Forums > Kitesurfing General

First time at Happy Valley

Created by aKrup20 > 9 months ago, 28 Jan 2011
3 posts
28 Jan 2011 9:48AM
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Hey guys!

I've just gotten into Kitesurfing and I want to test out my new gear. I've seen plenty of people kiting at Happy Valley and I was wondering if there is anything I should look out for or be aware of before I head out there this weekend?


QLD, 43 posts
28 Jan 2011 7:33PM
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the biggest thing to look out for is the tide. with the stong out going tide if you cant relaunch your kite very well its a good chance you might get taken out the back of the bar. and you could very easily loose your board,

3 posts
28 Jan 2011 7:14PM
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Hmmm alright well thanks for that! I'll keep it in mind and try not to lose my board first go! I'll start off in the shallows, I think that will be the best bet!

Thanks again!

QLD, 271 posts
28 Jan 2011 10:30PM
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Mate the current really rips out at happy valley. If your not proficent head to any of the more northern beaches to take advantage of the se winds. It might look like a sweet spot to kite but you can get into a lot of trouble if you dont know what your doing. Look at the section of beach from currimundi to kawana, if it turns to shyt you can still swim to the beach safely and not washed 2k out to sea.

Big eeeZeee
NSW, 1100 posts
28 Jan 2011 11:34PM
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orynoco said...

Mate the current really rips out at happy valley. If your not proficent head to any of the more northern beaches to take advantage of the se winds. It might look like a sweet spot to kite but you can get into a lot of trouble if you dont know what your doing. Look at the section of beach from currimundi to kawana, if it turns to shyt you can still swim to the beach safely and not washed 2k out to sea.


Rhys McClintock
NSW, 995 posts
28 Jan 2011 11:44PM
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QLD, 2043 posts
28 Jan 2011 11:20PM
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Agree about potential dangers at Happys but there is a fair bit of swell around ATM and it,s forecast for 25-30 SE tomorrow, not sure about sending a noob to northern beaches either.

Either hit Happys at low tide when current is slowing or try Golden Beach / Lake Weyba etc, at least there will be other kiters around.

QLD, 178 posts
29 Jan 2011 1:27AM
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Saturday is probably not the best time to try your new gear out at a new spot.....but then again, maybe it is? From one noob to another, i would hit Golden Beach considering the forecast, nearer low tide would be preferable if you can't hold your ground, or go up wind. And you can always check out Happy Valley before or after your session, I'm sure it will be quite busy with 25-30 knts forecast. For a kook like me, watching some of the local riders is quite inspiring and a lesson in itself. Personally, with 30knts, all that traffic and the ripping current, I would be worried about getting way too loose and wrapping my kite around another.
But not knowing your ability, sit and watch for awhile, then make a call on location.
Enjoy, wish I could get out Sat, but Sun will have to do for me

QLD, 87 posts
29 Jan 2011 8:12PM
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you will be in the way as I have observed lots of intermediate kiters who do not "look"
great spot if you really know what you're doing

3 posts
31 Jan 2011 7:52AM
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Thanks for all of your advice. I took the safe option and went out to Brighton. Turned out to be a really good weekend. I'm still pretty keen to check out Golden Beach and make my way up to Happy Valley when I get better.

QLD, 1051 posts
31 Jan 2011 11:00AM
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Lake Weyba (Lake Weyba Dr) Map 18 L15-16
Shallow starts can stay in waist deep for fair distance.
Need assistance launching - (Park / grass launch area - with trees to shoreline)
Having said that, some of the solo launch techniques are great to watch.
Nice bunch - good for building time.

Cheers AP

QLD, 2057 posts
31 Jan 2011 9:35PM
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After a weekend of kiting mayhem and lots of fun....

If you are a novice and you are gonna kite at Happies remember these things.

1. Ask a local about the tricky current and the rocks and be able to body drag upwind and self rescue. HV is a wicked current and a treacherous bar. Combined they will eat you.

2. Don't kite on an incoming tide.

3. If you aren't using your kite for a while, wind your friggin lines up and stick them behind your kite.

4. Don't try and teach your mate there. You'll kill them and then we'll kill you.

5. If you are rescued by the clubbies or the jetski, you must buy them a case of Tooheys Extra is compulsory

6. If every one else is kiting on 7's and 8's, don't pump up your 12. We won't launch you.

7. Look at everyone's tack. Kite parallel to the crowd not downwind through a dozen tracks.

8. Be aware of the correct safe launching techniques. If the guy holding your kite falls over YOU ARE TOO FAR UPWIND.

9. Don't kite downwind of the steps near the toilets. There is nowhere to come in if you f%#k up.

10. If you are learning to jump, stay outside the narrow channel. The regular locals (read Andy etc) inhabit that area and need a bit of space.

Caloundra locals are a happy friendly bunch but tire quickly of people who over estimate their ability and draw attention to their noobness. It's not the lifeguard's job to nanny the noobs and rescue their gear.

QLD, 178 posts
1 Feb 2011 10:26AM
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Bigwavedave said...

2. Don't kite on an incoming tide.

Sound advice Dave.
I have never kited at Happy Valley, only ever watched.
I'm from Brisbane and did my lessons at Golden Beach (with a local Caloundra shop), and have returned to Golden Beach a few times since for a session.
Every time I do venture up that way for a kite however, I always take a bit of extra time and go and watch at Happy Valley. Cant say I took much notice the first couple of times which way the tide was running, but definately noticed it was ripping out at a far speed the last couple of times, and I assume this was an outgoing tide.

So a total noob question here, but why not kite on an incoming tide?
Just wanting to learn the in and out's of the area. Again, I have no local knowledge, and very much a beginner (started in Nov 2010), but I would have thought that if the current wasn't ripping out through the bar that this would be a little safer? Appreciate you clarifying this for me.
Just for the record, I know my own ability, and although stoked with my progression to date, I dont plan on kiting HV anytime soon, maybe next season


harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
1 Feb 2011 1:38PM
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yeah...why not the incoming tide ?

Outgoing tide and decent swell on that bar can make for a nasty experience as the tide ( coming out of the broadwater mouth ) pushes you out while the surf pushes you in you end up going nowhere in a pea soup.

Obviously the outgoing tide is better as it adds a few knots and this is when most use HV, but what is dangerous about the incoming tide ?

kiter zac
QLD, 295 posts
1 Feb 2011 12:52PM
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i think the reason behind that is the tide comes in too fast so you would need very strong wind to hold your ground. dont think very strong wind would be very suitable for a beginner kiteboarder.

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
1 Feb 2011 2:00PM
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^^^^ yeah that was about the only reason I could think of. ( you lose knots )

QLD, 2057 posts
1 Feb 2011 8:03PM
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So a total noob question here, but why not kite on an incoming tide?

The tide moves at up to 6 knots. Incoming tide means holding ground is near impossible and downwind of the launch area is rocks, jetties and boat moorings.

Just watch how many locals kite there and when.

Incoming tide means no power (wind speed - tide speed) and loss of equipment.

QLD, 178 posts
1 Feb 2011 8:28PM
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Cheers, thanks for clarifying that point

QLD, 9 posts
1 Feb 2011 8:52PM
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orynoco said...

Mate the current really rips out at happy valley. If your not proficent head to any of the more northern beaches to take advantage of the se winds. It might look like a sweet spot to kite but you can get into a lot of trouble if you dont know what your doing. Look at the section of beach from currimundi to kawana, if it turns to shyt you can still swim to the beach safely and not washed 2k out to sea.

washed 2k out to Bribie?
talking from experience Andy??


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"First time at Happy Valley" started by aKrup20