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Fins for Underground Firebird mutant

Created by Flying Kiwi 7 months ago, 25 Jan 2024
Flying Kiwi
WA, 258 posts
25 Jan 2024 8:23PM
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Yesterday one of the rear surf fins broke on my Underground Firebird (2006) so I am hunting to see if anyone has any spares or can recommend a replacement. I love the board as it is great for messy waves. The fins are labelled 'Underground surf 100 mm' and have 3 screws that tighten from top of the board, I have not seen other brands using this style.

if you have any or can point me towards someone who does I would appreciate it.

QLD, 799 posts
26 Jan 2024 6:09AM
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U could try messaging/emailing Adrian from Axis who used to be Underground...prolly through Axis website? I have dealt with him before, very obliging guy....might be worth a try??

Good luck bro

WA, 1536 posts
26 Jan 2024 8:45AM
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We have this Mutant fin set in stock. Spacing between the M6 screw holes is 20mm

You'll have to buy the whole set but it's quite cheap and include free shipping

hope this helps

Christian - KiteBud

Flying Kiwi
WA, 258 posts
27 Jan 2024 8:00PM
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Thanks Christian, they look perfect! I will order a set, i can try using the 85 mm for a session once in a while.

WA, 770 posts
27 Jan 2024 8:43PM
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Congratulations Christian !

WA, 738 posts
21 Feb 2024 9:50PM
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Hey Gav! Long time, no see. Just saw your post. I still have my Underground Mutant too, but don't really use it any more. I think somewhere I still have the fins, You are welcome to them if I can find them. A few years back, I replaced my rear fins with surfboard fins. Worked heaps better. You can have those too! Let me have a look around tomorrow. In fact, you can have the board as well!

Let's catch up soon!


Flying Kiwi
WA, 258 posts
2 Mar 2024 10:16AM
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Hi Rob, thanks that would be great to see you next time you are down the coast. I chatted to Adrian from Axis and he thought he had some old fins but it was easier to get the AK fins locally. The fins are working well, I just need to adjust to the Perth beach break waves and do some downwinders to work out the angle. We were lucky at Longy with the swell out the back, if only it had the wind like here!

WA, 738 posts
5 Mar 2024 6:41PM
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Yeah, have to say, the setups around Sydney were amazing -- too bad about the wind! What an irony -- Butterbox is still my favourite place for a kite ever. Coros is nice, but the waves are really different with less top to bottom power in them. Wow, those trips we used to make around from Narrabeen to Longy and then back again tacking 2km out to sea to get back upwind. Lucky no one ever died. And how about that time I tried to retrieve your board out the back at Longy and managed to release the harness clip and lost my entire kite, lines, harness and everything and it all blew onto Dee Why beach fully powered up and got tangled in a picnic table or something and I had to swim in all the way from the bombie! Lucky no one tried to untangle it before I got there and ended up getting flung on top of a block of units down the back of Dee Why!

Loads of wind here, but like today, no point in kiting if it's 25 knots and dead flat, like it's been for much of the summer this year. And lots of the time, no wind as well. Hope next year is better. You get spoiled with the wind here. In Sydney I was happy to be flying my 17m Slingshot Fuel most of the time on the water and here I can hardly be bothered to go out if I have to put up something bigger than an 8m!

I've looked high and low for those fins and I can't seem to find them. I had a backpack full of surfboard fins and I thought they were in there but not to be. I took them off when I replaced them with the surfboard fins and have clearly put them somewhere really safe, so not even I can find them!

Next time I'm down in Perth (16 April) I'll bring the surfboard fins I adapted for the Firebird and you can try them. I used a couple of old Evo fins with a steep rake and lots of flex. I liked them heaps better than the stiff ones that came on the Firebird. I thought they'd snap off it but never happened. I used some long thin stainless screws to hold them on after cutting off the FCS plugs and then pre-drilling the holes and putting some big washers on top of the deck. I have a new set of the Evo fins if you want those as well. My surfing days I think are pretty much over with my stuffed shoulders and my kiteboard is set up with Futures slots in them.

Hope all's well. Will be in touch.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Fins for Underground Firebird mutant" started by Flying Kiwi