Forums > Kitesurfing General

Enjoy work

Created by Gazuki > 9 months ago, 17 Sep 2018
WA, 1363 posts
17 Sep 2018 5:18AM
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Being the proper cant that I am I just thought I would inform you all that today is my last day at work as I'm off to Exmouth for three weeks.

You enjoy work ok

WA, 9449 posts
17 Sep 2018 7:24AM
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Yu total can't.

See you there Sunday

WA, 1363 posts
17 Sep 2018 8:37AM
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QLD, 548 posts
17 Sep 2018 10:45AM
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Green death

WA, 8407 posts
17 Sep 2018 9:05AM
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Gazuki said..

I was almost jealous until I seen you crap beer and forcast

WA, 9449 posts
17 Sep 2018 12:01PM
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ouch.... oh well got plenty of green death to get through I suppose.

WA, 1363 posts
17 Sep 2018 12:04PM
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Would rather green arrows, its almost like the wind knows I'm coming.
It's ok, we'll have my boat for a fish or a wave. Should get some wind, starts to crank Mon.

WA, 8407 posts
17 Sep 2018 12:25PM
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Gazuki said..
Would rather green arrows, its almost like the wind knows I'm coming.
It's ok, we'll have my boat for a fish or a wave. Should get some wind, starts to crank Mon.

You could call into dongtown
fine beer and wind,

WA, 9449 posts
17 Sep 2018 12:30PM
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Gazuki said..
Would rather green arrows, its almost like the wind knows I'm coming.
It's ok, we'll have my boat for a fish or a wave. Should get some wind, starts to crank Mon.

yeh Monday looking okay, so is Tuesday....Yeh go for a fish, hit yardie creek outer break for a wave...plenty to do.

SA, 84 posts
19 Sep 2018 10:14PM
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We are heading up there for the first time next week. What is the water temperature like? Wetsuit needed? What size kites are most common on a twinnie?

Looks like an awesome part of the world, really looking forward to it

SA, 84 posts
21 Sep 2018 7:12AM
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Thoughts on kites to take?

WA, 126 posts
21 Sep 2018 6:04AM
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StKKiter said..
Thoughts on kites to take?

take the whole quvier if you can , most days will be above 15 knots and a pretty high likleyhood of >25. No real need for a wetty but sun cover is a must

SA, 84 posts
21 Sep 2018 7:16PM
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Thanks Stella, I will bring all my kites.

WA, 1363 posts
23 Sep 2018 5:14AM
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StKKiter said..
Thoughts on kites to take?

Don't know about kites but we have the boards covered

VIC, 885 posts
23 Sep 2018 12:07PM
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Nice set up looking to do it in my van with a zodiac next year. Any pointers greatly appreciated

VIC, 885 posts
23 Sep 2018 12:07PM
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Nice set up looking to do it in my van with a zodiac next year. Any pointers greatly appreciated

WA, 1363 posts
23 Sep 2018 5:07PM
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Yeah give me a bell if you want
Zero 44849tripplezero6

1357 posts
23 Sep 2018 5:49PM
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Gazuki said..

Thats $300 worth of hard yakka, almost cost neutral


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Enjoy work" started by Gazuki