Forums > Kitesurfing General

Foot hooks

Created by warwickl > 9 months ago, 19 Feb 2017
NSW, 2282 posts
19 Feb 2017 5:07PM
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I would like to make a foot hook for kite foiling and my board has only single holes in line.

Any ideas how to make a simple hook so I can test if it will work for me?

WA, 395 posts
19 Feb 2017 6:58PM
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warwickl said..
I would like to make a foot hook for kite foiling and my board has only single holes in line.

Any ideas how to make a simple hook so I can test if it will work for me?

I'm pretty sure that Plummet made one from a nylon chopping board cut to shape and then heated and bent into the required angle.

QLD, 42 posts
19 Feb 2017 10:40PM
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You can make one from a yoga block. Cheap, easy to make and work with. Met some peps who had them on their surfboards. Dont know if that will serve your purpose on your kite foil?

4862 posts
20 Feb 2017 12:05AM
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Steal a chopping board from the kitchen
cut with drop saw or jigsaw
sand edges
drill mounting holes
put in vice.
Heat with heat gun.
bend into shape
cut up an old wet suit to make it comfortable
install. job done.

VIC, 563 posts
20 Feb 2017 4:49AM
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wombles said..
You can make one from a yoga block. Cheap, easy to make and work with. Met some peps who had them on their surfboards. Dont know if that will serve your purpose on your kite foil?

could be possible to find out the type glue they used?

QLD, 42 posts
20 Feb 2017 5:37PM
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No glue. Two holes were drilled into foam block to pick up foot strap holes in board. Then step drilled from top to fit washer size. Block / foot hook was then just screwed to board.

QLD, 6493 posts
20 Feb 2017 7:42PM
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Pretty sure I remember reading on here there guy who made the Predator hooks still had some, even very recently...

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
20 Feb 2017 9:33PM
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Slingshot just came out with some too, might work out cheaper than NSI

NSW, 452 posts
21 Feb 2017 7:59AM
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Kamikuza said..
Pretty sure I remember reading on here there guy who made the Predator hooks still had some, even very recently...

Predators are the go. From memory it was Strapped selling them.

QLD, 60 posts
21 Feb 2017 7:12AM
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Skateboard shops.

NSW, 171 posts
21 Feb 2017 11:50AM
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Still got a few left, PM me if you want some. Years ago I offered this to both the above companies and they weren't interested, strapless was the future I was told, yet lots of the words in their blurb were in my proposal. Both those products look like the prototype I made about 12 yrs ago. Both have built in the same flaws into their design as I did. The new ones I have made delete the problem of tearing inserts out, much more streamlined just need $$$ and time to make another go of it.

NSW, 452 posts
28 Feb 2017 8:21PM
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Predators from Strapped are the best. Far superior to the foot/sky hook ccopies.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Foot hooks" started by warwickl