ...

Grouchytiger thats awesome.......that's exactly what I have done a few times...Goo... yeeeah may as well multistrut it and it will work out for free with plugs .hope u find some

NSW, 22 posts
23 Nov 2019 8:43AM
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timmybuddhadude said..

grouchytiger said..
From my experience ...

Grouchytiger thats awesome.......that's exactly what I have done a few times...Goo... yeeeah may as well multistrut it and it will work out for free with plugs .hope u find some

Thanks mate. Going to start on it now. I'll pull off the internal valves and glue some old bladder material over where the holes are. Then glue some sort of fabric over the openings inside the kite.

QLD, 1079 posts
25 Nov 2019 9:41AM
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goog64 said..

timmybuddhadude said..

grouchytiger said..
From my experience ...

Grouchytiger thats awesome.......that's exactly what I have done a few times...Goo... yeeeah may as well multistrut it and it will work out for free with plugs .hope u find some

Thanks mate. Going to start on it now. I'll pull off the internal valves and glue some old bladder material over where the holes are. Then glue some sort of fabric over the openings inside the kite.

I've done this many times. You don't need to sew or place a material over the connecting hole from LE to strut bladder. The pressure of pumping the bladder to being firm is not enough to cause the bladder to pop-through the hole, as it's quite small, especially when the LE gets pumped last. But if you're paranoid, like I was, get a piece of thin plastic sheet like those on plastic manila folders, cut a 2 inch diameter circle, sand the edges to smooth and push it into the strutt and place it just over the hole. It will sit there and provide a barrier between the two bladders.If you're still after the valves, I have dozens of them from all the Octopus kites I've converted. Some still have life. PM me.

QLD, 581 posts
25 Nov 2019 7:26PM
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Those are glued to the leading edge bladder?

NSW, 410 posts
Site Sponsor
26 Nov 2019 12:39PM
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Would rather rip my fingernails off slowly than repair an Octopus system...

QLD, 1079 posts
27 Nov 2019 6:57AM
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KPSS Used said..
Would rather rip my fingernails off slowly than repair an Octopus system...

I hear ya. But some of those old Naish kites are brilliant and it would be a shame to throw them away. Personally I loved the low end grunt of the Cult kites. They looked and flew great.

QLD, 1079 posts
27 Nov 2019 6:58AM
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iandvnt said..
Those are glued to the leading edge bladder?

Are you referring to the plastic barrier bit? No. No need to glue it.

WA, 8407 posts
27 Nov 2019 3:33PM
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NorthernKitesAUS said..

KPSS Used said..
Would rather rip my fingernails off slowly than repair an Octopus system...

I hear ya. But some of those old Naish kites are brilliant and it would be a shame to throw them away. Personally I loved the low end grunt of the Cult kites. They looked and flew great.

You spelt cu#t wrong twice ' crap and pleasure as well in your response ' check your autospell

TAS, 171 posts
29 Nov 2019 8:29PM
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They still do look and fly great. My 2009 never repaired 9 metre last summer and still going great. Also proof you can kite in Tas just in your boardies


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Does anybody have an old Naish octopus bladder?" started by goog64